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  • #16
    Originally posted by Crystal View Post
    I find this whole OP to be suspect. Really, just how does a ten year old get your login info, etc?
    But, I'll play along.

    All your fault. Honestly.

    1. The child was left unsupervised, long enough to go unseen logging onto your is your job to supervise the children.
    2. The money situation never should have gotten so far.
    3. YOU, an ADULT, called a TEN YEAR OLD a BITCH.....certainly she shouldn't have been on your computer logging into your FB account (again, your fault) But, knowing you called her that makes me wonder and worry about your working with children at all.

    The parent has every right to be agry, to remove her child and IMO not pay you a cent for her notice. Honestly, I don't think you should even pursue the other fees. And, if it were my kid, you'd be the one having your ass handed to you.

    I totally agree with you.


    • #17
      But my real question is, did I actually violate any rules that would cause my license to be revoked? Because that's what the mom wants, and she swore on my voicemail that she would see my daycare shut down.
      Yes you did do something wrong. This, I'm sure is a very basic regulation, and I'm going to quote it as it is written for my area:

      Harmful actions not permitted:

      A licensee must ensure that child, while under the care of supervision of the licensee, is not subjected to any of the following ...


      (c) harsh, belittling or degrading treatment by an employee or another child, whether verbal, emotional or physical, that could humiliate the child or undermind the child's self respect;


      Guess what your comments did.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        Reading your post, she is 10 and that is not a age you have to be right on top of her.
        This kind of thinking is what lands a provider in a BAD deal with school aged kids.

        They DO need constant supervision. These aren't kids of the sixties or seventies that go outside and ride bikes all day... play kick the can... and get a drink out of the hose. These are kids that have their own cell phone and text all day at the age of TEN. These are kids who CAN easily get into adult content when the adult is busy minding the little ones.

        This HAPPENED. It's real life.

        We need to wake up and realize that this generation of school agers can be DANGEROUS and completely ruin a child care business... your LIVLIHOOD in one day while you are putting a couple of kids down for a nap.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Thank you all, that is sort of what I was expecting. The computer was shut OFF, so I don't really consider that making adult content accessible. It happened during the time when I was cleaning up from lunch in the kitchen and putting the toddlers down for a nap in the other room. And the 10 year old girl has a cell phone that she is allowed to call and text on all day long.
          With the surveyor, I want to be up front of course, I don't feel like I have anything to hide. My error was human, and my intentions were completely innocent. But should I call her now, wait until she contacts me, write her an email explaining what happened, or just wait and see what happens?

          You are right it was not accessible, but hopefully the 10 year old learns to respect the privacy of others since she didn't get that at home.

          I would email as a fyi to let them know you have a disgruntled parent, and ignore the negative comments; could have happened to anyone here. No one foresee's a ten year old getting into your account. Even if you saw her leave the couch you could have just thought she went to the bathroom. You're talking about a 10 year old, !


          • #20
            So, the computer was OFF? The amount of time it takes for a computer to be turned on, boot, have the internet accessed, log on to a FB account, read private messages, call mom is far to much time for you to not have checked on the matter their ages, no matter what you had them doing and no matter what you were doing.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              You are right it was not accessible, but hopefully the 10 year old learns to respect the privacy of others since she didn't get that at home.

              I would email as a fyi to let them know you have a disgruntled parent, and ignore the negative comments; could have happened to anyone here. No one foresee's a ten year old getting into your account. Even if you saw her leave the couch you could have just thought she went to the bathroom. You're talking about a 10 year old, !
              No, it could not have happened to anyone here. It could not and would not happen to me.


              • #22

                I'm sorry that you're in the predicament that you're in right now. I just wanted to start off by telling you that.

                You couldn't have anticipated that a 10 year old would do something like log into your facebook especially with the computer turned off. I wouldn't have considered that a child that old would do something like that! I think that the 10 year old behaved in a way that I would expect from a 2 year old! It sounds like the 10 year old has major impulse control issues and she seems like a sneaky kid as well. You'll be much better off without that family in your life.

                I don't think that you'll get shut down or have your license revoked because of the situation. If you get a visit from a licensing agent, just have all of your ducks in a row. Make sure that you have the information regarding the amount that the family owes to you and make sure that the dates for the past due amount are noted. At least you will be able to show the licensing agent that the parent owes you money and that the parent might be looking for a way out of paying the money.

                Do you have your facebook password remembered? If you do, then you might want to change it so that your password isn't remembered.

                I'm not going to give you a hard time about what you wrote about the kid because you didn't say it to the child nor did you say it within the child's range of hearing. In fact, it sounds like you didn't say it at all! You wrote it to someone else and it was your facebook account. You were angry and frustrated and you made a remark that was never meant to be heard (or read!) by the child. It sucks that the kid read it but she did and now you have to deal with the fall out from it. Unfortunately, there is really no way to explain why you made the remark about the child and smooth the situation over. You're probably not going to come out of this smelling like roses but I'm pretty sure you'll come out of it with your license intact and you'll have learned a valuable lesson from it. Just make sure that if you do get a visit from the state that you make sure to communicate the large amount of money that this family owed to you and make sure that you have documentation with regard to damages to your door. If you haven't already, save all communications with this family and ask your back up provider if she would be willing to give a statement about what happened the day that you were out. It's important to do your best to keep your emotions in check if you do recieve a visit from the state. It'll be hard, but it will be helpful to you to be as calm as possible.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Crystal View Post
                  So, the computer was OFF? The amount of time it takes for a computer to be turned on, boot, have the internet accessed, log on to a FB account, read private messages, call mom is far to much time for you to not have checked on the matter their ages, no matter what you had them doing and no matter what you were doing.
                  Crystal~ I agree with your next post about it not happening to you because it wouldn't have happened here either but that being said, in my state school age children need only have a provider that is accessible to them should they need something. In otherwords, I am perfectly within my licensing rules to allow a 10 year old to go 5 blocks away and play at the park without me or another adult. Yes, alone. My rules say that the provider needs to be "available" to the child if they should need assistance or adult intervention.

                  I am NOT saying I agree with this rule, but we are allowed to let schoolers go off by themselves, with parental permission, as long as the schooler is aware of how to reach me and get assistance from me.

                  I do not take schoolers any more for this reason. Unlike the laws and rules saying they need less and less direct supervision as they age, I feel like Nannyde said, they actually require more supervision.

                  Supervision, liability and risks I am no longer willing to assume for the exact reason the OP is posting. I do not want to deal with all the "stuff" that comes a long with a 10 year old child who in this day and age is NOTHING like the 10 year old I was.
                  Last edited by Blackcat31; 08-12-2011, 02:57 PM. Reason: spelling error


                  • #24
                    IMO, if a provider is aware that a child is difficult enough that she would call her a b****, then she KNOWS the child needs constant supervision.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Crystal View Post
                      IMO, if a provider is aware that a child is difficult enough that she would call her a b****, then she KNOWS the child needs constant supervision.
                      so true.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                        Crystal~ I agree with your next post about it not happening to you because it wouldn't have happened here either but that being said, in my state school age children need only have a provider that is accessibel to them should they need something. In otherwords, I am perfectly within my licensing rules to allow a 10 year old to go 5 blocks away and play at the park without me or another adult. Yes, alone. My rules say that the provider needs to be "available" to the child if they should need assistance or adult intervention.

                        I am NOT saying I agree with this rule, but we are allowed to let schoolers go off by themselves, with parental permission, as long as the schooler is aware of how to reach me and get assistance from me.

                        I do not take schoolers any more for this reason. Unlike the laws and rules saying they need less and less direct supervision as they age, I feel like Nannyde said, they actually require more supervision.

                        Supervision, liability and risks I am no longer willing to assume for the exact reason the OP is posting. I do not want to deal with all the "stuff" that comes a long with a 10 year old child who in this day and age is NOTHING like the 10 year old I was.

                        Good post, and Crystal is waay out of line and everyone who has done daycare for many years has made a mistake or two.

                        I agree with you, why would you want that liability. I only take small ones, I know where they are and I screen their parents well! We assume enough liability.


                        • #27
                          Tell me, unregistered, how am I out of line?

                          Am I out of line saying that the OP should be constantly supervising a child that she herself calls a b****. Am I out of line stating that anyone who works with children should not be calling them derogatory names and if they are maybe they need to reevaluate their choice of careers? Am I wrong in that the child was left unsupervised too long if she was able to boot, access internet, login to FB, read PM's, call her mom?

                          Forgive me, I guess all of those things are okay.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Crystal View Post
                            Tell me, unregistered, how am I out of line?

                            Am I out of line saying that the OP should be constantly supervising a child that she herself calls a b****. Am I out of line stating that anyone who works with children should not be calling them derogatory names and if they are maybe they need to reevaluate their choice of careers? Am I wrong in that the child was left unsupervised too long if she was able to boot, access internet, login to FB, read PM's, call her mom?

                            Forgive me, I guess all of those things are okay.
                            I've watched school aged kids for many years and never trust them to be left unsupervised. At this age they can be sneaky and I would have termed a child that exhibited such bad behavior issues...way too big a risk!

                            I agree with Crystal and cannot fathom how this child was able to do all of this. That is a lot to's not like the fb acct was left open and she had easy access to it!


                            • #29
                              the thing is, the discussion was taken place after daycare hours, and was between 2 adults and not the child. So what some of you saying is that "you never talk about a child, not even to your spouse" I'm sorry but I find it hard to believe, heck look at some of these posts on this site. Also, this could have happened if the provider went to the bathroom and why does this child have a phone and why is she texting all day. I would leave it be. This conversation took place after hours and it wasn't said to the girl, so what does licinsing have to do with it.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by countrymom View Post
                                the thing is, the discussion was taken place after daycare hours, and was between 2 adults and not the child. So what some of you saying is that "you never talk about a child, not even to your spouse" I'm sorry but I find it hard to believe, heck look at some of these posts on this site. Also, this could have happened if the provider went to the bathroom and why does this child have a phone and why is she texting all day. I would leave it be. This conversation took place after hours and it wasn't said to the girl, so what does licinsing have to do with it.
                                I don't think the state will have a problem with what was said between two adults after hours. I think they will have a problem with the child having access to that conversation during hours.

