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Kisses! Kisses! More Kisses!!!!!

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  • #76
    Originally posted by CraftyMom View Post
    It's for the best, at least you didn't have to term her. I never like being the one to term. I'd rather have it be the parent's decision so it isn't me not trying to work it out in the eyes of licensing

    Don't be surprised if she comes back down the road after she passes this phase ::

    Kidding! I'm still getting a kick out of your other one!
    I don't like terming, either, and I'm so glad she opened her mouth first, even though I'm sure my face turned red from embarrassment. She was pretty patronizing, even though she was absolutely correct - I wasn't the right provider for her DD. A huge part of me is relieved she's gone and I and the other kids won't hear anymore screeching, but I really am sorry I wasn't able to turn it around and conquer that problem. So now it's back to the drawing board: First I had psycho/ingrate mom and her kids (who I'm about to reply to) and then this little girl, who did seem perfect on paper. I have a wait list so let's see if I can continue my string of winners...::


    • #77
      Originally posted by SignMeUp View Post
      Aw. ::We can all give you big kisses to make it better::
      But seriously, I hope you don't feel bad about it. You worked hard to find a solution that works in your child care.
      Who was the brilliant member who said we should redefine failure? Go with that

      To all of you!

