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Is It Any Of My Business What Time A Child Goes To Bed?

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  • Is It Any Of My Business What Time A Child Goes To Bed?

    I have a challenging nearly 5 year old. his grandma mentioned at drop-off last week that he didn't get to bed until after midnight. today, his mom dropped him off half asleep and he laid on the couch whining and throwing a fit for a half hour before he snapped out of it. the rest of the day has been a challenge.

    Should I ask the mom what time he went to bed last night? is it even withing my rights to bring it up and ask that they put him to bed at a reasonable hour, or is that getting too much into their business?

  • #2
    I have a child like this as well. She's 2.5 and only gets about 8 hours of sleep per night. Her language and social skills are suffering because of it IMO. I have mentioned SO MANY time to the mom that the best way to get them to bed early is to wake them early instead of letting them sleep in and keeping a routine yadda yadda yadda.....she NEVER listens to a word I say!

    It's pointless I think to say anything. Although it's technically none of your business you have every right to mention something in passing and in a casual way. Maybe something like "hope he gets to bed earlier tonight so he'll have a better day tomorrow...he's grouchy when he's overtired" type of thing. It's really out of your control after that though and don't expect the mom to listen


    • #3
      You can try to educate the parents all you want, but they aren't going to listen. They're going to do what works best for them. That's probably letting the kid walk around, watch tv, etc until they fall asleep on the couch. That schedule is so much easier than actually feeding a child dinner, giving them a bath, and putting them to bed at a decent hour.


      • #4
        I think we all face this issue.... I was having such a horrible time with it a few months back that I actually sent 2 kids home.

        My policy states that all children need to be able to participate in every day normal DC activities and must be capable of being cared for as a group.

        I had kids staying up so late that they were falling asleep on the sidewalk outside during play time, kids that would fall asleep at the table when eating, kids that would be asleep when we were supposed to be at the library and other crazy things like this.

        I finally had enough when a parent got upset with me because the kids did not get outside play time due to other kids sleeping when they should have been awake with the rest of the group.

        I told the parents that I can't be in two places at the same time. If they are sleeping I need to be able to see and hear them, same with outside play time.

        The parents finally got the message when I sent the kids home..


        • #5
          Originally posted by daycare View Post
          My policy states that all children need to be able to participate in every day normal DC activities and must be capable of being cared for as a group.
          I LOVE this policy and I think I'll be stealing it, if it's ok.


          • #6
            ask them but don't be surprised when they tell you its midnight. I can understand once in a while that bedtime is off but why would you want your child up with you past nine oclock.


            • #7
              Originally posted by MG&Lsmom View Post
              I LOVE this policy and I think I'll be stealing it, if it's ok.
              its yours please steal it and use it all you want!!


              • #8
                If the child is unable to participate, I'd say something for sure. Like, "I notice xyz is having trouble staying awake, is there any way you could try an earlier bed time to see if it helps?"


                • #9
                  My policy states that all children need to be able to participate in every day normal DC activities and must be capable of being cared for as a group.

                  I have this same policy and love it!!! I had a mom bring her son once who was covered in hives and swollen due to an allergic reaction to something from the night before... needless to say I called mom 2hrs later to come get him because he was so uncomfortable you didn't want to do ANYTHING but whine and whimper. Felt bad for the lil man... mom came and was upset that day but totally understood the next day.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by pfund2233 View Post
                    My policy states that all children need to be able to participate in every day normal DC activities and must be capable of being cared for as a group.

                    I have this same policy and love it!!! I had a mom bring her son once who was covered in hives and swollen due to an allergic reaction to something from the night before... needless to say I called mom 2hrs later to come get him because he was so uncomfortable you didn't want to do ANYTHING but whine and whimper. Felt bad for the lil man... mom came and was upset that day but totally understood the next day.
                    It’s funny how they get upset when you have to interrupt their day to care for their child because they think it’s no big deal... that is until they have to be the one to deal with it themselves...


                    • #11
                      I have the same policy as daycare. If a child cannot participate in the days activities and stay on routine with us, they are sent home regardless of the reason. They need to be up and happy when everyone else is, napping when everyone else is, etc.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MamaJ View Post
                        I have a challenging nearly 5 year old. his grandma mentioned at drop-off last week that he didn't get to bed until after midnight. today, his mom dropped him off half asleep and he laid on the couch whining and throwing a fit for a half hour before he snapped out of it. the rest of the day has been a challenge.

                        Should I ask the mom what time he went to bed last night? is it even withing my rights to bring it up and ask that they put him to bed at a reasonable hour, or is that getting too much into their business?
                        If his lack of sleep is affecting his behavior at day care and you and the other kids in your care are suffering the consequences of his family's inability or unwillingness to put him to bed at a decent hour, I think you have every right to talk to his parents about the issue.

                        I wouldn't be surprised if nothing changes once you do talk to the parents but I think it would be worth a try. If nothing changes, you need to decide if it's worth it to you to continue to offer care to this boy.


                        • #13
                          I don't worry about it if they are up late. I just put them back to bed when they arrive to finish their nights sleep. A couple of hours of deep sleep, up to play and then down for nap.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                            I don't worry about it if they are up late. I just put them back to bed when they arrive to finish their nights sleep. A couple of hours of deep sleep, up to play and then down for nap.
                            How do you get them back down for a nap?? Mine would be so wide awake because of that morning nap. In fact one of mine was still taking a morning nap and I let the parents know I wouldn't do that with my program because they would miss all the activities and then not want to sleep when nap time came. Has only fallen asleep twice in the mornings (not sleep good in the afternoon) and has always played well in the mornings and slept wonderfully in the morning. So how do you get them to fall asleep if they are wide awake from the morning nap?
                            Each day is a fresh start
                            Never look back on regrets
                            Live life to the fullest
                            We only get one shot at this!!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
                              How do you get them back down for a nap?? Mine would be so wide awake because of that morning nap. In fact one of mine was still taking a morning nap and I let the parents know I wouldn't do that with my program because they would miss all the activities and then not want to sleep when nap time came. Has only fallen asleep twice in the mornings (not sleep good in the afternoon) and has always played well in the mornings and slept wonderfully in the morning. So how do you get them to fall asleep if they are wide awake from the morning nap?
                              ditto this. If they nap in the am chances are they arent going back down for nap at 1:00.
                              I also have class time at 9am or an activity at that time and if the kid comes at 830, they will need to eat first...Which would mean I have to be in two places at the same time.

