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Parent Behavior - Pet Peeves

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  • #31
    Parents talking to ME in baby talk. I spend 50+ hours a week teaching kids communication and self help skills, they know you are condescending. :confused:

    Parents telling me to kiss their kids goodbye (or the reverse). I cannot stand forced PDA. Don't do it to me OR your kid, it is disrespectful and invasive to both of us. I also spend a lot of time on disease prevention education. RSV risk is very real and still very deadly, parents.

    All things manipulative (fear, obligation, guilt).
    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


    • #32
      The drop off behavior. From parent and child. Child turns into a huge whiny baby and parent plays right into it. Had one showing up 15 minutes early to accommodate for this show so she could still be to work on time. I was just like seriously?! Honestly love them but this annoys me to no end.

      The "preschool" discussion. Because all the work I've been putting into teaching your child means nothing without the official "preschool" sign outside my house. And despite that I have the same background/education as a public preschool teacher...its not the same since I'm working out of my home

      The he threw up because something "didn't agree with him"... Yup, you're right, keep him home, period.

      Oh and the "your kid/dck got mine sick." happens. Yours infects us too. No I will not keep them home, stop sending them to Sunday School, keep them away from other kids. Be a sahm if you want your child isolated in cold/flu season mine interact with others like it or not.

      And of course the questioning of policies,payments etc.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
        I actually had to change my policies to state that you must be here in time to get your kid dressed to leave and be off my property BEFORE closing time or I will charge the late fee.

        Getting here AT closing time and then spending an additional 15-20 minutes wasting my personal time does not sit well with me. I want to go home AT 5:01PM not a single minute later.
        I swear I have to make a policy for everything!! This family has been a sore spot for me ever since they started to be honest. It's one of those "pick your battles" situations at the moment. Very annoying.


        • #34
          DCPs not remembering things after multiple notes home and conversations at drop off/ pick up. If I say something reminding you I'm closed tomorrow and you look at me panicked and shocked, I'm not even going to pretend to be polite about it.


          • #35
            Originally posted by nannyde View Post
            I love your book! I only just got it about 2 weeks ago and I was crying from laughter....and shaking my head with the grief I've already had to deal with.

