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Charging To Hold A Spot For Summer

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
    1. Grandma care, 2. nanny share, 3. inconsistency, and 4. argues with your policies (illness especially) all tell me you will have a much better summer without this family. They seem to be the source of the majority of your job stress. :hug:

    I would be advertising and replacing. Hopefully before the summer.


    • #17
      Id tell her the normal weekly rate. And when she says, but they won't be here. Why should I pay?
      Well why should you take a paycut because she wants to save some money?
      I would just replace her asap. And give her notice when you have deposit for new child. Do not let someone else's life dictate your security.


      • #18
        So last night I got an email from mom, with a longer explanation of what was going on. I spent time trying to think of a way to make this work financially for me, and I couldn't work it out--it seems so complicated.

        So this morning, I told mom that I couldn't hold spots. Mom communicated that she really badly wanted it to work out. We talked about it quite a bit and I explained my point of view, and I told her what kind of $ numbers it would take to make me want to even consider holding spots.

        In the end mom, who is a lawyer, offered to write up an proposal to "mitigate any possible losses to me should she change her mind in the Fall" and to cover me holding spots for the Summer, using the numbers I mentioned to her. After asking her what "mitigate" means (), I said "sure, make me an offer." So I guess I'll look over what she writes up and see if I feel okay about it.
        I'll let you all know if it works out or not.

        I like mom pretty well, I just don't think she really gets what it would mean for me to hold open spots when transportation is an issue, and I only have five seats available in my van and she has two children. I spelled that out to her so hopefully she understands it a bit better now. I'll have to see what she comes up with and if I feel good about it or not.

        My husband thinks that getting paid for children who are not attending in the Summer is a fine idea!


        • #19
          Originally posted by Mom2Two View Post
          So last night I got an email from mom, with a longer explanation of what was going on. I spent time trying to think of a way to make this work financially for me, and I couldn't work it out--it seems so complicated.

          So this morning, I told mom that I couldn't hold spots. Mom communicated that she really badly wanted it to work out. We talked about it quite a bit and I explained my point of view, and I told her what kind of $ numbers it would take to make me want to even consider holding spots.

          In the end mom, who is a lawyer, offered to write up an proposal to "mitigate any possible losses to me should she change her mind in the Fall" and to cover me holding spots for the Summer, using the numbers I mentioned to her. After asking her what "mitigate" means (), I said "sure, make me an offer." So I guess I'll look over what she writes up and see if I feel okay about it.
          I'll let you all know if it works out or not.

          I like mom pretty well, I just don't think she really gets what it would mean for me to hold open spots when transportation is an issue, and I only have five seats available in my van and she has two children. I spelled that out to her so hopefully she understands it a bit better now. I'll have to see what she comes up with and if I feel good about it or not.

          My husband thinks that getting paid for children who are not attending in the Summer is a fine idea!
          That's the only way to keep a spot, unless you want lower income.

          Make sure you read any fine print in her contract.
          Children are little angels, even when they are little devils.
          They are also our future.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Mom2Two View Post
            So last night I got an email from mom, with a longer explanation of what was going on. I spent time trying to think of a way to make this work financially for me, and I couldn't work it out--it seems so complicated.

            So this morning, I told mom that I couldn't hold spots. Mom communicated that she really badly wanted it to work out. We talked about it quite a bit and I explained my point of view, and I told her what kind of $ numbers it would take to make me want to even consider holding spots.

            In the end mom, who is a lawyer, offered to write up an proposal to "mitigate any possible losses to me should she change her mind in the Fall" and to cover me holding spots for the Summer, using the numbers I mentioned to her. After asking her what "mitigate" means (), I said "sure, make me an offer." So I guess I'll look over what she writes up and see if I feel okay about it.
            I'll let you all know if it works out or not.

            I like mom pretty well, I just don't think she really gets what it would mean for me to hold open spots when transportation is an issue, and I only have five seats available in my van and she has two children. I spelled that out to her so hopefully she understands it a bit better now. I'll have to see what she comes up with and if I feel good about it or not.

            My husband thinks that getting paid for children who are not attending in the Summer is a fine idea!
            Images of red flags are popping up in my head. Hundreds of them.
            I could be wrong here, but I highly doubt any lawyer would "write up a proposal" that would benefit YOU when the said lawyer is the other party in this arrangement.
            Just sayin'


            • #21
              Originally posted by Snowmom View Post
              Images of red flags are popping up in my head. Hundreds of them.
              I could be wrong here, but I highly doubt any lawyer would "write up a proposal" that would benefit YOU when the said lawyer is the other party in this arrangement.
              Just sayin'
              RED FLAGS plus some; Being I worked in the legal field before doing childcare... yeah, the proposal she writes won't be in favor of the provider and essentially, the lawyer is trying to control the situation. I say either OP writes up a proposal to favor the childcare or start looking to replace like yesterday.


              • #22
                Originally posted by LysesKids View Post
                RED FLAGS plus some; Being I worked in the legal field before doing childcare... yeah, the proposal she writes won't be in favor of the provider and essentially, the lawyer is trying to control the situation. I say either OP writes up a proposal to favor the childcare or start looking to replace like yesterday.
                Totally agree with this!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Mom2Two View Post
                  So last night I got an email from mom, with a longer explanation of what was going on. I spent time trying to think of a way to make this work financially for me, and I couldn't work it out--it seems so complicated.

                  So this morning, I told mom that I couldn't hold spots. Mom communicated that she really badly wanted it to work out. We talked about it quite a bit and I explained my point of view, and I told her what kind of $ numbers it would take to make me want to even consider holding spots.

                  In the end mom, who is a lawyer, offered to write up an proposal to "mitigate any possible losses to me should she change her mind in the Fall" and to cover me holding spots for the Summer, using the numbers I mentioned to her. After asking her what "mitigate" means (), I said "sure, make me an offer." So I guess I'll look over what she writes up and see if I feel okay about it.
                  I'll let you all know if it works out or not.

                  I like mom pretty well, I just don't think she really gets what it would mean for me to hold open spots when transportation is an issue, and I only have five seats available in my van and she has two children. I spelled that out to her so hopefully she understands it a bit better now. I'll have to see what she comes up with and if I feel good about it or not.

                  My husband thinks that getting paid for children who are not attending in the Summer is a fine idea!
                  Um, no. Parents do not dictate (in any terms) how I run my business. I would NOT accept any forms/agreements/contracts from a dcp!! Especially one who is a lawyer. This is YOUR business. YOU set the rules.

                  The only terms she needs to know is that full fees are due, whether children are in attendance or not. This doesn't need to be complicated, or arranged, or discussed. You have spots. You need them filled. She pays or she goes. I would not even discuss this any further.

                  "Dcm, my rate is this. Tuition is due regardless of attendance. I do not hold spots for a reduced rate. Please remember that I need 2 weeks notice if your child is withdrawing from care."

                  End of discussion.

                  Honestly, I would just be telling her to look for care elsewhere. Once parents think that they have a say in how business is run.... it's very hard to reel that back in.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Snowmom View Post
                    Images of red flags are popping up in my head. Hundreds of them.
                    I could be wrong here, but I highly doubt any lawyer would "write up a proposal" that would benefit YOU when the said lawyer is the other party in this arrangement.
                    Just sayin'
                    Yep- time to find a new DCF. Once DCP gets in their head they can dictate terms to a provider on how to run things it goes downhill fast.


                    • #25
                      Curious as to why you are allowing this parent to run your business?

                      If it is difficult to find clients in your area, I understand but you have to look at this situation objectively and understand that she (DCM) is simply manipulating the situation (and you) to benefit her.

                      Why even use a nanny share this summer at all if she values/appreciates you?

                      Essentially she is saying to you "I will put something on paper that will make this situation appear to be a compromise for both of us but in reality I am pulling kid from your care (and budget) to save myself money but when I don't have that option any longer I want you to be waiting on the sideline to pick up where my nanny left off."

                      She is clearly the one in charge and you are allowing it.

                      I am not in any way saying that you are wrong in this situation I am just making sure you are looking at what is happening with clear eyes and without emotion.

                      This woman is willing to go so far as to create a legal document "to protect" your finances but yet isn't willing to just appreciate and value the continuity and quality you are currently providing her child.

                      I see nothing but trouble with this one.

                      If it is truly a "needing the money" situation on your end, don't lose sight of the fact that not all money is good money.


                      • #26
                        I agree with all of the others. I had a family that was constantly changing their schedule and I was OVER it. I had to start a new rule. 2 schedule changes per year and then there was going to be a contract fee charge and if it was too much, I was just going to move on.

                        I don't hold spots. I am open all year around and only close for major holidays.

                        So If my spots open in May, you need to enroll in May and pay for the spot if you use it or not. If you are looking to only enroll for fall, then you may be out of luck.

                        I would tell this mom that you have to do what is best for business and to call you in the fall when they want to enroll and see if you have any openings...


                        • #27
                          I'm in complete agreement with everything Blackcat has said.
                          This woman is using you and sadly you're allowing it 😢

                          This is a perfect example why I ONLY take full time children. I have a weekly charge and it's paid no matter what!! I do not hold spots for enrolled children. If they leave for any reason, they still pay the weekly rates. I do offer 1/2 pay for one weeks vacation, but it must be 5 consecutive days in a row!

                          I've been around too long and know every trick in the book families try to give me.. If they don't like the contract, then they leave and I fill the opening.

                          Stand up for yourself and your business!! 😃


                          • #28
                            You are being manipulated by a professional manipulator. It is literally in her job title. “act[ing] in a representative capacity in protecting, enforcing, or defending the legal rights and duties of another and in counseling, advising and assisting [another] in connection with these rights and duties.”

                            Tell her you will need a "$7,500.00 retainer to be applied against full time daycare fees and costs incurred by client or expenses paid by provider on behalf of client."

                            Honestly, just going to full-time, only, services is life changing. Enrolled or not enrolled, it is that easy.
                            - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                            • #29
                              I would charge at least 1/2 rate tuition for the summer and charge monthly (due the 1st) to "hold" the spot.


                              • #30
                                She seems like a very confused lawyer :confused: its not rocket science. Pay to play lady!

