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Picky Kid Won't EAT!! About to Term

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  • Picky Kid Won't EAT!! About to Term

    I have never had a kid this picky in my entire daycare career. He literally won't eat ANYTHING. I made rainbow pancakes this morning hoping the color would excite him/ encourage him to eat. Every single meal I make, he says "I don't like that" "I've tried it 10 times at home and I don't like it" Having mom pack a lunch from home is not an option because she will bring ho-hos, chocolate cupcakes and ritz crackers. It's obvious he isn't encouraged to eat properly at home. I should mention he is 8! Freaking 8! I've tried the 2 bites and you can be done. I've tried, that's-what-we-are-having-eat-it. You-can't-get-up-until-its-gone. Etc etc. etc. I'm SO tired of wasting food on this kid that I'm about to term. Advice?

  • #2
    Oh my goodness I seriously almost posted the same thing because I was debating on having parents pack from now on or supply food because this is every single one of my kids except 1!!! I can’t deal with it. It’s dollars going into the trash for every meal.

    No advice by just hugs!


    • #3
      My advice...stop caring if he eats. He won’t starve. Put healthy food in front of him, and choose not to notice if he eats it or not. It’s a power play and you’re letting him win.


      • #4
        It is frustrating!

        I sometimes feel just making the lunch and turning around and throw it away in the garbage.

        Also, if parents make lunches they have to meet the USDA guidelines or you have to supplement the area they don't have.

        Hugs to you :hug:
        Each day is a fresh start
        Never look back on regrets
        Live life to the fullest
        We only get one shot at this!!


        • #5
          Stop stressing about it.
          It's his choice to eat or not. The only thing I'd do is tell his parents that I serve healthy, balanced meals every day and it's his choice to eat or not. He usually chooses "not".

          If the food waste really bothers you, serve family style. tell him to take what he'll eat. The rest is available to him-so all good on the food program requirements.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Snowmom View Post
            Stop stressing about it.
            It's his choice to eat or not. The only thing I'd do is tell his parents that I serve healthy, balanced meals every day and it's his choice to eat or not. He usually chooses "not".

            If the food waste really bothers you, serve family style. tell him to take what he'll eat. The rest is available to him-so all good on the food program requirements.
            I do not stress about food. If they don't want to eat, don't eat. I don't care.

            I don't serve heavy carbs, sugary foods and/or foods that aren't healthy and I do not require a "thank you" bite or for a child to try something.

            I serve, they eat. Or don't.
            In the tummy or in the trash, either way it's gone.


            • #7
              Yep, give him his lunch, no words or expressions from you, and let him decide. The only thing I'd do, if food waste is bothering you is give him minute amounts. If he eats, give him more. I've tried the family style, telling kids to only take what they'll eat. But it doesn't work well for me because usually they over-take anyways.
              I loathe the fact kids' taste buds are becoming more and more ingrained towards unhealthy eating. They 'hold out' for their treat at the store on the way home, their bag of goldfish crackers they know are in the car, or whatever.
              It can be disheartening feeding kids; they all have different likes and dislikes and some won't eat anything at all. Control issues cannot be played into.


              • #8
                I know it's frustrating because I still have that mindset about full tummies, happy kids, yadda, yadda, and I hate waste, but now I just offer a small portion and let them figure it out. No pressure, no talking about eating, just food in front of them and the free will to eat or be hungry. Especially at eight years old. I won't entertain conversation about being hungry, because food was provided and they chose not to eat it. As far as waste, they get small portions to start and any uneaten food goes to compost for my garden, so no waste!


                • #9
                  I may get flamed here, but I feel the 11.5 month old I had would use the "control thing" too as he would spit or throw that bottle/cup waiting to nurse. He was more than hungry but was NOT going to drink. He didn't eat but half a jar of baby food per day which didn't concern me as much. But all kids need their milk. I even think dcm wanted him to NOT drink anywhere else. She liked him nursing on her all throughout the night. Parents are creating these problems and want daycares/schools to fix them Out of my 26 years, the last five years never cease to amaze me.:confused:


                  • #10
                    My advice:

                    Put food in front of him. Walk away.

                    "I don't like this."

                    "Ok, go play toys."

                    Add meals offered to meal counts, claim for deduction/reimbursement.

                    Carry on with your life.
                    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Annalee View Post
                      I may get flamed here, but I feel the 11.5 month old I had would use the "control thing" too as he would spit or throw that bottle/cup waiting to nurse. He was more than hungry but was NOT going to drink. He didn't eat but half a jar of baby food per day which didn't concern me as much. But all kids need their milk. I even think dcm wanted him to NOT drink anywhere else. She liked him nursing on her all throughout the night. Parents are creating these problems and want daycares/schools to fix them Out of my 26 years, the last five years never cease to amaze me.:confused:
                      YES! I have had the ones that nurse at a year old not eating or liking food besides wanting to be nursed. Lucky for me they moved away.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by amberrose3dg View Post
                        YES! I have had the ones that nurse at a year old not eating or liking food besides wanting to be nursed. Lucky for me they moved away.
                        AMEN!!! the dcm moved the kid I had to a place she said had no routine and he would like that because they had no routine at home:confused:


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                          I do not stress about food. If they don't want to eat, don't eat. I don't care.

                          I don't serve heavy carbs, sugary foods and/or foods that aren't healthy and I do not require a "thank you" bite or for a child to try something.

                          I serve, they eat. Or don't.
                          In the tummy or in the trash, either way it's gone.
                          Yep!! Eat or don't, don't care either way. Just wanted to add I have some of the best eaters here because of it. My current kids eat everything. If dcb says I don't like fish, I say thats to bad, I like it. End of discussion.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Annalee View Post
                            I may get flamed here, but I feel the 11.5 month old I had would use the "control thing" too as he would spit or throw that bottle/cup waiting to nurse. He was more than hungry but was NOT going to drink. He didn't eat but half a jar of baby food per day which didn't concern me as much. But all kids need their milk. I even think dcm wanted him to NOT drink anywhere else. She liked him nursing on her all throughout the night. Parents are creating these problems and want daycares/schools to fix them Out of my 26 years, the last five years never cease to amaze me.:confused:

                            If this kid nursed all night he probably didn't need to drink much during the day as most calories were covered at night. I nursed my kid at night until I got sick of it around 9 mo. And kicked him out of my bed :: he didn't nurse much during the day at all ...then we switched to formula anyway. But he did eat food really well and water. I wouldn't be a fan of a parent doing what I did either. I needed to do it because honestly it is so hard to run a daycare alone and nurse during the day! I am responsible for my kids 24-7 (with their dad on evenings and weekends thank God!) so I didn't burden someone else with our "habits"


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by JBWWCC View Post
                              I have never had a kid this picky in my entire daycare career. He literally won't eat ANYTHING. I made rainbow pancakes this morning hoping the color would excite him/ encourage him to eat. Every single meal I make, he says "I don't like that" "I've tried it 10 times at home and I don't like it" Having mom pack a lunch from home is not an option because she will bring ho-hos, chocolate cupcakes and ritz crackers. It's obvious he isn't encouraged to eat properly at home. I should mention he is 8! Freaking 8! I've tried the 2 bites and you can be done. I've tried, that's-what-we-are-having-eat-it. You-can't-get-up-until-its-gone. Etc etc. etc. I'm SO tired of wasting food on this kid that I'm about to term. Advice?
                              Pick your battles. Let this one go. I know it's frustrating. I've had a few kids in my care who were super picky. One wouldn't eat the grill cheese sandwich I made because I cut it lengthwise vs. diagonally. She would also whine, "That's not how my mother makes it" no matter what I served. It didn't matter what it was. Another kid went home hungry every single day for 5 years because if it wasn't junk food being served, she wasn't going to eat it. When I first started doing day care, picky eating used to drive me absolutely crazy! After thinking about it, I finally realized: The food has been bought. The money's been spent. I'm out that money whether they eat or they don't. Once I realized that, I stopped stressing about wasted food. Honestly, it saved a little bit of my sanity. If I know it's a food other kids will want seconds on, I'll give the picky eater a small amount. I set aside the rest of his serving. If he eats, great. I'll offer more. If he doesn't, I offer the rest to someone else, lessening some of the waste.:hug:

