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Pimple On Toddlers Butt

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  • #16
    My child had a "pimple" in the same area that turned out to be MRSA. It didn't end up as extreme as Mandy_Jane's DH, but we had to go back to the Dr. multiple times to have it drained, and it did develop a nasty, inflamed red circular area around it. I wasn't allowed to have him in contact with other children, take him swimming (obviously), or even to share towels.

    I'd say talk to the DCM and make darn sure that it isn't MRSA!!!!!


    • #17
      Originally posted by MamaBear View Post
      So a 3 yr old DCG here has had this nasty big red pimple on her butt for a couple days. Her mom took her to the dr today because she said it came to a head last night and popped with yellow puss (GROSS!!!!) The mom just told me that the dr said it was some type of rash maybe from her eczema & gave her antibiotics and a cream to put on it twice a day and so she'd keep her home tomorrow. She didnt have a dr's note to prove it.

      I looked online just now out of curiousity what it was and I was finding all these horrible stories about MRSA and staph infections. Sounds like that could be what it is and maybe shes not telling me??

      Anyway, I just called the mom & left a message asking her to bring a dr's note next time to clear her to return & what the official diagnosis was. I would be so mad if my other daycare kids got nasty boils on their skin because she wasn't being totally honest with me. Ugh. Anybody have experience with this? Shes had it before when she was a baby and they thought it was a spider bite.

      Would the dr really give her antibiotics if was just eczema or a pimple like shes saying?
      OMG that's scary! I have a newer child that was brought to me with MRSA same way too pimple/boil on butt! I was told she is on antibiotics at home and also had a cream I had to apply for a week (as it was the end of the breakout) I would ask for a Drs statement simply to protect yourself and your family as well as other kids. I don't know how to put it to the parent tho I am lacking a backbone usually so maybe someone else will have a suggestion for what to say exactly but INHO I would check into this! I have never seen a child on an antibiotic for pimples or eczema! I wouldn't bet money but I bet she's lying to u about that. My childs Dr rarely suggests antibiotics.

      Oh and not to steal your thread but this brings a question I wondered about. Being 1 child has had MRSA on her butt and I am potty training 3 should I get a seperate potty for each or are the lysol wipes good enough between each use (on the toilet seat not rear end ) DCG is ok now I just worry about a possible outbreak in the future with any child.


      • #18
        Try checking out pictures online for Impetigo. I just had a little guy diagnosed with "a form of strep that is external on his skin" according to mom after the appointment. Doing a little research, I'm pretty sure that my dcb has impetigo. One thing about it that I found is that kids with excema have a higher chance of getting it because its basically an infection (caused by strep or staph) that finds it's way through breakage in the skin.

        My dcb has had a nasty cold and his nose was really raw from all the wiping. He now has the a sore looking red rash with a yellowish crust around his nose especially, and red bumps on his thighs and diaper area. He's also on antibiotics and Mom told me she'd be keeping him home tomorrow.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Michael View Post
          Oh, I see it now. I am going to have to pull out the Forum Cycle thread. It is right on time:
          I thought of that thread too when reading this one up above, .

          Mama Bear, FWIW, I didn't think that you were referring to the girl in any negative fashion whatsoever.
          Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


          • #20
            Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
            I thought of that thread too when reading this one up above, .

            Mama Bear, FWIW, I didn't think that you were referring to the girl in any negative fashion whatsoever.
            Thank you soooo much SilverSabre25
            I really appreciate your comment! I really do like coming on here to vent about daycare woes, get advice and share funny stories. Being a daycare provider, its great to chat with other providers that might have the same experiences & chat with 'those' who understand this whole 'daycare world' So this forum is great to meet nice people like you So thank you!!!


            • #21
              Originally posted by Michael View Post
              Oh, I see it now. I am going to have to pull out the Forum Cycle thread. It is right on time:

              pulling out the mouth guard, ear plugs, boxing gloves and hiding in a corner. I'm ready!


              • #22
                I had a little one this year that got MRSA in the diaper area this year, too. It was quite the long, drawn out process dealing with it. The whole family got tested to see if anybody was a "carrier," multiple doctors trips to treat and drain, etc. Fortunately my dcm was able to keep both her kids home for the duration, so no one else here was exposed. I do love my responsible families .

                I definitely would ask for a doctor's note, with the diagnosis clearly stated and treatment outlined.

                Good luck with this!


                • #23
                  ok this is incredibly long post on this link I'm going to share, but it's the one by Marguerite way down at the bottom of the page.

                  i DEFINITELY recommend reading it.


                  • #24
                    Thank You

                    Wow... thanks for posting that. That was really helpful. The mom puts the little girl on antibiotics A LOT. She gets a cold and the mom gets the dr to put her antibiotics. Its extreme and I've asked her if the dr thinks its necessary and she says yes. Shes on antibiotics at least every other month. I wonder if she is over-using antibiotics its making her more susceptible to this type of infection like this story says.

                    The mom is supposed to bring me a note today but she said it says its "inconclusive" because the dr wasnt sure what it was... either eczema, yeast infection or just a pimple. I dont think eczema looks like this or needs antibiotics for 10 days... and I've never seen a yeast infection like this either. I'm just glad shes keeping her home this week in case it is MRSA. The bump is big and there were smaller ones developing near it that look like they might get worse. Shes taking her back to the dr Friday to get re-evaluated.


                    • #25
                      I am antibiotic resistant...I was constantly getting pains in my side and in stomach, the pain would start dull and increase in intensity. I would go to a dr, and they'd tell me it was bladder infection, so they gave me antibiotics.
                      This went on few years, and I remember saying I didn't think I had a bladder infection because I didn't have any other symptoms other than back pain and side pain.

                      One day I was in so much pain, I was throwing up, and passed out on bathroom floor. DH came home to find me, and took me to hospital, realized it was kidney stones. I had been prescribed so many antibiotics including cipro (possible kidney stone culprit?) that they no longer work on me, I was being treated for stuff I didn't have. The urologist who broke my stones up said, NEVER take antibiotics for a bladder infection unless further tests/xrays/ultrasounds have been done to rule out kidney stones and other causes.

                      Dr's are over prescribing antibiotics. It's ridiculous how many doctors prefer to just hand out a prescription after a 2 minute visit. I don't take anti biotics unless my family doctor tells me to, and she usually does not prescribe anything. I also prefer to seek out more natural remedy.


                      • #26
                        My nephew had MRSA on his butt. It looked like a couple of little pimples and only one of them was big. They had to lance it so they could test it to make sure. I'm glad she is staying home and not exposing you.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by morgan24 View Post
                          My nephew had MRSA on his butt. It looked like a couple of little pimples and only one of them was big. They had to lance it so they could test it to make sure. I'm glad she is staying home and not exposing you.
                          I don't know a whole lot about MRSA...just seen it on TV and know how you can get it. Why does it always seem to come out on the kids' bottoms???:confused:


                          • #28
                            It's what I call an 'underwear rash'. He just isn't wiping well enough. Either help him out or let him take little wipeys around so to be sure he cleans up well. Try putting a mild ointment (any diaper rash cream) on his bottom and it should heal up fast.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by MamaBear View Post
                              So a 3 yr old DCG here has had this nasty big red pimple on her butt for a couple days. Her mom took her to the dr today because she said it came to a head last night and popped with yellow puss (GROSS!!!!) The mom just told me that the dr said it was some type of rash maybe from her eczema & gave her antibiotics and a cream to put on it twice a day and so she'd keep her home tomorrow. She didnt have a dr's note to prove it.

                              I looked online just now out of curiousity what it was and I was finding all these horrible stories about MRSA and staph infections. Sounds like that could be what it is and maybe shes not telling me??

                              Anyway, I just called the mom & left a message asking her to bring a dr's note next time to clear her to return & what the official diagnosis was. I would be so mad if my other daycare kids got nasty boils on their skin because she wasn't being totally honest with me. Ugh. Anybody have experience with this? Shes had it before when she was a baby and they thought it was a spider bite.

                              Would the dr really give her antibiotics if was just eczema or a pimple like shes saying?
                              i had a child with the exact same thing he is 8 mos old and showed up with a big zit on his butt it was so bad it had a bruise because it was soo sore... ifelt terrible, but im positive its just a zit her mother is a dr...


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
                                I thought of that thread too when reading this one up above, .

                                Mama Bear, FWIW, I didn't think that you were referring to the girl in any negative fashion whatsoever.
                                I didn't either!

