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Question for NY Providers (Regs)

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  • #16
    Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
    I have 9, and can't afford to do it legally unlicensed and I won't go illegally. Way too much risk here as well.

    I also do not break regs. I almost have a panic attack when I walk into a room and I am missing an outlet plug or something. ::

    What kills me is SOME of the regs are SOOO mild. There is nothing in there about furniture needing to be anchored, soacing between deck rails (a child just died locally because she fell off an elevated deck-through the rails) or mixing valves required on sinks to avoid scalding. It is a RECOMMENDATION that we lower our water tank temp (ours is tankless, and NO WAY am I missing a HOT shower). But having hot cocoa or chocolate milk is SOOOO bad they made a reg? That's the state for you.
    I think it's totally ridiculous and a HUGE overstep of government!
    I know there are some providers who feel all this oversite/ STAR/QIRS will give providers a more professional image. All it does for me locally is make me look pretentious in my area parents want a BABYSITTER to keep their kids safe during the day. They are all thrilled I'm licensed *until* I have to enforce a regulation and tell them no of course all the other providers who don't follow regs in order to kiss parent butt aren't helping either...
    My licensor has said that they find when providers are not following the "little" regs they also tend to not follow the bigger ones - and if they catch it they pop in more. Too much pressure ::


    • #17
      Originally posted by Play Care View Post
      I agree. However my licensor has said that they find if a provider isn't following minor regs they are also breaking bigger ones. Shrugs.

      My common sense is just fine. It's what keeps me from stating on a public forum that I break regs
      I totally hear you.

      I wasn't saying YOU didn't have common sense....I hope you didn't take it like that. LOL


      • #18
        Originally posted by melskids View Post
        I totally hear you.

        I wasn't saying YOU didn't have common sense....I hope you didn't take it like that. LOL
        I may have taken it that way
        I am a little sensitive now, I've got a lot of dc crud I'm dealing with (thus my "everyone loves that I'm licensed until I have to enforce a regulation and tell them no" comment )


        • #19
          Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
          I have 9, and can't afford to do it legally unlicensed and I won't go illegally. Way too much risk here as well.

          I also do not break regs. I almost have a panic attack when I walk into a room and I am missing an outlet plug or something. ::

          What kills me is SOME of the regs are SOOO mild. There is nothing in there about furniture needing to be anchored, soacing between deck rails (a child just died locally because she fell off an elevated deck-through the rails) or mixing valves required on sinks to avoid scalding. It is a RECOMMENDATION that we lower our water tank temp (ours is tankless, and NO WAY am I missing a HOT shower). But having hot cocoa or chocolate milk is SOOOO bad they made a reg? That's the state for you.
          I though the lower water temp was a reg?


          • #20
            Originally posted by Play Care View Post
            I may have taken it that way
            I am a little sensitive now, I've got a lot of dc crud I'm dealing with (thus my "everyone loves that I'm licensed until I have to enforce a regulation and tell them no" comment )
            Oh my no, I'm sorry. I meant "common sense" as in.....I cant give them hot chocolate within moderation, but I don't have to have my shelf anchored....LOL

            They worry over stupid stuff, that should be common sense, and ignore more important things...which should be common sense. LOL


            • #21
              Originally posted by Play Care View Post
              I think it's totally ridiculous and a HUGE overstep of government!
              I know there are some providers who feel all this oversite/ STAR/QIRS will give providers a more professional image. All it does for me locally is make me look pretentious in my area parents want a BABYSITTER to keep their kids safe during the day. They are all thrilled I'm licensed *until* I have to enforce a regulation and tell them no of course all the other providers who don't follow regs in order to kiss parent butt aren't helping either...
              My licensor has said that they find when providers are not following the "little" regs they also tend to not follow the bigger ones - and if they catch it they pop in more. Too much pressure ::
              I was told it was a recommendation, not a reg. When I got inspected, they looked in all three bathrooms. He turned the water on in my first floor bath and said "It's hot, might think about turning down your hot water heater." so we got into a discussion. I looked through my entire reg book and couldn't find it either.

              I haven't received a new reg book, either. Are we supposed to get one? Might be nice to have a copy of the rules we are supposed to be following.

              I keep saying it, but all of this stuff that will supposedly help increase quality care is only doing the opposite. GOOD providers are going unlicensed (legal or illegal) to avoid it, if you stay up and running, the paperwork alone is insane and will DEFINITELY take away from the time spent with the children AND it means CRAP to the crappy providers out there anyway.


              • #22
                The whole thing really just frustrates me because there is a woman in town who is illegal and has 15 or more kids. They show up, sure....but she just refuses to answer the door, and there is NOTHING the state can do about it if she doesn't let them in. Meanwhile I cant give my kids a freakin' cup of chocolate milk?!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by melskids View Post
                  The whole thing really just frustrates me because there is a woman in town who is illegal and has 15 or more kids. They show up, sure....but she just refuses to answer the door, and there is NOTHING the state can do about it if she doesn't let them in. Meanwhile I cant give my kids a freakin' cup of chocolate milk?!
                  I know! So ridiculous!


                  • #24
                    I just wish there was something we could DO, ya know? Obviously they didn't care when people expressed concerns during the comment session.

                    A provider on another forum pointed out that it's like punishing the dck's - you *have* to be in dc and now you can't even have an occasional treat


                    • #25
                      Do any of you have local associations?

                      This would be a great time to either join one or start one. Groups of providers make a LOUD voice when necessary.

                      Sometimes the rules DO suck and they need REAL voices (actual providers) to revolt and change something...especially the ridiculous rules being imposed on you.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                        Do any of you have local associations?

                        This would be a great time to either join one or start one. Groups of providers make a LOUD voice when necessary.

                        Sometimes the rules DO suck and they need REAL voices (actual providers) to revolt and change something...especially the ridiculous rules being imposed on you.

                        I was just going to suggest this. I just wrote about our association on Blandino's post about child care associations.

                        I was just thinking about N.Y. providers when I wrote it. It sounds like they are going bonkers there.



                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                          Do any of you have local associations?

                          This would be a great time to either join one or start one. Groups of providers make a LOUD voice when necessary.

                          Sometimes the rules DO suck and they need REAL voices (actual providers) to revolt and change something...especially the ridiculous rules being imposed on you.
                          We tried locally, but the drama, bickering, and backstabbing between the providers ended that quickly.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by melskids View Post
                            We tried locally, but the drama, bickering, and backstabbing between the providers ended that quickly.
                            Here too. Wayyy too many cooks in this soup. We couldn't even have a successful local child care provider facebook group for a few months. Everyone went insane. Client stealing, rate setting, bad mouthing.

                            Gotta watch out for those NY'ers!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
                              Here too. Wayyy too many cooks in this soup. We couldn't even have a successful local child care provider facebook group for a few months. Everyone went insane. Client stealing, rate setting, bad mouthing.

                              Gotta watch out for those NY'ers!
                              hahahaha I guess so!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
                                I have 9, and can't afford to do it legally unlicensed and I won't go illegally. Way too much risk here as well.

                                I also do not break regs. I almost have a panic attack when I walk into a room and I am missing an outlet plug or something. ::

                                What kills me is SOME of the regs are SOOO mild. There is nothing in there about furniture needing to be anchored, soacing between deck rails (a child just died locally because she fell off an elevated deck-through the rails) or mixing valves required on sinks to avoid scalding. It is a RECOMMENDATION that we lower our water tank temp (ours is tankless, and NO WAY am I missing a HOT shower). But having hot cocoa or chocolate milk is SOOOO bad they made a reg? That's the state for you.
                                Might not be a reg. but my licensor made me put intermittent rails on my deck up before I initially got licensed.

                                I personally agree that we (as a whole) cannot pick and choose which regs we will or will not follow. I ache in the summer to use a kiddie pool but don't do it- NOT because I won't be supervising 100%, NOT because I won't drain and clean it daily, but because it is a reg. In my little house, I can hear myself breathing on the listening end of the monitor at naptime, but I still plug it in everyday - NOT because it is helpful, but because it is a reg.

                                I too have mini-heart attacks over missing outlet covers and covers on the outside trash teenagers think I am crazy!

