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Question for NY Providers (Regs)

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  • #46
    My licensor was here Friday. She said that while WE cant give them the beverages in question....if the parents supply it, they can have it. However, each parent has to bring the beverage for their OWN child.

    So the day we go sleigh riding, I'll just be sure to have each parent send a packet of hot chocolate. LOL


    • #47
      I find the food program rules in different states so confusing and yet it is a FEDERAL program!

      I am in Utah. We can give the children anything we want as an extra as long as they get the REQUIRED portions of the REQUIRED food.

      So I could give them hot chocolate as long as I gave them the set item on the food program FIRST. So milk and snack could be FOLLOWED by hot chocolate.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Meeko View Post
        I find the food program rules in different states so confusing and yet it is a FEDERAL program!

        I am in Utah. We can give the children anything we want as an extra as long as they get the REQUIRED portions of the REQUIRED food.

        So I could give them hot chocolate as long as I gave them the set item on the food program FIRST. So milk and snack could be FOLLOWED by hot chocolate.
        Same here!


        • #49
          Originally posted by Meeko View Post
          I find the food program rules in different states so confusing and yet it is a FEDERAL program!

          I am in Utah. We can give the children anything we want as an extra as long as they get the REQUIRED portions of the REQUIRED food.

          So I could give them hot chocolate as long as I gave them the set item on the food program FIRST. So milk and snack could be FOLLOWED by hot chocolate.
          Right. But this new rule is actually a regulation, and has nothing to do with the food program at all. It's for all providers, whether you are on the food program or not.


          • #50
            Originally posted by melskids View Post
            Right. But this new rule is actually a regulation, and has nothing to do with the food program at all. It's for all providers, whether you are on the food program or not.
            Exactly! Essentially we have a LAW saying the kids can only have water, unflavored milk, or 100% juice. I guess I find that disturbing...


            • #51
              Originally posted by Play Care View Post
              Exactly! Essentially we have a LAW saying the kids can only have water, unflavored milk, or 100% juice. I guess I find that disturbing...
              Yup, a regulation not a food program rule. Which, imho is WORSE since it is NOT OPTIONAL to not participate where food program IS optional.


              • #52
                Ok, after reading all that again.... can I ask what really is the big deal?

                If licensing says you can only give water, mild and 100% fruit juice...just serve those things then.

                I guess I am not seeing what the fuss is about. I understand that a lot of licensing regulation are getting a bit ridiculous about common sense but this isn't the first or last thing that we will see change in this direction.

                If you really take a hard look at the world of childcare over the last 20 years, this is the same direction we've all been heading in for a while now.

                We've had endless threads about the silly things we can or can't do because of licensing so this is really no different than anything else.

                Just don't serve anything other than the approved beverages and leave it at that. If kids want hot cocoa, they a can have it at home instead of daycare.

                If your kids want hot cocoa, give them some. They are YOUR kids.

                If parents don't like that you can't serve something direct them to licensing and tell them to take it up with them.

                If the providers in your area can't stop bickering, being dramatic etc and work together towards a common goal, (in an association) the parents will either need to do it instead or too or licensed providers will simply have to continue following all the changes and rules that will continue to be placed upon us.

                I guess I don't see any other way around it.


                • #53
                  Black cat, no one is saying it's the end of the world. Simply that this regulation seems more, I dunno, "big brotherish" then what we are used to. It's the slippery slope that is troubling. And while other areas have had some really doozies of regs passed, our state has usually been pretty even keeled.

                  The ironic thing is that I only serve water and milk at my day care. I just don't like being told that's all I *can* serve.

                  And we were given an opportunity to comment on the proposed regs - they were roundly slammed by ALL associations, union reps, etc.

                  They passed anyway.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Play Care View Post
                    Black cat, no one is saying it's the end of the world. Simply that this regulation seems more, I dunno, "big brotherish" then what we are used to. It's the slippery slope that is troubling. And while other areas have had some really doozies of regs passed, our state has usually been pretty even keeled.

                    The ironic thing is that I only serve water and milk at my day care. I just don't like being told that's all I *can* serve.

                    And we were given an opportunity to comment on the proposed regs - they were roundly slammed by ALL associations, union reps, etc.

                    They passed anyway.
                    Yes, this is what bothers me. That they asked for our feedback, we responded in droves with a resounding NO to some of the new regs....and they went ahead and passed them anyway. How do you even go about getting them to listen AFTER they refused to listen before. ?

                    Due to he new regs, I have to install a new egress window in my basement, in a non daycare area, (in an UNFINISHED area) because the former window we had to install when I was first licensed here is no longer in compliance. They changed it from a minimum of X in by X inches to square footage. Ours is off by 3 effing inches. I have until May, but dh cant dig it out until the snow thaws.

                    I also have to find a way (still haven't come up with something with a big enough space) so that the daycare blankets and pillows do not touch. Even though they are washed nightly and put away (folded and stacked on top of each other) I at least understand the reasoning behind this reg, it's just a hassle.

                    The milk/water/juice thing bothers me. It seems very big brother, as playcare said. I also know providers who are hopping mad about it, as they aren't on the food program for a reason. They serve what they want, and now they can't.

                    I very much feel like I am less and less of a small business owner and more and more of a franchise owner, if that makes sense. I used to like the freedom of giving them Gatorade in hot summer months (I have 3 kids who absolutely refuse to drink water) and hot chocolate after snow play. I no longer have that freedom. What's next on this slippery slope? TELLING me what to charge? what I can't drink myself? What I can't have in the house?


                    • #55
                      The other part of this childhood obesity reg is that we're required to give the parents information about nutrition. Along w/ all the other handouts & info we're supposed to give them. I didn't go into this business to parent the parents!


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Play Care View Post
                        Black cat, no one is saying it's the end of the world. Simply that this regulation seems more, I dunno, "big brotherish" then what we are used to. It's the slippery slope that is troubling. And while other areas have had some really doozies of regs passed, our state has usually been pretty even keeled.

                        The ironic thing is that I only serve water and milk at my day care. I just don't like being told that's all I *can* serve.

                        And we were given an opportunity to comment on the proposed regs - they were roundly slammed by ALL associations, union reps, etc.

                        They passed anyway.
                        I know it's not the end of the world. I just don't think not being able to serve hot cocoa warrants this much attention.

                        Seems this isn't the first move towards governing what providers can and can't do in their own homes. We see it pretty regularly here. Some providers are even told exactly what their own children can and can't do in their own homes.

                        Seems your state is just now catching up with it's big brother duties...

                        Like I said before, it's too bad your associations aren't a better outlet for you and other providers who aren't happy about these changes. I would most definitely be thinking of ways to start an association that DOES represent how you feel. I would also be lobbying for a better union rep as the union rep is suppose to voice the opinion of the providers they represent.

                        I sympathize with you guys... I really do. I don't want you to think I am jumping on you about this....

                        I guess for me, it just seems like it's common with what's happening in the world of family child care and nothing I am surprised about.

                        Sadly this won't be the first strange reg you guys will be required to follow. I am sure there are more to come....which is why I would definitely be thinking of ways to have a voice and be heard.

                        Hang in there.... I am falling back on the notion that putting family child care providers (or at least family-style care) out of business as the "hidden" agenda that is happening across the country.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          The other part of this childhood obesity reg is that we're required to give the parents information about nutrition. Along w/ all the other handouts & info we're supposed to give them. I didn't go into this business to parent the parents!
                          One of THE biggest areas of the star rating system is to partner with and connect with parents.

                          In other words, parent the parent.

                          You may not have gotten into this business to do that, but it will soon be a requirement.


                          • #58
                            I am surprised that I read more providers upset about the drink thing than the no tv and internet for the provider thing. I see that on all my daycare boards. I don't serve anything but milk and juice so it wouldn't affect me. The no tv and internet would make me quit doing daycare there.

                            After seeing this on so many forums I'm beginning to wonder if sugar drinks are being given in daycare more than I thought


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                              I am surprised that I read more providers upset about the drink thing than the no tv and internet for the provider thing. I see that on all my daycare boards. I don't serve anything but milk and juice so it wouldn't affect me. The no tv and internet would make me quit doing daycare there.

                              After seeing this on so many forums I'm beginning to wonder if sugar drinks are being given in daycare more than I thought
                              Yes they are Nannyde! The food program sends out little notices and is ALWAYS telling people to stop serving (in between meals, of course) kool aid, purchased chocolate milk, sunny D and the like).

                              My registrar just said "don't play candy crush while you are supposed to be supervising the kids. Nobody is going to cite you for doing homework online during nap."


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
                                Yes, this is what bothers me. That they asked for our feedback, we responded in droves with a resounding NO to some of the new regs....and they went ahead and passed them anyway. How do you even go about getting them to listen AFTER they refused to listen before. ?

                                Due to he new regs, I have to install a new egress window in my basement, in a non daycare area, (in an UNFINISHED area) because the former window we had to install when I was first licensed here is no longer in compliance. They changed it from a minimum of X in by X inches to square footage. Ours is off by 3 effing inches. I have until May, but dh cant dig it out until the snow thaws.

                                I also have to find a way (still haven't come up with something with a big enough space) so that the daycare blankets and pillows do not touch. Even though they are washed nightly and put away (folded and stacked on top of each other) I at least understand the reasoning behind this reg, it's just a hassle.

                                The milk/water/juice thing bothers me. It seems very big brother, as playcare said. I also know providers who are hopping mad about it, as they aren't on the food program for a reason. They serve what they want, and now they can't.

                                I very much feel like I am less and less of a small business owner and more and more of a franchise owner, if that makes sense. I used to like the freedom of giving them Gatorade in hot summer months (I have 3 kids who absolutely refuse to drink water) and hot chocolate after snow play. I no longer have that freedom. What's next on this slippery slope? TELLING me what to charge? what I can't drink myself? What I can't have in the house?
                                I see both sides of this---

                                I used to serve juice and I don't anymore- way too much sugar in it for little bodies. I serve milk and water. but..... for Christmas or a party I might serve 100% juice or juice/vegetable. Treat and when I say treat its not a once a week thing. They get enough of all of that crud at home.

                                More and more rights being taken away is not good either. Lack of common sense is what gets these rights taken away in the first place-

                                Gatorade for kids? Not sure on that one for us here. If sick yes,(my own kids) but on a hot summer day water is good enough. I have always found that if a kid is refusing water, its because it is never offered- 99% of the time.

                                I think its a parents responsibility to ask the provider what they serve for drinks and voice what they want the child to have or not have- Its the providers responsibility to try to educate the parent to make good choices.

                                I think faces should be put forward on who makes these rules and how they come about public knowledge instead of what feels like put into place in the middle of the night when everyone is sleeping~

