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Do You Text With Parents?

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  • Do You Text With Parents?

    I notice many threads where providers mention texting with parents. How many of you do this?

  • #2
    Actually, I prefer this. I'm too busy to talk on teh ph and sometime I feel intimitated, so I can pretty much say what I want when I text without having to worry about my shy side! And not only that, I also have a record of the conversation, and I can write things out over a period of time if I am busy. I also love the fact that they text me when they get out of work and tell me they are on their way, so I can start packing up the kid and putting on their shoes, coats etc, and then they are ready to go out the door right when the parent arrives!


    • #3
      Almost all correspondance with parents is done face to face or text. They know if they call me, I may not be able to answer the phone, but it only takes a few seconds to text, when I get a minute. Same here, I will text them if I need to, so I don't bother them at work, and when they have a minute, they can text back.


      • #4
        I definitely do. They actually prefer it.


        • #5
          I do not text or email any of my parents. I prefer phone. But we also don't have texting on our cell phone anyways, we pay for the cheapest plan out there since we hardly ever use our cell phone. I do have one mom who does text me to my email which is fine providing what she's telling me I get before she gets here, like she wont be here until 10 and I dont' get it until then ::


          • #6
            Most of my parents prefer it. Like another poster said, it's nice when they are running late or something else that they can ask if it's ok or just to let me know.

            Mine know too that it's sometime easier to get a response from me that way.

            We had a super bad storm 2 weeks ago where tornado sirens were going off and people were put into shelters. I had 2 parents texting me from the shelters to make sure that we were all ok and knew what was going on. I even had 1 parent that was texting me that hadn't ever texted me before.

            I know my parents pretty well to know whether this would be something they would use. I do have 1 parent that I've never texted with and it's because she doesn't text period. It's funny though that she's the one main parent I wished had it!


            • #7
              all the time unless its very important i will call or talk at p/u


              • #8
                I do also. Most of my clients are of the younger generation so I have had to keep up! Not to mention, my kids won't answer a call but they will answer a text. Go figure.


                • #9
                  Yes, definitely texts. Easiest for both parties. They can do it secretly while at work, and I don't have to answer a phone at an inconvenient time. Makes the conversation shorter too. I use email also. I just have my laptop on all the time on my kitchen counter and if an email pops up, I hear that sound. Again, don't have to go over and read it immediately if I'm busy.


                  • #10
                    I do and it is also part of the paperwork they sign when they enroll. I have a part in there asking if texting is ok.
                    I also use it for fun -I send fun pictures of their kids to them sporadically throughout the day and they LOVE that.


                    • #11
                      So for those of you who do text with parents are you having texts with each parent each day throughout the day or are they just texting you when they are on their way to pickup or if there is a tornado?


                      • #12

                        I send/receive texts about pick up and drop offs. I also have an occasional parent check in when the kid wasn't feeling too great, just to be sure they are ok. Sometimes if I want to tell a funny story I'll text them too. They appreciate the laughs. ::


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Live and Learn View Post
                          So for those of you who do text with parents are you having texts with each parent each day throughout the day or are they just texting you when they are on their way to pickup or if there is a tornado?
                          Mom will text to see if toddler straightened up after a crying drop-off. Or to tell me dad will be picking up 30 min early. I will text to tell a funny tidbit, or to say toddler slept 3 hours today! It's usually just a quick thing. If it were more important, they would call.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by DancingQueen View Post
                            I do and it is also part of the paperwork they sign when they enroll. I have a part in there asking if texting is ok.
                            I also use it for fun -I send fun pictures of their kids to them sporadically throughout the day and they LOVE that.
                            i did the same thing - i had one mom i had to force to leave bc her baby would cry - and i'd text her a pic before she could make it out of the driveway of him eating breakfast happy as could be. it made her mornings a lot easier during that period.


                            • #15
                              I have one dad that texts me every day at nap to see how she is doing and I text back and let him know
                              a mom that will text to tell me if she is running late or not coming at all
                              another will text me on the weekend occasionally if she found a good sale on something or if her ds did something incredibly amazing because she knows I love hearing about it (but usually if she needs me during the day she emails me - which I also get via my cell phone so for me it is no different than texting)

