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Day 1 with Essential Oils

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  • Day 1 with Essential Oils


    After much research I finally broke down and got my diffuser and some essential oils to start out with. I normally have a small group on Mondays and today I only have 4.

    Well after lunch, someone (normally whoever is on their best behavior) gets to pick out one show for us to watch, this normally helps them to wind down before nap. Today it was 3.5 yo DCB. He picked Blaze and the Monster Machines.

    I put lavendar and patchuli in the diffuser right after lunch ended.

    We watch about 10 minutes of the show and I get up and go to the restroom, come back and 2 y DCG is sound asleep sitting straight up in the couch, 21m DCG, is laying on the floor on her tummy with her arms sprawled out and her eyes half open, 3m old is sleeping soundly (which is nothing surprising) I ask 3.5 DCB if he wants to finish his show or just go to nap now, and he said "I just wanna go nap, I'm so tired" happyfacehappyfacehappyface

    I'd say that's score one for ME

  • #2
    I like essential oils for the smell, but I've never had any holistic help with them.


    • #3
      What is this magic you speak of?



      • #4
        I don't have a napping issue, I do have a wild crew of SA kiddos. I wonder if there are any oils that would be calming.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Thriftylady View Post
          I don't have a napping issue, I do have a wild crew of SA kiddos. I wonder if there are any oils that would be calming.
          Well, lavendar has a calming/relaxing effect and Patchouli calms the nervous system, you could also try Ylang Ylang which is for calming the emotions or Vetiver which calms and focuses the mind. A lot of brands put out things such as Calm & Focus which I believe are aimed towards helping ADHD type symptoms......I'm fairly new to all this, although I have been looking into it for a while, plus I have had one Daycare parent who was highly into it last year, and talked about it a lot, and now I have another daycare parent that is T totally into it she does training sessions and everything for a specific company (I went with another company to get started because it was more budget friendly and I am still getting pure oils, plus I can get it at my local grocery store, and I like to be able to see, smell, and touch things, I'm not one for mail it's instant gratification because I get it right then )


          • #6
            Yay for EOs!

            I have been using EOs for about 6 years. I only started diffusing them this year and I can say I like it! I got into using them to help with pain. They work well for me. I wish I could use them at work, but I work in a center so fat chance of that happening! I got ringworm from a dck a few months ago and used melaluca and diluted oregano every day twice a day. It cleared up in a week and a half. So glad they are working for you as well!


            • #7
              I use thieves and lavender most days , The good news is there is a market difference in sickness here! The bad news is that I never have low attendance days. JK about that being bad news.


              • #8
                When I had the family I recently terminated, I purchased a diffuser and some lavender along with balance oils...but since I terminated this family a few weeks ago, I haven't even thought about the oils:: I didn't realize how bad this family was till they were gone, my daycare days are now so NICE


                • #9
                  I don't buy into the benefits of oils but understand and support those that choose to use them.

                  As a provider I would caution those of you that do use them to ALWAYS get parents permission before using when daycare kids are present. I've read a few stories/situations fro providers in different forum groups say some children can have bad reactions to certain oils or mixture of oils.

                  I personally can't stand scents that are too strong and certain flowery scents would make me vomit so again, I would make sure I have parental permission before diffusing or using oils while daycare kids are present.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                    I don't buy into the benefits of oils but understand and support those that choose to use them.

                    As a provider I would caution those of you that do use them to ALWAYS get parents permission before using when daycare kids are present. I've read a few stories/situations fro providers in different forum groups say some children can have bad reactions to certain oils or mixture of oils.

                    I personally can't stand scents that are too strong and certain flowery scents would make me vomit so again, I would make sure I have parental permission before diffusing or using oils while daycare kids are present.
                    I checked with licensing before buying and she said I did not have to get parental permission to use them. I actually bought my diffuser from a current client. But, like you, I do NOT feel there are any longterm effects that are of benefit to me or my program. My days are much better by getting rid of the problem family I did try the lavender on my son that doesn't sleep well...don't feel it is a benefit there either. Haven't used my diffuser since the problem family left:: I think I was just grasping at anything to make things better...that tells you how hard I worked to make things possible for this family and I to get along, but it wasn't going to happen.::


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Annalee View Post
                      I checked with licensing before buying and she said I did not have to get parental permission to use them. I actually bought my diffuser from a current client. But, like you, I do NOT feel there are any longterm effects that are of benefit to me or my program. My days are much better by getting rid of the problem family I did try the lavender on my son that doesn't sleep well...don't feel it is a benefit there either. Haven't used my diffuser since the problem family left:: I think I was just grasping at anything to make things better...that tells you how hard I worked to make things possible for this family and I to get along, but it wasn't going to happen.::
                      I didn't mean licensing... I just meant asking parents for permission. I've seen some posts about irate parents so I guess I always go with the "when in doubt" ask.

                      As a parent, if my provider was defusing oils (especially some of them) while my child was present, I'd want to know and I'd want to know she knew what she was doing and that she was knowledgeable in the area since some oils/scents can have bad effects on asthma and stuff like that.

                      I dunno, I'm just thinking I'd be kind of irked if I picked my kid up from daycare and she reeked of patchouli..... and lavender seriously makes me gag. so like anything since we run a business from our homes, I always try to run things by a parent first before doing.

                      And YES!!! Totally get what you mean about the tough family...sometimes grasping at ANYTHING to make it through helps...even if it's only mind over matter. ::


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                        I didn't mean licensing... I just meant asking parents for permission. I've seen some posts about irate parents so I guess I always go with the "when in doubt" ask.

                        As a parent, if my provider was defusing oils (especially some of them) while my child was present, I'd want to know and I'd want to know she knew what she was doing and that she was knowledgeable in the area since some oils/scents can have bad effects on asthma and stuff like that.

                        I dunno, I'm just thinking I'd be kind of irked if I picked my kid up from daycare and she reeked of patchouli..... and lavender seriously makes me gag. so like anything since we run a business from our homes, I always try to run things by a parent first before doing.

                        And YES!!! Totally get what you mean about the tough family...sometimes grasping at ANYTHING to make it through helps...even if it's only mind over matter. ::
                        I hate strong smells too, always have, even as a kid. To smell patchouli all day would be the 7th layer of hell for me.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          I hate strong smells too, always have, even as a kid. To smell patchouli all day would be the 7th layer of hell for me.
                          If the smells are strong....they are using too many drops!

                          I'd much rather inhale essential oils than chemical laden sprays or scentsy candles.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            I hate strong smells too, always have, even as a kid. To smell patchouli all day would be the 7th layer of hell for me.
                            Oh my ME TOO! Patchouli is the devils perfume with lavender being a close second ::

                            I can only tolerate citrus oils or light peppermint.


                            • #15
                              So the oils have a strong odor? If so they won't work in my house. DD and I have allergies that can't handle that. Even walking near bath and body works in a mall kills us.

