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School Teachers Wanting Discounts For Summer

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  • #46
    Originally posted by MrsC View Post
    I am a teacher. The reason I became a teacher is to spend time with my family and make a difference in the lives of children. I went to college for years and have the same amount of student loans as most other college grads but make less annually. I also pay out a lot of my income to better the lives of children who are not mine. Here is the question I have for you... do you not have more students over the summer whose parents are not teachers and who need summer care? Our daycare does not make teachers pay during the summer, but they have a set monthly rate during the school year ( IE no discounts for Christmas break or spring break.) In doing this they receive a lot of business from teachers. During the summer they fill up with school age children and still make a good salary. (Some teachers even leave their children in for some of the summer.) They have not lost money. The difference is our daycare is ran by former teachers who understand that money is tight and teachers want to spend time with their children... they are also required to pay out hundreds of dollars during the summer for school supplies and professional development. Just my thoughts.
    You know what's super awesome about the society we live in today? We have choices. Options. A variety of business offerings right at our fingertips.
    You know what's not super awesome? Customers who expect us to conform to what they think our business should offer.

    As with any business, there will never be a one size fits all solution.

    I'm not sure what your intent was with this posting, but I must say, you came across with a very "holier than thou" attitude which is probably why you are receiving so much flak for "just your thoughts".

