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  • Trampolines

    I'm looking for a few opinions on trampolines and daycare. My kids (7 and 12) desperately want one this summer. First off, the details of my situation and the rules we will follow.

    Insurance WILL cover the trampoline in my yard as long as it has a safety net and bumper pads with it.

    I will have a one child at a time rule.

    I will have a no trampoline without a grownup outside rule.

    Both these rules are in place for other things and we had no rule breakers last summer.

    It will be used primarily by children 7 and up during naptime.

    Children 4 and up will be allowed turns only when I am physically at the trampoline. These are very physical 4 year olds...I have 4 of them here. They run, climb trees, swim, ice skate and are generally rough and tumble kids because we spend alot of time outdoors.


    Just adding that in the summer we spend 9:30am to 1pm at a nearby lake for swimming lessons and just fun beach times. Kids under 5 nap from 1:15 to 3:15 and then get time in the yard from 3:30pm to close. All of these rules have been in place for the pools in the yard for the past 2 years and this crew of 4 year olds has had no trouble following them. I trust them which is one of the only reasons I'm considering the trampoline.

    So opinions, thoughts? I'm very undecided about it primarily because I've heard so many trampoline horror stories. My one person at a time rule was made for that reason.

  • #2
    I think they are fun and I love to jump on them myself. Be sure to check your state licensing rules, because here in MI your aren't allowed to have them.

    I think you have a good set of guidelines that you are planning on using, so I think it would work. I would also make sure you have permission from the parents that it's okay for the kids to use it.

    I'll have to admit I have never heard a trampoline horror story.


    • #3
      My ex sister in law is a pediatric nurse and there are hundreds of trampoline accidents each year in the children's here. There are alot of broken bones and concussions. Most from improper use I'm assuming.

      I'm not liscensed and I'm not required to be in my province with the ratios I keep. I get a parent waiver for every activity we do like this...swimming, bus travel, car travel, field trips etc.


      • #4
        i've been fighting to get my own kids a trampoline since my oldest could walk. my parents never would get me one and i wanted one soooo badly! my husband is dead set against it so the conversations have never lasted long - i've even tried to tell him they have safety nets, etc.

        then yesterday he said he saw a trampoline with a net and pads around it and it looked really safe! i was like, "did you have some "tragic accident" on a trampoline or something?" he did! he wants to get go karts and motorcycles, but is afraid of a trampoline because HE got hurt on one.

        if you think you can stand by your rules, i say go for it. i know the kids will love it.


        • #5
          My SIL used to run a daycare and had a 12 ft trampoline with a safety net/bumpers. She had a rule of no shoes, no toys, and max 3 at one time. She was always physically in the trampoline with the younger ones; and she would never allow the age groups to mix (the older ones could not use the trampoline while the younger ones were on it). She did this for 2-3 years and never had one incident other than her own dd got a bruised wrist from landing on it wrong.

          There can be injuries, but if you follow your rules I think the injuries would be minimal. You still just never know. It's a risk I'd be willing to take with my own children, but I don't know if I'd be willing to take the risk with daycare kids myself.

          I would advise you to talk with all of your parents and get the okay from all of them first. You could have them sign a form stating they are aware of the risks of a trampoline, agree to allow their child to use it, and understand that you have insurance that can help cover the costs of the injury.


          • #6
            I would never have a trampoline for my kids or daycare kids. They are the single most dangerous toy/piece of equipment. WAY too many serious injuries.


            • #7
              I had a 5 y/o dcg who broke her arm on her neighbor's trampoline. It had safety nets, bumpers, and her mother standing just a couple of feet away. I don't think I would feel comfortable allowing other people's children to use a piece of equipment that has so many stories like this attached to it, insurance or not.

              As the PP said, you should also check to see with your licensing agency to see if it would even be allowed. They are not allowed where I live.


              • #8
                We love our far as time spent and entertainment value, it's the best "toy" purchase we've ever made. 5 years, 3 children, countless one has ever gotten hurt (aside from the occasional head bump or accidental kick).

                With all that said, I still wouldn't use it for daycare...uh no. Parents are already too finicky, scared and opinionated these days, so I would never take that chance. In my humble opinion, I would buy it for my kids 20 times over but NO DAYCARE KIDS ALLOWED!


                • #9
                  I care for ages birth to five so they wouldn't be allowed in my business.


                  Trampolines are not developmentally appropriate for use with children under age five (National Program for Playground Safety: 800-554-PLAY). Trampoline-related injuries have almost tripled since 1991. According to the National SAFE KIDS Campaign, nearly 82,000 children under age 14 were treated in hospital emergency rooms for trampoline-related injuries in 2000. More than 90% of trampoline-related injuries occur in home-like settings, including child care. Injuries mostly involve the arms and legs. Since 1990, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has received reports of six deaths involving trampolines. The following caused these deaths:
                  ♦ Colliding with another person on the trampoline
                  ♦ Landing improperly while jumping or doing stunts on the trampoline
                  ♦ Falling or jumping off the trampoline
                  ♦ Falling on the trampoline springs or frame
                  REASON: Almost all of the trampolines associated with injuries were located in backyards. Here are some rules to follow to prevent serious trampoline injuries.
                  ♦ Allow only one person on the trampoline at a time.
                  ♦ Do not attempt or allow somersaults.
                  ♦ Use shock-absorbing pads that completely cover the springs, hooks, and the frame.
                  ♦ Place the trampoline away from structures and other play areas.
                  ♦ Ladders should not be used. They provide unsupervised access by small children.
                  ♦ Children under age six should NOT use a full-sized trampoline.
                  ♦ ALWAYS SUPERVISE
                  COMMENTS: For further information regarding trampoline safety, contact the National Program for Playground Safety at 800-554-PLAY located at the University of Northern Iowa. The Consumer Product Safety Commission also has information about trampoline use at 1-800-638-2772 or online at


                  • #10
                    I had one for 5 years but it worn out. We are planning to buy another one this summer. If you are licensed, you will need to check with your state licensing rules to make sure they are allowed or not. I live in Texas and it is not allowed to use Trampoline for daycare kids. I am only allowing my kids to play on trampoline.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Meyou View Post
                      My ex sister in law is a pediatric nurse and there are hundreds of trampoline accidents each year in the children's here. There are alot of broken bones and concussions. Most from improper use I'm assuming.

                      I'm not liscensed and I'm not required to be in my province with the ratios I keep. I get a parent waiver for every activity we do like this...swimming, bus travel, car travel, field trips etc.
                      I don't think the parents can really sign waivers here in the U.S. that would sign away the health insurance companies right to sue the provider.

                      Trampolines are one example of parents permission only being one small piece of the total liability pie. There are other entities that have a stake in the child. I know you guys have universal health care and we don't. That's a big difference when you are talking about even simple medical care being VERY expensive here.

                      Even with a lower level injury like a broken arm, it could put the provider in a money deal that would be more than the provider even makes a year with the kid.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by JenNJ View Post
                        I would never have a trampoline for my kids or daycare kids. They are the single most dangerous toy/piece of equipment. WAY too many serious injuries.
                        I'm with you on this.

                        I think there is a growing movement across our country that parents, the State, insurerers etc... want NO accidents in child care. NONE

                        There's a current thread here about a parent being pretty upset over a wet diaper after naptime which is a very minor situation. That level of expectation to not make any mistakes works it's way into the decisions we make about fun versus injuries.

                        With that kind of pressure on us we pretty much have to lean towards eliminating anything that has obvious injury risk. We have enough to worry about to not have any bumps, scrapes, and cuts.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                          I'm with you on this.

                          I think there is a growing movement across our country that parents, the State, insurerers etc... want NO accidents in child care. NONE

                          There's a current thread here about a parent being pretty upset over a wet diaper after naptime which is a very minor situation. That level of expectation to not make any mistakes works it's way into the decisions we make about fun versus injuries.

                          With that kind of pressure on us we pretty much have to lean towards eliminating anything that has obvious injury risk. We have enough to worry about to not have any bumps, scrapes, and cuts.
                          I'd have to agree...parents are worried about a hang nail these days....could you imagine if something happened on my trampoline??? No kids only!!!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                            REASON: Almost all of the trampolines associated with injuries were located in backyards. Here are some rules to follow to prevent serious trampoline injuries.
                            ♦ Allow only one person on the trampoline at a time.
                            ♦ Do not attempt or allow somersaults.
                            ♦ Use shock-absorbing pads that completely cover the springs, hooks, and the frame.
                            ♦ Place the trampoline away from structures and other play areas.
                            ♦ Ladders should not be used. They provide unsupervised access by small children.
                            ♦ Children under age six should NOT use a full-sized trampoline.
                            ♦ ALWAYS SUPERVISE
                            My 4 year olds are easily as physically able as 5 year olds. I have a really active, fit group and only children who's parents agree would be allowed on the trampoline.

                            Other than that I meet all the recommended safety requirements. It's an 8' trampoline.

                            The injuries are always a concern but again I have a fit group. They climb trees, swim, race around and play hard. Technically they are always at risk for injury which their parents have always been fine with. Please don't misunderstand that I have an unsafe environment. We have strict rules but I let them be kids, get filthy, play hard and stay busy.

                            I'm still really undecided. I'm going to ask the parents tomorrow but I have a feeling I'll hear what I usually do which is I can do whatever I think is best for the kids.

                            Thanks for the opinions everyone. very helpful for me.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Meyou View Post
                              My 4 year olds are easily as physically able as 5 year olds. I have a really active, fit group and only children who's parents agree would be allowed on the trampoline.

                              Other than that I meet all the recommended safety requirements. It's an 8' trampoline.

                              The injuries are always a concern but again I have a fit group. They climb trees, swim, race around and play hard. Technically they are always at risk for injury which their parents have always been fine with. Please don't misunderstand that I have an unsafe environment. We have strict rules but I let them be kids, get filthy, play hard and stay busy.

                              I'm still really undecided. I'm going to ask the parents tomorrow but I have a feeling I'll hear what I usually do which is I can do whatever I think is best for the kids.

                              Thanks for the opinions everyone. very helpful for me.
                              Oh I don't think you have an unsafe environment. I was just pointing out that in my State we don't have a choice about it for the birth to five age group. I don't have to worry about making the decision because they make it for me. We can't go against their age ranges on this regardless of our kids capability.

                              I think in my State it would be impossible to get insurance on your home (that housed day care) or a separate policy for your day care if you had a trampoline for kids under six because of the regulations. I've never tried. Every insurance application I have seen has the trampoline question on it. Because the State doesn't allow it, it would eliminate the possibility of having either home owners or day care insurance.

                              I only do birth to five so it's just out of the question here.

