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Parent Behavior - Pet Peeves

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  • Parent Behavior - Pet Peeves

    What is something that parents do that really knots your britches?

    Mine is when a parent says, "come here" and then laughs when the child runs away! ITS NOT FUNNY! It's dangerous.

    I have one mom that laughs every single day when her child runs away at pickup.

    I'm not confrontational so o haven't addressed the mom but I have said, " hey Johnny, it's not funny to run from your mother. She's asking you to come and running away could be dangerous. She asked you to do something and this isn't a time for jokes." yet mom still allows the behavior and laughs every time.

    Sure enough, mom was trying to get child into car at pickup today and he darted. STRAIGHT INTO THE ROAD. Mom screamed "NO!" in the most blood-curdling tone. I ran to the door just to see what happened and thank goodness, no cars were coming. But I bet she won't be joking around when he runs away anymore...

    Why do people have to learn the hard way!??

  • #2
    Attempting to negotiate my policies. Especially when they do it via text . . .


    • #3
      When they hang around at drop off. Pickup doesn't bother me, I like to chat about their day. But dropoff, nope! They all know it, too. Only 2 parents are lingerers.


      • #4
        Originally posted by midaycare View Post
        When they hang around at drop off. Pickup doesn't bother me, I like to chat about their day. But dropoff, nope! They all know it, too. Only 2 parents are lingerers.
        I've got one dad who tries to hang out. Eeeks me out. He wants to chat it up and I want to move on w my day. Not flirtation at all. Just, adult conversation I think. His wife works until late so he has no one to talk to.


        • #5
          I could literally write a novel ::


          • #6
            Most recently it was when I corrected my grandson who is 2 and he started pouting and his mom was here and started hugging and kissing him and saying "yeah I know you are the bestest baby in the whole world". Yeah okay but you are the same one who is going to be mad when I don't make him leave DD's cat alone and he gets scratched.


            • #7
              The drop off and pick up performance makes. me. crazy. It always comes from the DCM's that spend the least time with their kids and want to make sure that everyone else views them as mother of the year


              • #8
                Off hand......
                • Any sentence that begins with "I know it's against the rules but....."
                • Any sentence that begins with "He/She wouldn't let me _____________."
                • ANY discussion about paying outside their normal pay date.
                • Asking me if any others are sick at daycare when their child gets sick.......ESPECIALLY when asked by a parent that is a nurse or works at the clinic/hospital or public school.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                  Off hand......
                  • Any sentence that begins with "I know it's against the rules but....."
                  • Any sentence that begins with "He/She wouldn't let me _____________."
                  • ANY discussion about paying outside their normal pay date.
                  • Asking me if any others are sick at daycare when their child gets sick.......ESPECIALLY when asked by a parent that is a nurse or works at the clinic/hospital or public school.
                  :: This made me laugh. Just yesterday, was telling a dcm that I had noticed her little one coughing and she asked if anyone was sick here. I said no, everyone is in the clear. Then she said to dcg, where did you get this cold? Dcg answers: Dad!

                  Ha ha ha.

                  I didn't take it as annoying, she was just genuinely curious to see if anyone was sick with anything that she should keep an eye out for, and dcg is only 17 months and is always saying dad. The comic timing was impeccable, though.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Ariana View Post
                    I could literally write a novel ::

                    About one dcf. There's always one in the group


                    • #11
                      DCD showed up late everyday. I told him to start texting me to let me know that he will be late and what time I should expect him. He texts me "will be late, be there by 11:30." Seriously though? This would be at 8:30 or 9 in the morning. So that meant that he could show up anytime between those times. Like we were all suppose to wait around for him and his kid all day.

                      I was getting ready to draw up a new contract with new hours for him but they ended up putting in their two weeks. Thank God I don't have to deal with that family anymore.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Ariana View Post
                        I could literally write a novel ::

                        My "novel"


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                          :: yep! I was totally going to say that you had a lovely novel that addresses all of my "pet peeves" . Great book!


                          • #14
                            Had a parent ask this week "I have my handbook at home but just thought I would ask what is the absolute latest I can pick up xxxx" I replied with "you have contracted hours, anything outside of that will have charges added". Also had a parent whom I sent the child home for excessive diarhea text at 9 PM this week asking if the child could come the next day...UGH NO, NO, NO...They ask because they know the answer but are seeing if you will enforce the rule. I do not like when parents TRY to negotiate.:confused:


                            • #15
                              -I HATE being put in the middle of separated/divorced parental conflicts. Or being the go between. For example: "Hello DCP, just a reminder that payment is due today!"
                              "Oh shoot, I totally forgot! Ughhhh I am so broke, I don't know what I am going to do!" (Go ahead and make this statement alone number 2!) "maybe you can talk to other DCP and they'll pay it this week, etc etc"
                              .........stony silence.... "I'm sorry DCP, however, I don't want to be brought into the middle of your arrangements. If you all could please decide now and going forward yourselves how this shall be managed, I'd appreciate it! Thank you so much for being so understanding!"
                              -"im so sorry, DCK wanted/didn't want to do this/bring this item/eat or drink this food/etc".......uh, no. You're the parent. If you want or need a child to do something, you handle it and make them do it.
                              -"Can you <<insert special request here>>?" Sigh.....
                              -"I totally forgot my checkbook/today was payday!"
                              -"how much is it this week? Oh, it's the same flat rate? But DCK was sick or with family (OR I just wanted to keep them home and save money) -- doesn't that take anything off?"
                              -"What do you mean you don't want to rock my screaming baby to sleep who is solely nursed to sleep at home?"

                     name a few. Lol

