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Venting Thread

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  • #16
    Dcb (2) puked not 5 min after mom and dad left twice on my livingroom floor. He had not eaten anything this morning, only had a bottle full of milk according to mom. It must have been chocolate milk because the vomit was brown like nestle quick. I have been trying for over an hour to get a hold of mom and dad at work. Their cell phone is off, main office number is busy. I sent a text to their boss....we will see....

    I wish they had family in the area so I could contact someone else, but they have no one that I am aware of. GRRRRRR. Now my tummy is queasy (it's all in my head, I know).


    • #17
      So yesterday I had a new child start in daycare. She shows up over an hour late and then hangs around for 30 min before leaving. Alway helpful. NOT! so then this morning as I send my husband off to work at 6:15 I sit down with a cup of coffee and start to enjoy the next hour of quiet time before my first child is to arrive. I no sooner sit down and there are headlights in my driveway, my phone sends me a text. It's the same parent who was late yesterday, asking me if I'm up and ready. They are here. What was I suppost to say? "No I'm still sleeping." It better get better from here.


      • #18
        That's when you text back. Sit tight, I'll text when I'm ready for you. Our contract is for 715am drop off but I'll text as soon as I'm ready.

        Then sit down drink your coffee go back to bed if you want. Do your normal routine. Text them when you open. At regular time.
        Originally posted by B Lou View Post
        So yesterday I had a new child start in daycare. She shows up over an hour late and then hangs around for 30 min before leaving. Alway helpful. NOT! so then this morning as I send my husband off to work at 6:15 I sit down with a cup of coffee and start to enjoy the next hour of quiet time before my first child is to arrive. I no sooner sit down and there are headlights in my driveway, my phone sends me a text. It's the same parent who was late yesterday, asking me if I'm up and ready. They are here. What was I suppost to say? "No I'm still sleeping." It better get better from here.


        • #19
          Don't open your door til the contracted time, you have with them, opening times


          • #20
            DCB mom is on maternity leave, father took 3 weeks paternity leave. Well her leave is coming to an end and DCB has come EVERY DAY!!

            Its not that I dont want him here but I dont understand why his mom with some time off of work wouldnt want to spend a day with him. I know she has a new baby...but seriously I started doing dc again when my newborn was 2 weeks old.

            I just wish her last week she would say she was going to keep XX home one day to spend sometime with him. I dont get it!!!

            When I brought DD to dc anytime that I wasnt running errands or working I was picking her up, even calling in sick to work when I missed her too much to send her to dc.

            After reading the carrying thread...this boy fits


            • #21
              I'm registered, but logged out cause pretty sure families can figure me out! I broke my little toe last nite and it hurts soooo bad. I went to urgent care and sat for 2 1/2 hours before been seen. Urgent care hours were over before I was seen, so now it's considered an ER visit It's really hard to keep up with a 1 year old when you can barely walk. Is it Friday yet?


              • #22
                SIL thinks she can pay when ever............what ever...........Any other kid it would have been bye, bye. Child was here an entire month before she desided she was going to pay. It has been another month and she made the comment I'll have to get to a bank soon and get you paid up(do you think). Oh she did sign a contract that I read to her and explained to her. I had to say something to get paid the first time and she made some comment like "Oh, you NEED money." My husband and I don't absolutly NEED my daycare income, but it is how we get ahead and have extra. She gets a invoice every week.............I can almost see if they were strapped for cash, but they aren't.


                • #23
                  today a dcm says to me her husband notices my son had bumps on his arms. she said her son, who doesnt come to me anymore has a rash and they took him to the dr. I told her my son has bugbites that he scratches like crazy. just annoying that i have to defend myself and my child. she wasnt mad, but still! mind ya own!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Nellie View Post
                    SIL thinks she can pay when ever............what ever...........Any other kid it would have been bye, bye. Child was here an entire month before she desided she was going to pay. It has been another month and she made the comment I'll have to get to a bank soon and get you paid up(do you think). Oh she did sign a contract that I read to her and explained to her. I had to say something to get paid the first time and she made some comment like "Oh, you NEED money." My husband and I don't absolutly NEED my daycare income, but it is how we get ahead and have extra. She gets a invoice every week.............I can almost see if they were strapped for cash, but they aren't.
                    Is there a contract that she signed?? Stick to your contract!! Write up a letter or tell her, she needs to pay every week, or late fees will be applied. BE STRONG!!!!


                    • #25
                      DCG has a rash and DCM sprayed her with lavender oil today in case it was from bug bites. The oil is suppose to deter them from biting?

                      Me <------- violently allergy to lavender so I feel like my head is going to pop off if my brain doesn't drain out of my sinus's first.

                      That all would be fine except DH's parents are coming tomorrow and I'm having a full blown allergy attack instead of cleaning my house.


                      • #26
                        I HATE the smell of lavender, HATE. My niece loves it and uses it in her room.

                        I would have put the child in the kitchen sink and washed the lavender off.


                        • #27
                          I actually washed her off and washed her clothes but the damage was done and I couldn't get the smell out of the house. I took them outside 4 times yesterday to get some relief even though it was chilly. Then I took benadryl when the kids left and was fast asleep by 8pm. Poor dh wanted to watch a movie but I was done.

                          We're up bright and early to get the cleaning done for the inlaws now.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Meyou View Post
                            I actually washed her off and washed her clothes but the damage was done and I couldn't get the smell out of the house. I took them outside 4 times yesterday to get some relief even though it was chilly. Then I took benadryl when the kids left and was fast asleep by 8pm. Poor dh wanted to watch a movie but I was done.

                            We're up bright and early to get the cleaning done for the inlaws now.


                            Don't you guys have a no scent law in NS?


                            • #29
                              why do you walk in my house talking about "yea, daddys off today, but mommys not!" and how your other kid has cavities so only give this one 100% juice no hawaiian punch. -- Its not, its crystal light, sugar free. ---still, just juice. grrrrr!!!!!!!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by nannyde View Post

                                Don't you guys have a no scent law in NS?
                                We do but I've never had to enforce it. All gov't buildings are scent free and alot of businesses. It's not mandatory for regular businesses though. More of a courtesy at this point since so many other places are scent free.

                                My DC families are well aware of my allergies at the interview stage so this is the first DCK induced allergy attack I've had. Good times. I don't allow scented wipes, lotions, diapers or other products in my home because they make me miserable. This family has been here for 3 years and just had a brain fart I guess.

                                Dad apologized again today. When he picked up his kids the other night, another family was here and as soon as they saw me Mom exclaimed," OMG! You are so sick! Why didn't you call us to come get DCB?" I told them it was allergies and that I was 25 minutes from drugging myself into a happy benadryl stupor so all was well in my world. Lavender dad hung around until they left to apologize several times.

                                He won't be bringing anything stinky ever again. :: I will add it to my PHB for the next contract renewal though.

