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Question for NY Providers (Regs)

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  • Question for NY Providers (Regs)

    The drinking reg - so we are now only allowed to serve water, milk, or 100% juice. Does that mean I can't give the kids hot cocoa occasionally?!
    Obviously not something I did often, but it was always nice on a cold day to have it as a special treat.

  • #2
    That's how I interpreted it


    • #3
      I JUST had an inspection last week, and that was one of the things I asked. YES, NOTHING but water, (unflavored) milk and 100% juice, when/if the food program allows it. I have kids who DO NOT drink water AT ALL. Several, in fact and I used to serve very diluted Gatorade in summer to help prevent dehydration. Now I have NO IDEA how we will be able to spend more time outside.

      It is RIDICULOUS, imho. These new regs are over the top.


      • #4
        Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
        I JUST had an inspection last week, and that was one of the things I asked. YES, NOTHING but water, (unflavored) milk and 100% juice, when/if the food program allows it. I have kids who DO NOT drink water AT ALL. Several, in fact and I used to serve very diluted Gatorade in summer to help prevent dehydration. Now I have NO IDEA how we will be able to spend more time outside.

        It is RIDICULOUS, imho. These new regs are over the top.
        Today we were outside playing. Of course when the kids came in they asked for hot cocoa. I had to say we couldn't have it


        • #5
          Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
          I JUST had an inspection last week, and that was one of the things I asked. YES, NOTHING but water, (unflavored) milk and 100% juice, when/if the food program allows it.
          do you have no right to give it to children OR you have no right to claim it if you give it to children?


          • #6
            Originally posted by ColorfulSunburst View Post
            do you have no right to give it to children OR you have no right to claim it if you give it to children?
            We have no right to give it to them with the new regulations. Before I could give it to them even though it wasn't creditable.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Play Care View Post
              We have no right to give it to them with the new regulations. Before I could give it to them even though it wasn't creditable.
              where can i see the new regulations? Thanks.


              • #8
                How are they going to know unless they see you?

                Whoops. You didn't hear me say that. ::


                • #9
                  I just went back and read the new regs. It says WE cant serve it as providers, but it also says when provided by the parent, beverages are not subject to the regulatory beverage standards.

                  Guess who just brought the hot chocolate to share. LOL


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by melskids View Post
                    How are they going to know unless they see you?

                    Whoops. You didn't hear me say that. ::
                    The problem with this is that my licensor chats with the kids when she pops in. She asks them all about their day, their favorite food at lunch, what they like the best to do at my house, etc. of course the kids will say "we watched MOVIES and ate CANDY and I love when we watch TV!!! ::
                    (We obviously don't do those things often but that's what they say )
                    Do I think giving them a hot cocoa is a big deal in the grand scheme of things? No . But I don't want to get into the habit of picking and choosing what regs to follow. That's when you get sloppy, IMO


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Play Care View Post
                      The problem with this is that my licensor chats with the kids when she pops in. She asks them all about their day, their favorite food at lunch, what they like the best to do at my house, etc. of course the kids will say "we watched MOVIES and ate CANDY and I love when we watch TV!!! ::
                      (We obviously don't do those things often but that's what they say )
                      Do I think giving them a hot cocoa is a big deal in the grand scheme of things? No . But I don't want to get into the habit of picking and choosing what regs to follow. That's when you get sloppy, IMO

                      I don't think it's so much "getting sloppy" as it is using common sense. Having hot chocolate once a month after sleigh riding isn't going to kill them. JMO, of course.


                      • #12
                        Stupid regulations like this one are why I decided to switch to legally unlicensed care in December. Of course my income will take a hit with only being allowed to care for 2 children at a time (at this point 2 would be an improvement, as I have only had 1 since September and she just switched to PT last month) but I refuse to let the state dictate my entire life! Don't get me wrong, I have no problem following regulatins, but the new ones are over the top, in my opinion. I went into this business so I could be my own boss, not be micromanaged with everything I do. End of vent. Sorry to hijack your thread!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by melskids View Post
                          I don't think it's so much "getting sloppy" as it is using common sense. Having hot chocolate once a month after sleigh riding isn't going to kill them. JMO, of course.
                          I agree. However my licensor has said that they find if a provider isn't following minor regs they are also breaking bigger ones. Shrugs.

                          My common sense is just fine. It's what keeps me from stating on a public forum that I break regs


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by slorey View Post
                            Stupid regulations like this one are why I decided to switch to legally unlicensed care in December. Of course my income will take a hit with only being allowed to care for 2 children at a time (at this point 2 would be an improvement, as I have only had 1 since September and she just switched to PT last month) but I refuse to let the state dictate my entire life! Don't get me wrong, I have no problem following regulatins, but the new ones are over the top, in my opinion. I went into this business so I could be my own boss, not be micromanaged with everything I do. End of vent. Sorry to hijack your thread!
                            I wish I could go this route! I have eight dck's. In my area they do frequent shake downs for illegal providers, so I would have to go to two...I can't afford that


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Play Care View Post
                              I wish I could go this route! I have eight dck's. In my area they do frequent shake downs for illegal providers, so I would have to go to two...I can't afford that
                              I have 9, and can't afford to do it legally unlicensed and I won't go illegally. Way too much risk here as well.

                              I also do not break regs. I almost have a panic attack when I walk into a room and I am missing an outlet plug or something. ::

                              What kills me is SOME of the regs are SOOO mild. There is nothing in there about furniture needing to be anchored, soacing between deck rails (a child just died locally because she fell off an elevated deck-through the rails) or mixing valves required on sinks to avoid scalding. It is a RECOMMENDATION that we lower our water tank temp (ours is tankless, and NO WAY am I missing a HOT shower). But having hot cocoa or chocolate milk is SOOOO bad they made a reg? That's the state for you.

