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Had Anything Shocked You?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by hwichlaz View Post

    I love having cops kids, they are ALL about following rules and regs.
    I have a fairly new cop family enrolled and they are pushing nearly every policy I have. Maybe I'm just unlucky... never had one before. Nice family.... just tests my beotch abilities.
    Kid is sweet but only 13 months old.

    I do agree about nurses, Dr's and teachers. I will take teachers but only after running through each and every policy with them...twice.


    • #17
      Originally posted by hwichlaz View Post
      My teachers have been great except the not wanting to pay in summer part. I just unenroll them and fill their spots.

      Hate taking nurses kids, doctors are so bad. Nurses want a detailed chart kept....input and output, and they expect feedings to be scheduled like they are medications. :P

      I love having cops kids, they are ALL about following rules and regs.
      My best families have been a police officer dad and a firefighter dad.

      How dumb parents are.


      • #18
        Originally posted by hwichlaz View Post

        I love having cops kids, they are ALL about following rules and regs.
        The only "cuss-out" I ever had came from a family with a cop as the dad and a cdc nurse as the mom. They wanted to do as they pleased with every rule.:confused:

        I had to get the the supervisor from licensing and another cop to help me out as they lived just up the road from and caused me alot of grief. My sons were on WIC at the time and I had to get the health dept staff to almost usher me in and out because of the loud-mouth nurse parent. I want ever forget it!


        • #19
          I guess my main thing is parents who choose to be parents but then give up their responsibility for everyone else to take over. Being a parent of young children gave me such joy; sure there were challenges but never did I expect other adults to take over that entire role for me.


          • #20
            I tend to be a rule follower so for me, the biggest shock was how hard I'd have to work at getting grown adults to respect and follow my policies. I've also been surprised at how much time and effort I spend on my business at night, on weekends and during vacation. I'm constantly doing something day care related - catching up on paperwork, updating my parent handbook, curriculum planning, cleaning, shopping, interviews, repairs, etc.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
              What are some unexpected things you’ve encountered as a daycare provider?

              That almost all parents can lie with a perfectly straight face.

              To never just open picture attachments a DCP sends via text message. Some things can not be unseen. (nudie pix)

              The profession a parent is in DIRECTLY corresponds with the type of client and parent they are.

              I don't like taking parents that work in the counseling, psychology or therapist field.

              I don't like taking teacher's kids

              I don't like taking kids of doctors and/or nurses.
              Yes teachers expect special treatment and do not want to pay for a second their kids aren't here. I had it happen with like several families. They also think their jobs are more important and therfore they are better than you.


              • #22
                Basically what everyone else has said about parents...they can be so disrespectful! It's no wonder kids act the way they do!


                • #23
                  Yes, definitely the parents.


                  My daycare is downstairs and everyone walks in through the upstairs and heads down. I have ONE parent that has the decency and respect to take off their snowy, muddy boots before they walk through our house. Every other parent (and some kids) literally walk through our house with snow, dirt, and whatever else on their boots! NEVER would I of thought a parent would have the nerve to do this, let alone several!! I honestly can't wrap my head around it. It's incredibly disrespectful.

                  And of course there's the late pick ups, leaving child here ALL day when parent isn't working, passive aggressive remarks, sending sick kids, agreeing to policies then getting angry when I enforce them. The list goes on and on.


                  • #24
                    ITA about teacher and nurses' kids. I think the teachers unconsciously expect to treat me like public schools get treated--as though we have the same rules. Yes, I'm licensed by the state...but this is my own home and my own business. I make the rules and they are not going to match what happens at school!!!!

                    I have been surprised that many, many parents do not care at all if they send their potty training kid in underwear, knowing that the kid will pee in my house. I had to implement a "body fluid fee" and when I've reminded parents about this, every. single. parent has said that they'll wait a bit longer before undies.

                    Apparently they are fine with their kid peeing on my sofa...unless I let them know it's going to cost them $20 a pop. Then suddenly they get all sensitive about it. ::


                    • #25
                      How many things daycare gets blamed for.

                      How many parents think they can pull one over on me.


                      • #26
                        The cost of actually running the daycare. I thought doing it out of my home, I was going to be rolling in dough. It’s not the case, but I am comfortable. And being my own boss has its perks


                        • #27
                          I have to join the concencus that the parents are the biggest stressor.


                          • #28
                            As of tonight? Parents who apparently think i will wait indefinitely for them to decide if they will be choosing my daycare. Hadn’t heard from a parent for several days. In the meantime, another parent called and wanted care, filled out and returned forms, and paid my deposit. When I informed the first parent, he said, “I was just going to call you to tell you we wanted to start with you. How can we work this out?”

                            Sorry, we can’t. :confused:


                            • #29
                              Parent spilled cocain once at a center I worked. We couldn’t prove who spilled it so we couldn’t do anything.


                              • #30
                                Parents and grandparents that think it’s okay to turn around in my yard. My driveway is 100% straight with nothing blocking views while backing up. Why are you driving through my yard when no one is behind you?! I even had the food program lady driving through it!

                                Parents that track through the house with their shoes, especially on the carpets. Honestly never thought that would be a problem. I also have some parents let their kids run around with their shoes on and go on my furniture.

