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Visitors at Daycare

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Thriftylady View Post
    I don't understand this thought. I always trusted my mom with my kids. After all she did an okay job with the four of us. Sure she made some mistakes but as parents we all do.
    I kind of see both sides of this. In my case, I absolutely would trust my mom with my kids. I wish she would have lived long enough to even meet them, so I would give anything to have her around and be able to care for them. My dad is older and has bad hips, so if I leave them with him, it is for short periods of time, but not because I don't trust him. My sister doesn't trust him to watch her kids, however, because she doesn't think he could handle them. Her kids are quite a bit rowdier than mine, though, so my dad has even said he wouldn't be comfortable watching them for too long

    The other side I have seen a lot of lately, though, is younger, high maintenance parents who say they don't trust their parents to watch their kids and it usually has to do with them thinking their parents are not capable. They think that they know best (and have read every parenting book to prove it!) and their parents will "mess up" the kids schedule, let baby cry for a second too long, or not know how to heat the breast milk up or tell them No, rather than considering little one's feelings, ect I find it amusing, because I have just seen so many new parents who think they know everything after being a parent for all of 10 minutes, so it makes me laugh when they shun their own parent's ability to take care of kids. It's not rocket science, but some parents want you to have a PHD before you even look at their kid, so a grandma with 30+ years experience just doesn't cut it for some anymore::


    • #32
      A visit is one thing coming for the day is disruptive.When I had a parent visit before care stated I would try to set it up outside in the play yard. I explained that it would be less disruptive and give new child some space.It worked most of the time.The open door policy to me was you can come and pick up your child ,but only one drop off and pick -up per day.This is not a center and that is very disruptive to the group.Also though my DC was plenty big enough there is one adult rocker (mine)no other adult seating.The upstairs kitchen and playroom same thing 6 child spots and mine. I am really glad my daughter trusted me with her children ,they were in DC for 5 yrs each. Also my mom took my kids for a few weekends growing up.


      • #33
        Originally posted by bklsmum View Post
        I would absolutely NOT allow this. It is a liability issue and other parents could have an issue with it since there will be a stranger they don't know around their kids all day.
        Originally posted by Meeko View Post
        No way. No how.

        The request is weird anyway. She wants to spend time with baby? Then do it at home!!!!!!!!!!!!

        I think you have a nosy granny that wants to nit-pick.
        Originally posted by midaycare View Post
        I have an open door policy for parents. Not grandparents or extended family.
        Ditto to all of this! I'd say that due to confidentiality concerns I couldn't accommodate that request, but Grandma is welcome to keep the baby home all or part of the day.

