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Pimple On Toddlers Butt

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  • Pimple On Toddlers Butt

    So a 3 yr old DCG here has had this nasty big red pimple on her butt for a couple days. Her mom took her to the dr today because she said it came to a head last night and popped with yellow puss (GROSS!!!!) The mom just told me that the dr said it was some type of rash maybe from her eczema & gave her antibiotics and a cream to put on it twice a day and so she'd keep her home tomorrow. She didnt have a dr's note to prove it.

    I looked online just now out of curiousity what it was and I was finding all these horrible stories about MRSA and staph infections. Sounds like that could be what it is and maybe shes not telling me??

    Anyway, I just called the mom & left a message asking her to bring a dr's note next time to clear her to return & what the official diagnosis was. I would be so mad if my other daycare kids got nasty boils on their skin because she wasn't being totally honest with me. Ugh. Anybody have experience with this? Shes had it before when she was a baby and they thought it was a spider bite.

    Would the dr really give her antibiotics if was just eczema or a pimple like shes saying?

  • #2
    Wow and eewww. I don't have any issues with this type of rash however I have dealt with HFM. Mom denied it and I was too stupid to require a doc note of diagnoses.

    I would call and ask her to call her doc to fax over something stating the outcome.
    Or mom can call tomorrow to get the note before she returns. It makes me do mad that parents don't seem to understand that this is not only a DC but our house
    Last edited by Michael; 04-12-2011, 03:45 PM.


    • #3
      Sounds like a boil maybe? But no a doc doesn't give antibiotics for ezxema.I have that. As long as its not oozing and is covered u should be fine. But I wouldn't definitely require a note


      • #4
        it can be from diapers too (if she is in any) or from it being rubbed like pants, but I get like that on my back depending on which bra i wear. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Just keep the area clean and dry and wear cotton underware.


        • #5
          Now her story changed

          I just talked with the mom and now shes saying that the dr said it could be an infection... not eczema. ERRRRR As soon as I question these people, they start changing their stories. Man oh man.

          The DCG is still in diapers, so I just figured it was diaper rash. But I've never seen a puss filled boil on a toddlers butt before. She also has little tiny red bumps like sand paper all over the other areas. Sooo gross.

          The mom said she'd get a drs note and that she will keep her home till its healed up more. The bump is literally the size of a dime and the head of it is the size of a lady bug with yellowish color. Its really gross. Oh and she cant even sit down because of it. Blech. At least the mom is keeping her home. Shes on vacation right now anyway so no biggie.

          I just bleach cleaned everything JUST in case. Yes Im a germaphobe


          • #6
            That doesn't sound like a pimple. That sounds like a boil. I would require a note from the doc stating WHAT it is. MRSA is NOTHING to mess with.


            • #7
              Originally posted by nannyde View Post
              That doesn't sound like a pimple. That sounds like a boil. I would require a note from the doc stating WHAT it is. MRSA is NOTHING to mess with.
              Boil is what was thinking.


              • #8
                I do have firsthand experience with MRSA. We got a membership to our community center a couple of years ago, and within a month my husband had developed a big red boil on his bottom. It got worse and worse and so inflammed until it was almost the size of an egg. When I felt it, the skin was warm to the touch. He went to the doctor and found out it was a MRSA infection. To treat it, the doctor had to slice open the area, get all of the infection out, and then pack it with gauze. The wound had to be left open to heal because it had to heal from the inside out. I felt so sorry for my poor husband. The numbing shots they gave him around the infected area were apparently the worst pain he's ever felt in his life! The were injecting it right into the inflamed tissue. But they had to do that before they could slice it open.

                After the first place healed, he did have another infection in a close by spot. So he had to go through the entire process over again. It was awful! I'm sure it came from the gym equipment at the community center. When I googled it, that was one of the first places listed where someone can get MRSA from. I don't think your dcg has MRSA. It doesn't sound like that to me. At least you know the mom did take her to the doctor. Otherwise she wouldn't have been able to get antibiotics for her.

                It really sounds like a boil to me. Boils can get nasty and can become infected. And they can have tons of puss/bloody puss in them when they finally pop. It sounds like that's what is going on here. Also, I'm amazed at the way you talk about this poor little girl. Yes, an infected boil is gross, but you're talking about her like she's some hideous, disgusting monster! I'm sure the parents of the kids in your care would love to see this fine example of how you talk about their kids when something is not to your liking. Gross and nasty are not good words to use to describe a condition a little girl has. I feel sorry for the poor baby. Especially if she can't even sit down.


                • #9

                  Sorry - I thought this was a place where daycare providers cant talk to eachother and vent about things that happen in their daycares and get opinions from eachother... and NOT be judged by other "providers".

                  I do not think my DCG is a hideous disgusting monster... I think the huge puss filled boil on her bottom is a hideous disgusting monster! I dont think any provider would enjoy dealing with something like that or the worry of it being contagious.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by MamaBear View Post
                    Sorry - I thought this was a place where daycare providers cant talk to eachother and vent about things that happen in their daycares and get opinions from each other... and NOT be judged by other "providers".

                    I do not think my DCG is a hideous disgusting monster... I think the huge puss filled boil on her bottom is a hideous disgusting monster! I dont think any provider would enjoy dealing with something like that or the worry of it being contagious.
                    Where were you being judged? I can't find it in this thread. :confused:


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by MamaBear View Post
                      I dont think any provider would enjoy dealing with something like that or the worry of it being contagious.
                      If you had said it like that, I wouldn't have said a word. And yes, you can vent here and complain all you want. It's just your wording that came off as offensive to me. One of my daughter's has eczema and her skin feels like sandpaper on her legs and arms. I was just imagining if I had to take her to a daycare provider who had the same attitude as you, and how sad that would be. Kids get skin conditions. She was taken to the doctor. Just request a doctor's note so you can be sure it's not contagious.


                      • #12
                        Oh, I see it now. I am going to have to pull out the Forum Cycle thread. It is right on time:


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Mandy_Jane View Post
                          If you had said it like that, I wouldn't have said a word. And yes, you can vent here and complain all you want. It's just your wording that came off as offensive to me. One of my daughter's has eczema and her skin feels like sandpaper on her legs and arms. I was just imagining if I had to take her to a daycare provider who had the same attitude as you, and how sad that would be. Kids get skin conditions. She was taken to the doctor. Just request a doctor's note so you can be sure it's not contagious.
                          The thing that makes me suspicious that it's just an infection is the moms willingness to keep the kid home for it. If it was MRSA I could see the doc TELLING her... NO daycare period.

                          If it's just an infection and she's getting oral and topical medication.. I can't see too many daycare parents.. even the ones on vacation.. willing to give up daycare for a single sore on their butt.

                          That's the part that doesn't make sense and makes me worry that it actually IS something dangerous like MRSA.

                          This parent may be one to keep her kid home when she is off so I don't know for sure.


                          • #14

                            Michael - that thread is hilarious Thanks for the laugh! I needed that. And yes that is so true, so true.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Michael View Post
                              Oh, I see it now. I am going to have to pull out the Forum Cycle thread. It is right on time:
                              I was thinking about this reading a different thread earlier today... ::
                              Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.

