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Charging To Hold A Spot For Summer

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  • #31
    I love all your responses.

    I haven't agreed to anything yet. I really meant "make me an offer." I will have to consider it to see if I can live with it. She isn't dictating my business, I just agreed to let her put the effort into putting her thoughts into words.

    The number I quoted for over the Summer was $300 per month. It's enough for me as long as there's compensation in the Fall for if she changes her mind again. I'll have to see what she comes up with. And I will counter-offer if we're close.

    I'll let you know when I actually see it. They aren't here on Wednesdays, so I thought I'd see something this morning, but she said that something difficult/bad was going on at work. She does work for the government these days, and I know a little bit about what she does, so I do trust her if she says that something unusually difficult is going on. But I can only wait a little while longer.


    • #32
      I hope you know I am not trying to tell you that you are wrong or that you have to do X or Y.

      I just want to make sure your aren't getting screwed over.

      It doesn't make you a bad provider for doing something others wouldn't or a good provider because you are rigid or hard about policies 100% of the time.

      I've done lots of deals/agreements where I'm sure I got the shorter end or agreed to things I'd never do now.... sometimes the current situation just requires it... there is no right or wrong answer.

      Only what's right for you.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
        I hope you know I am not trying to tell you that you are wrong or that you have to do X or Y.

        I just want to make sure your aren't getting screwed over.

        It doesn't make you a bad provider for doing something others wouldn't or a good provider because you are rigid or hard about policies 100% of the time.

        I've done lots of deals/agreements where I'm sure I got the shorter end or agreed to things I'd never do now.... sometimes the current situation just requires it... there is no right or wrong answer.

        Only what's right for you.


        • #34
          Originally posted by LysesKids View Post
          RED FLAGS plus some; Being I worked in the legal field before doing childcare... yeah, the proposal she writes won't be in favor of the provider and essentially, the lawyer is trying to control the situation. I say either OP writes up a proposal to favor the childcare or start looking to replace like yesterday.

          A lawyer?? And she's always looking for cheaper, better, alternative child care?? Uh no. I'd be asking her when her last day is and fill her spot asap. Lawyers do want and work for the control, this is NOT HER BUSINESS!!!! And I think you'll be asking for trouble agreeing to anything she writes up. Unless you have a lawyer friend who can read it for you. Lawyers are so good at finding loopholes.


          • #35
            Be careful thinking about it as free money over the summer too because not knowing what the fall will bring might cause some backlash.

            Feeling the same as most everyone here. This sounds like a touchy situation that could turn out badly for you. And I have certainly done things that 95% of the people here would've shaken their finger at . Thankfully I learned but it was expensive education.

            Good luck to you for choosing what YOUR best option is.

