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  • #31
    2 summers ago I bought the small trampoline with the enclosure made for 1 child at a time ages 2-6, that year when my licensor checked in she said I had to put it away or get rid of it that it wasnt allowed
    Kids were all pretty bummed


    • #32
      For those of you who only allow your children on it, do you let them jump on it while daycare is there or do they have to wait until daycare is gone for the day! If you allow them to jump while daycare is there how does that go over with the kids and their parents??


      • #33
        Originally posted by Meyou View Post
        I'm looking for a few opinions on trampolines and daycare. My kids (7 and 12) desperately want one this summer. First off, the details of my situation and the rules we will follow.

        Insurance WILL cover the trampoline in my yard as long as it has a safety net and bumper pads with it.

        I will have a one child at a time rule.

        I will have a no trampoline without a grownup outside rule.

        Both these rules are in place for other things and we had no rule breakers last summer.

        It will be used primarily by children 7 and up during naptime.

        Children 4 and up will be allowed turns only when I am physically at the trampoline. These are very physical 4 year olds...I have 4 of them here. They run, climb trees, swim, ice skate and are generally rough and tumble kids because we spend alot of time outdoors.


        Just adding that in the summer we spend 9:30am to 1pm at a nearby lake for swimming lessons and just fun beach times. Kids under 5 nap from 1:15 to 3:15 and then get time in the yard from 3:30pm to close. All of these rules have been in place for the pools in the yard for the past 2 years and this crew of 4 year olds has had no trouble following them. I trust them which is one of the only reasons I'm considering the trampoline.

        So opinions, thoughts? I'm very undecided about it primarily because I've heard so many trampoline horror stories. My one person at a time rule was made for that reason.
        I have one. I had to have an enclosure and also a lock on it so that they could not enter it without my knowledge. You can buy expensive trampoline locks, or do what we did. We went and bought 2 bicycle chains and link them together and then string it thru the opening of the enclosure. But check with licensing first!


        • #34
          If trampolines at daycare are equipped properly with safety nets and jumping pads, it will definitely reduce the tension of parents too much extent. According to me, bouncing is a kid's favorite activity. We shouldn’t stop them from this but we can teach them the instruction that they have to follow while playing on a trampoline.


          • #35
            Originally posted by morgan24 View Post
            I think they are fun and I love to jump on them myself. Be sure to check your state licensing rules, because here in MI your aren't allowed to have them.

            I think you have a good set of guidelines that you are planning on using, so I think it would work. I would also make sure you have permission from the parents that it's okay for the kids to use it.

            I'll have to admit I have never heard a trampoline horror story.
            I have... my neighbors had one & my older daughter broke her arm (14 at the time) because the netting gave way when she hit the side. I hate trampolines. Even after breaking her arm, it didn't deter her as an adult to get one for her own kids - It was given away a year later


            • #36
              I'm bad...

              again old post LOL

