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Take Your STARS and Shove 'Em, I'm Not Playing Anymore

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
    :::::: I double-dog dare you.

    So. Many. Times. Before.
    They know me 'well enough' without the sign::

    I really need one that says "Don't Mess With Me!"


    • #17
      I could never get into the QRS because I couldn’t figure any math where it would make me real money. Not singular grant money but weekly from all my clients Mo money because I was QRS level 5. I couldn’t imagine it would fill my slots quicker.

      I thought having a full time helper, space and being a nurse just maxed out what I could charge more for. I couldn’t see the QRS taking it to the next level.

      In other words, I didn’t see any value in it money wise.


      • #18
        You are definitely right about that. Even with the grants, I went into debt participating.

        I felt pressured, even threatened that it would become mandatory. That is what they kept telling us. Non-stop phone calls and emails.

        I can't see that happening here, now, as long as my state stays red. happyface
        - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Annalee View Post
          They know me 'well enough' without the sign::

          I really need one that says "Don't Mess With Me!"

          They wouldn’t get it. Or they’d think it was a joke. I once told a license rep that for every rule they add they should have to take one out. She thought it was the funniest thing she’d every heard. When she realized I was serious I swear you could hear the mental gears lock up.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
            She sounds just lovely.

            Luckily they rarely last more than two years before they wash out.
            She seems to be a lifer, which is actually ok by me. She sees through much of this BS, and suggests work-arounds..... and is also despairing that work-arounds are necessary. But she is there to enforce the rules as they are written. As she says, she has far too often seen WHY they are written, and the best she can do is help common-sense-possessing providers thrive. This is for health and safety standards. We have separate Quality Inspectors.....we spent three years jumping through those hoops before we quit (like Nanny says, show me the money for each star! NONE). When we have tours and people ask about our participation in the program, I show them the size of the binder we had to keep updated and tell them that the state was diverting our attention from their kids. Not one person has changed their mind about us because of this!


            • #21
              Originally posted by DaveA View Post

              They wouldn’t get it. Or they’d think it was a joke. I once told a license rep that for every rule they add they should have to take one out. She thought it was the funniest thing she’d every heard. When she realized I was serious I swear you could hear the mental gears lock up.


              • #22
                Then there's the 'please contain your questions' comment that makes you go


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Annalee View Post
                  Then there's the 'please contain your questions' comment that makes you go
                  :::: or my favorite: "Please submit your questions to survey monkey by _____ to possibly be selected for a response."

                  They won't even accept participation anymore.
                  - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
                    :::: or my favorite: "Please submit your questions to survey monkey by _____ to possibly be selected for a response."


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
                      :::: or my favorite: "Please submit your questions to survey monkey by _____ to possibly be selected for a response."

                      They won't even accept participation anymore.
                      Isn't it funny how all the "programs" are opened up then no one knows how to offer assistance for them so they never get off the ground. Or they get off the ground and the providers have to just "hope" it works this time around because generally, we are on our own:confused:


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Josiegirl View Post
                        Towards the end of my dc days. I took the last year off from the STARS program. While I did miss the $$ incentives it was so not worth the extra aggravation, time, and investment of effort I had to put into it to remain a measly 3 stars. Parents, I found, didn't really care anyways. They either automatically chose the 5 STAR centers(which I've heard are like zoos), looked for their best bottom dollar bet or went through word of mouth.
                        Personally, I think their expectations are way above and beyond what is common sense. Plus I also believe a lot of their visits consisted of mostly their opinions. I also believe the states place too much money and power into these programs that haven't really been proven all that valuable. I don't believe for a second, that all that extra paperwork, investment and effort makes for quality childcare. But then again, that's just my thought.

                        May I ask if there was any one thing that caused you to tell them bye-bye? Or more like a cumulative effect.
                        EXACTLY! Doesn't all of that time spent elsewhere take AWAY from direct care of the children? Or your own family/self after hours... and lead to burn out faster?

                        Congrats CH! happyface

                        I refuse to participate, it's still voluntary here and doesn't seem worth the paper the stars are printed on.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
                          EXACTLY! Doesn't all of that time spent elsewhere take AWAY from direct care of the children? Or your own family/self after hours... and lead to burn out faster?

                          Congrats CH! happyface

                          I refuse to participate, it's still voluntary here and doesn't seem worth the paper the stars are printed on.
                          Yes, it does. And we all know burnout, unresolved, can lead to child abuse. This isn't rocket science or even new information. I won't miss any of it. I am looking forward to having fun, again. I still have to do "pre-school" because the state requires it, now, but I can do that 100% play based if I so choose.

                          - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
                            Yes, it does. And we all know burnout, unresolved, can lead to child abuse. This isn't rocket science or even new information. I won't miss any of it. I am looking forward to having fun, again. I still have to do "pre-school" because the state requires it, now, but I can do that 100% play based if I so choose.

                            Having fun with kids equals giving them that secure loving feeling that people actually want to spend time with them.

                            Living up to impossible standards pushed onto providers by state programs equals stressed out, burned out, over worked, harried BUT still underpaid and under appreciated providers who start to hate what they do and that feeling trickles right to the kids and how you're spending time with them.

                            There have got to be other ways to create "quality" programs without tapping every single bit of a person's love for children and physical energy right out of them.

                            When you think about it, children need safety, love, acceptance, nurturing, guidance and good nutrition.
                            Programs can give all of that (and more) without ridiculous mandated hours grinding the same old $hit down providers' throats, requiring huge amounts of time with children present and running into family time as well.

                            If all the state PowersThatBe are going to create the rules, they should at least support providers. It almost felt like they had a few favorites and the rest were left to swim through the murky muddy waters.

                            It used to be so much more fun. I'm glad I'm out of it. I really miss some of the kids but not the politics and expectations of it all.


                            • #29
                              GOOD FOR YOU!!

                              In WI the QRIS system, YoungStar, is optional unless you want to accept state subsidized families. I don't, so I decline to participate in YS. It means that I'm listed at the bottom of the results in DCF's child care search, but I've always got a wait list so I'm not worried about that.

                              Sometimes I think about sending in my paperwork and taking a median rating to get the $500 grant, but can't make myself do it.


                              • #30
                                I went to a two day training program to introduce it. Took info and books back to my boss. She asked how it was I told her overwhelming, and I gave her some examples of what we need to change/add. She looked through the info I brought back and said until they make it mandatory we don't need it. As long as the children and teachers are happy and enjoy coming, why add stress! Yes, I have a great boss!

