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1% or Skim Milk, only, after 24 months?

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  • #31
    all dairy is crap...... I have never eaten it and never plan to.

    I believe that humans are the only species who drink milk past infancy..

    its no wonder many people are lactose intolerant to it as they grow older


    • #32
      Originally posted by daycare View Post
      all dairy is crap...... I have never eaten it and never plan to.

      I believe that humans are the only species who drink milk past infancy..

      its no wonder many people are lactose intolerant to it as they grow older
      Tell us how you really feel... ::::::

      Thank you! I now have to clean off my keyboard. ::::::

      >> I have this image of a cave man sneaking ninja like under a sleeping Auroch.<<<
      - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
        Tell us how you really feel... ::::::

        Thank you! I now have to clean off my keyboard. ::::::

        >> I have this image of a cave man sneaking ninja like under a sleeping Auroch.<<<
        lmao sorry, its early still....ok actually in daycare land its late, but I am slow this AM...

        auroch, is that a cow???


        • #34
          Originally posted by daycare View Post

          auroch, is that a cow???
          Yes, a prehistoric one.
          Attached Files
          - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
            Yes, a prehistoric one.
   that was a lucky guess on my part... I had no clue....

            I need to eat what your eating, my brain is small..........

            see what all these years of dacyare can do to a person..

            I guess you have found the immunity to the affects of childcare


            • #36
              Originally posted by daycare View Post
     that was a lucky guess on my part... I had no clue....

              I need to eat what your eating, my brain is small..........

              see what all these years of dacyare can do to a person..

              I guess you have found the immunity to the affects of childcare
              :: Khan Academy and Ebooks don't hurt, that is for sure.

              This nutrition stuff is frustrating, though.. much like History it is up to the researcher and the goals of the study. :confused: Each research study has an equal and opposite one...
              - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
                :: Khan Academy and Ebooks don't hurt, that is for sure.

                This nutrition stuff is frustrating, though.. much like History it is up to the researcher and the goals of the study. :confused:
                Each research study has an equal and opposite one...
                And then you have the young 5 mile a day jogger who doesn't have an ounce of unhealthy tissue in their body and eats cleanly drop dead for no apparent reason....

                While the chain smoking, slightly obese person who eats 3 fried eggs and half a loaf of Wonder bread for breakfast holding steady in their 90ies...

                Wish "they" (whomever 'they' are) would hurry up and figure it out already...


                • #38
                  I only had whole milk in my house until this recently changed. All 3 of my adult children (now in their 20's) loved milk and drank lots of it. They are all super thin with zero body fat!!!!!

                  I think this whole milk thing is crazy... The real issue lies with eating a healthy diet of non processed foods & fruits & veggies, limiting fast foods & most importantly exercise!!!! I believe, that video games & tv are the biggest reasons for childhood obesity.

                  At my last site visit with licensing, I was told they are actually regulating that 1% milk be served to 2 yo & up. I'm on the food program, so I had already implemented it, but I was told they would cite us for not having it.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by mom2many View Post
                    At my last site visit with licensing, I was told they are actually regulating that 1% milk be served to 2 yo & up. I was told they would cite us for not having it.
                    Yes! That is my issue. The parents don't want the change and the kids won't drink it for me.

                    If I give the kids what the parents want, I could lose my write off? and risk being cited.

                    For wishy washy research.
                    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
                      No. :hug: I love debates. I want to learn about this.

                      Angelsj, My clients are saying whole is the only healthy cows milk and they would rather water be served than 1% after two. They'd prefer me to serve yogurt/cheese and a glass of water instead.
                      I agree with them completely. And I would prefer raw at that. On all of those counts. Sadly raw milk is illegal here unless you have your own cow. (Working on that one. Not that I could give it to the dcks.)

                      And thanks for the cave man image. ::::


                      • #41
                        Another thought...

                        Are you discussing the type of milk because they're asking?

                        I just buy my groceries and feed them to the kids. I don't run it past the parents. If they did ask, (never had one do so), I'd say 1%. If that didn't suit them, they'd bring me a container of whatever the heck they want.

                        I realize it's different if you're on the food program. You can't claim what the parents have provided. I'm not on it, so that's where my outlook comes from.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Lucy View Post
                          Another thought...

                          Are you discussing the type of milk because they're asking?

                          Yep. We transition from breast milk/formula to whole milk, then to 2% by the old standards. When that changed I had to change the feeding plan in the handbook.

                          Most like to email me for clarification on that section, "Meals"... few just sign off and turn it back in.

                          I rarely invite drama into my money on purpose... ::

                          Good point, though.
                          - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                          • #43
                            This is really quite simple If you are on the food program you have to follow the rules and that means 1% or 1/2 % or skim for 2 and up unless there is a medical need or the parents just want them on soy.

                            If you do not want to follow those rules you are free to not be on the food program and the IRS does not ask or care what milk or even if you serve milk The standard deduction is a easy way to figure food costs. heck you could feed them pancakes and koolaid and the IRS has nothing to say about it Though your state would if you are licensed and so would the parents
                            It:: will wait


                            • #44
                              have you watched the new milk commerical where there is a little girl sitting in the shopping cart while shopping with her mom.

                              a lady comes up looking rather beat up, and says I am you in the future, you didn't drink your milk...

                              but if you did drink your milk.. ALl of a sudden this woman turns into a beautiful marathon runner who takes first place...

                              I want to kick the screen...

                              Oh and heres a laugh.

                              I said this to my husband about the milk thread.

                              He said
                              Humans are the only animal to drink milk after infancy and also the only animal to drink the milk of another animal. If drinking milk were human breast milk, he said he would help himself to several servings a day....yeah leave it to a man to come up with that....


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by daycare View Post
                                have you watched the new milk commerical where there is a little girl sitting in the shopping cart while shopping with her mom.

                                a lady comes up looking rather beat up, and says I am you in the future, you didn't drink your milk...

                                but if you did drink your milk.. ALl of a sudden this woman turns into a beautiful marathon runner who takes first place...

                                I want to kick the screen...

                                Oh and heres a laugh.

                                I said this to my husband about the milk thread.

                                He said
                                Humans are the only animal to drink milk after infancy and also the only animal to drink the milk of another animal. If drinking milk were human breast milk, he said he would help himself to several servings a day....yeah leave it to a man to come up with that....
                                My children's pediatrician once told me that the only animals that should be drinking cow's milk are baby cows

