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Pimple On Toddlers Butt

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  • #31
    It sounds to me like u don't have children of ur own or u would most likeley been more carefully how u word things because I highly fought u talk to the children and the parents putting their children in ur care I would not want some one with a mouth like ur watching my kids u cant trust anyone how do u kno that one of the other kids ur watching didn't give it to her for all u kno ur passing the germ?


    • #32
      To answer your question.

      I personally work at a pediatricians office as a MA.

      Doctors will prescribe some type of topic lotion/cream for eczema and not antibiotics. Eczema is not contagious and the child would be able to go back to daycare the next day.
      What you are explaining does sound like MRSA and the child would be put on antibiotics.
      The doctor would NOT give the child a note to return to daycare because MRSA is highly contagious!!
      I would also be concern for the other children who are in your care. You are doing the right thing to protect them. If that child does indeed have MRSA, shame on that mother for putting those other children in jeopardy. It’s people like that who start outbreaks!




      • #33
        Originally posted by Michael View Post
        Oh, I see it now. I am going to have to pull out the Forum Cycle thread. It is right on time:
        Good one Michael....LOL !::::


        • #34
          In all honesty it sounds like a boil. However, boils ESP. Ones on the bottom can quickly escalate to something more serious. With a husband as a Dr. I know that drs will often prescribe antibiotics in a situation like this just to be safe while it heals so that a more serious infection doesn't develop.


          • #35
            hand foot to mouth infection

            uhm it's called hand foot to mouth look it up yall my dc kids seem to be getting it back to back =(


            • #36
              Oh wow! I had a dcb in care for a short period who had these huge boils on his bottom! I was completely unaware of MRSA...I used to feel so sorry for him because they would get so sore that he couldn't do his normal daily activities. I'm so glad that this post has shed some light on what it actually could have been. I had never seen anything like it. His mom told me that he was very susceptible to boils in the diaper area. She had actually popped a huge one and he could hardly walk the next day. Poor baby...I wish I had questioned her more thoroughly. She advised he was going to stay with his grandma for a while, and I never saw him/her sad, he was such a sweetie.


              • #37
                dil works in a hospital. she has a small infection in Oct that cleared up fast

                Then in Dec she gave birth and got mastitus then that did not heal and they found she had Mrsa Seems most of us carry it in our bodies. Then dgs got a spot....he was put on an oral antibiotic She had surgery and was in isolation at the hospital

                They worried about me caring for him 1 because I had knee replacement less than 1 year before and the childcare. but the dr said aslong as I followed procedures I would be fine... I gloved for diaper changes and disposed of the diaper properly and washed.... nothing different than I do in the childcare anyway just it was in my ds house.

                They may have not tested for MRSA or the results are not in yet. They start them on antibiotics while they wait on the results. but an antibiotic would nbe needed for a boil that size anyway.
                It:: will wait


                • #38
                  Not for eczema itself, no, there wouldn't be antibiotics, but for a sore that had puss in it and has recently been lanced, to prevent infection now that it's an open sore, yes.

                  So to me, the treatment is proper for the issue. Whether the pimple was caused by eczema though, I can't say because I have no experience with that.

                  I don't think it was a staph infection or anything contagious, though. My thought is a boil. Gross but harmless.

                  And yes, I am aware that this is an old thread but I think the info in it is still important. :-)

