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Nannyde - No Motion Babies?

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  • #16
    Thanks Nanny De!


    • #17
      Originally posted by Iowa daycare View Post
      Thanks Nanny De!

      At your service as always


      • #18
        Have I ever mentioned being SO jealous of Canada for exactly that reason? (Well, and others, but that's a big one). How's the demand for home childcare or high school teachers in Canada ::? I've vaguely considered moving there just to get away from some of the dumb things in America.
        Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


        • #19
          Originally posted by nannyde View Post

          At your service as always
          I am going to get a hold of you sometime I am in Des Moines!


          • #20
            Originally posted by marniewon View Post
            Getting him to sleep is not the problem - yesterday I "got" him to sleep 4 times in that short 4 hours he was here. However, every time I went to lay him down he started screaming! 4 times in 4 hours of getting him to sleep just to have him wake up cranky and tired and wouldn't go back to sleep unless/until I picked him back up and rocked him. Over and over again. Even if he was my only dck, no way would I want to enforce that habit of not sleeping unless he was in my arms! I will not rock him all through nap. That doesn't help me any, and it sure isn't helping him to learn to self-soothe!
            When my oldest ds was a baby, I had the EXACT same problem. He'd fall asleep nursing, out cold, pu him down in his crib ever so slowly....bam! He's awake. What I did that worked like a dream was before I started feeding him( or about 10-15 min. before I put him down for nap) I would lay a heating pad in his crib. When I was ready to put him down, I would remove the pad, and his bed would be nice and warm!! AND he would stay asleep!! I did this for about 2 weeks, then I gradually lowered the heat each time until it wasn't even on. It worked SO WELL! Maybe you could give it a try!
            ~Everything happens for a reason~


            • #21
              Originally posted by Bizzymom1111 View Post
              When my oldest ds was a baby, I had the EXACT same problem. He'd fall asleep nursing, out cold, pu him down in his crib ever so slowly....bam! He's awake. What I did that worked like a dream was before I started feeding him( or about 10-15 min. before I put him down for nap) I would lay a heating pad in his crib. When I was ready to put him down, I would remove the pad, and his bed would be nice and warm!! AND he would stay asleep!! I did this for about 2 weeks, then I gradually lowered the heat each time until it wasn't even on. It worked SO WELL! Maybe you could give it a try!
              Thanks, I'll try that. He's so warm all the time though that I kind of figured that if the pnp was a little cooler it would actually feel better. But I've also given some thought to swaddling, since it worked well with other babies when they fell asleep and I had to move them from me (warm) to pnp (cold).


              • #22
                Interesting article.

                Nan, since u take babies how do u keep your sanity while dealing with the crying? My now 6 month dcg is just now getting the whole lay down and play or sleep. I used the CIO method. There were many days I diddnt think I would make it. My BP was about to explode


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Crystal View Post
                  .Tell Mom, lay him down AWAKE, tell him night-night and you love him, walk away, let him cry for 10 minutes (if he does) walk in if he doesn't stop, rub his back BRIEFLY, gently reassure that "it's time for night-nights, shhhh, it's okay, go night-night" walk away, repeat. DO NOT PICK HIM UP. He has to KNOW that you are not going to give in. This should only take a few days before he realizes that the screaming will not get him picked up and will give him time to learn to self-soothe.

                  good luck.
                  This is probably off topic but I have meaning to ask what others do in this situation....above Crystal says "rub his back" which is what I did with both of my girls. BUT babies are suppose to sleep on their backs (mine didn't) although I always put daycare babies on their back, but how do you sooth a screaming baby that is staring up at you when they are laying on their back. You can't rub their back or pat their bums, two things that always worked for my girls.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by BentleysBands View Post
                    Interesting article.

                    Nan, since u take babies how do u keep your sanity while dealing with the crying? My now 6 month dcg is just now getting the whole lay down and play or sleep. I used the CIO method. There were many days I diddnt think I would make it. My BP was about to explode
                    For healthy babies over three months:

                    I have space to separate them from the other kids and a nursery that was built with excellent soundproofing. I have solid core doors. I have separate sleeping rooms for the infants and the older kids. I have portable cameras with portable bases so I can put cameras on them and have a receiver wherever I am in the house. I also have a Staff Assistant so there is someone here with me during prime time.

                    I just have a really good set up to manage crying so that we can see them but not hear them. I can make my decisions based on what I see and what I know and NOT on how it makes me feel and not on what other kids it is affecting.

                    I'm not super woman and I KNOW that. I know that I'm flesh and bone just like everyone else and I need to keep myself in CHECK. This is why I have put in a lot of measures to make sure we have a safe, quiet, comfortable place for babies to get their cry on if they need some time for crying.

                    I don't take it personally and I don't try to solve all crying. I know babies and I know that they all need some time to exercise and blow steam. I try not to intefere with that. I don't use motion solving for ANY kind of crying. I don't swaddle. I don't use pacifiers. I don't like high stimulation for soothing. I do use sleep sacks with the hands folded over. Covering the hands with nice thick soft material is something I have found that really helps. I keep the rooms pitch black dark and cool and the clothing on the kid nice and warm.

                    I do a LOT of belly time from day one. I do a "rotational grazing" of play yard, play pen, boppy, bouncy seats, sit up seats, feeding, sleeping, going out for a walk. I have excellent old school high quality equipment for every size and age baby. I try to rotate them thru everything we have for them and do it in an order that really promotes balance in the baby.

                    I do kind of the opposite with crying than most. I do not rock when they are upset, I rock when they are happy. I don't walk them while they are crying... I walk them when they are happy. I don't use swings much but when I do it is ONLY when they are happy and there is an adult within a few feet of them every second.

                    I put them to bed WIDE AWAKE every day every nap. I don't allow them to fall asleep while eating. I keep them awake during eating and then have them sit up for a bit before nap. I want them awake when they are put into bed.

                    Once nap time has started I do not take them out of bed unless they have to have a diaper change. I do that in the darkened room and just put them back. I go in and check the room every ten minutes or so and they get used to me coming in and out. I get them used to noise at nap so they don't respond to it after they have been here a while.

                    So these are some of the measures I have in place to manage crying. It's important that we ALL stay happy and have as calm as an enviornment as we can. I am the center of the universe here in making sure that everyone gets what they need and that we can make this work safely for years and years. It's on me to make that happen.

                    Year after year after year I have excelent babies. We have very very little crying going on here. Once they are used to our ways they usually only cry when they need to eat, need a change, or need a new point of view. Once they are about a year old they can go days and days in between crying. By 18 months it can be weeks. By two it's nearly nonexistant. So with this we don't have the fussing of the OTHER kids when we are integrating new babies. That helps a LOT too.

                    Having a CALM environment with stable kids really helps bring stability to the new babies.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Miss Joy View Post
                      This is probably off topic but I have meaning to ask what others do in this situation....above Crystal says "rub his back" which is what I did with both of my girls. BUT babies are suppose to sleep on their backs (mine didn't) although I always put daycare babies on their back, but how do you sooth a screaming baby that is staring up at you when they are laying on their back. You can't rub their back or pat their bums, two things that always worked for my girls.
                      Yes, you should put babies to sleep on their backs. BUT, once they are old enough to roll over to their tummies, they typically end up sleeping on their tummies. It isn't neccessary to roll them back over to their backs. ( I can see some parents actually standing by to roll baby every time they move )So, by three months old, you should be able to comfort a baby by rubbing their back/patting their bum.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Crystal View Post
                        Yes, you should put babies to sleep on their backs. BUT, once they are old enough to roll over to their tummies, they typically end up sleeping on their tummies. It isn't neccessary to roll them back over to their backs. ( I can see some parents actually standing by to roll baby every time they move )So, by three months old, you should be able to comfort a baby by rubbing their back/patting their bum.
                        Wow I've never had a three month old that could flip either from back to belly or belly to back.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                          Wow I've never had a three month old that could flip either from back to belly or belly to back.
                          Really? All of mine did. I think that has a bit to do with the fact hat I use absolutley no baby bouncers, swings, high chairs, exersaucers, etc. They tend to do stuff earlier when they aren't confined to equipment.


                          • #28

                            This chart shows that at three months babies roll from tummy to back. By 5 months, back to tummy. So, for SOME three month olds, you wouldn't be able to rub the back when sleeping as they may not be rolling from back to tummy yet. But, mine did (probably somewhere between 3 and 5 months, not EXACTLY 3 months) and I'd say MOST of my dck did.


                            • #29
                              I've never had a baby roll from back to stomach at 3 months. Usually they roll from stomach to back at close to 4 months and then from back to stomach a month or two later.


                              • #30
                                None of my dck's have done that, and the 3mo I have now isn't even close to being able to roll either way!

