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  • #16
    How about a small trampoline little deal that has a bar that comes up that the child can hold onto while jumping? I would have the same rules for that but add that they must be holding onto the bars at all times. This would be for younger kids.

    I would not ever purchase one I think they are dangerous. I sliced my lip open on one as a young kid in gymnastics. I was on it alone and did a summer sault in the air landed on my bottom and my knee came up and bumped my lip slicing it wide open. No scar but scared me like crazy.


    • #17
      I would never.


      • #18
        I wish they weren't so dangerous!!

        My daughter broke her arm on a friends tramp last summer. Tramps always worried me and we had a rule that she couldn't go on any tramp unless it had netting and pads. All the padding and netting in the world wouldn't have of prevented my daughters break. Now we have a rule of no tramps at all.


        • #19
          A trampoline is the one thing my kids asked for year after year and NEVER got one. Too dangerous and too many risk facotrs. Just way too many cons versus pros. The "what if" factor was too big for my comfort.


          • #20
            We used to have a trampoline that my kids wanted badly and hardly used. State regulations wouldn't allow daycare kids on the trampoline, so it was just for my children. It was in a corner of the yard, and the kids just had to understand that it was for my kids and not them. We had a couple of twisted body parts and my daughter got the wind knocked out of her a time or two.
            A daycare family i have, there youngest (4) broke her leg on their trampoline when her sister landed on her.
            They can be fun, but they can be dangerous. If your licensed, make sure you can use it before you offer it up to the kids.


            • #21
              My neighbor had one for her children, and they had to get rid of it because they had a BIG problem with kids from all over coming and jumping on it without permission while they weren't home or outside/aware of it. Once, my neighbor even caught a child jumping from her deck to the trampoline.

              I also have another friend who's child broke their leg on a trampoline just by normal jumping, straight up and down, with a safety net present. Those are the kinds of non-preventable accidents that I'd be afraid of.


              • #22
                I don't think you can even have a trampoline within daycare access here in MN? If you can the rules are really strict. Parents have to sign a waiver and you have to be within arms reach of the child on the trampoline the whole time. Too much risk and too much work.


                • #23
                  My 2 younger sisters and I had a trampoline growing up. It never had an enclosure and we got a few bumps and bruises because of our own stupidity. As for accidents, there weren't any. We never got injured, hurt, broke the skin, let alone any bones.

                  I bought a trampoline for my own kids 2 years ago. It has an enclosure and there's never been an accident. Kids from the neighborhood are welcome to come play along as I receive a note saying it is "Okay" from their parents and that they assume liability.

                  My kids know they are only allowed 2 at a time and that no flips are allowed. Most of the time they play made up games. They don't jump in the dark and they don't jump when it's wet or has dew on it.

                  I firmly believe that most of the accidents that occur are because parents buy a trampoline as a "babysitter" rather than watching the kids themselves. It's a matter of personal perspective. I watch my kids and there are rules set in place for a reason. They know if they don't follow the rules, they lose out of the fun a week at a time.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by daysofelijah View Post
                    I don't think you can even have a trampoline within daycare access here in MN? If you can the rules are really strict. Parents have to sign a waiver and you have to be within arms reach of the child on the trampoline the whole time. Too much risk and too much work.
                    My licensor said that she was not aware of any limitations or special waivers that are required for trampoline use in family daycares in MN. Several providers in our area have them. She also said that if we have our parents sign a waiver or permission slip that it does not release us from any liability for anything that happens on daycare property. She said it would be no different than having an accident on our playground...still our responsibility.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                      My licensor said that she was not aware of any limitations or special waivers that are required for trampoline use in family daycares in MN. Several providers in our area have them. She also said that if we have our parents sign a waiver or permission slip that it does not release us from any liability for anything that happens on daycare property. She said it would be no different than having an accident on our playground...still our responsibility.
                      I was told this same thing.... and then quickly advised not to get one Waivers won't protect anyone in the states.... still your property and you will be liable if someone gets hurt on your property.


                      • #26
                        I wouldn't get one we are not allowed to use them in childcare but our neighbors were sued when a child got on it in the rain and broke his arm


                        • #27
                          I've heard your insurance goes up with a trampoline in your yard?? Personally, I don't use one due to accidents and liability, but I do know others that do and the kids have a lot of fun. Maybe you could put it in the yard off limits to DC?
                          My daughter sprained her ankle on one of those inflatable ones at DC. I really am not about sueing, but so many people are these days, so I would be careful.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                            My licensor said that she was not aware of any limitations or special waivers that are required for trampoline use in family daycares in MN. Several providers in our area have them. She also said that if we have our parents sign a waiver or permission slip that it does not release us from any liability for anything that happens on daycare property. She said it would be no different than having an accident on our playground...still our responsibility.

                            I took a business class years ago and was also told that waivers are a piece of paper to ward OFF parents from sueing, but usually don't hold up in court. Responsibility still lands on providers.


                            • #29
                              Well the parents all gave me some version of "Ooh sounds fun! As long as you think it's safe." So no help there.

                              I think, and if I still feel the same this weekend, we're going to get one with safety net, bumper pads and no ladder. We'll try a one child at a time and only with a grownup at the trampoline rule for the older kids and see how it goes. One parent pointed out that if there were issues at all I can just give the trampoline the same rules as the pool and the side yard. I have a "this tall" mark and noone shorter than the mark is allowed in the area of the pool or an area that is partially unfenced. It's always worked for me.

                              Thanks for all the opinions everyone. It gave me lots to think about and definately influenced my decision.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by AfterSchoolMom View Post
                                My neighbor had one for her children, and they had to get rid of it because they had a BIG problem with kids from all over coming and jumping on it without permission while they weren't home or outside/aware of it. Once, my neighbor even caught a child jumping from her deck to the trampoline.

                                I also have another friend who's child broke their leg on a trampoline just by normal jumping, straight up and down, with a safety net present. Those are the kinds of non-preventable accidents that I'd be afraid of.
                                This is the ONLY reason that we won't have one. I would be too worried about the neighborhood kids and a lawsuit.

                                That said, if you can keep them out and have those rules in place, I would go for it. One way to help prevent injuries is to bury it. Meaning, you could dig a hole so that it is flush with the ground. That way when they're jumping, they're not that high from the ground in case of a mishap.
                                sigpicA characteristic of the normal child is he doesn't act that way very often. ~Author Unknown

