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My Child Was Abused

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  • My Child Was Abused

    So this is actually school related. I didn't know where else to turn for answers.

    This happened last Wednesday. The elementary school my (kindergartener son) goes to has a before and aftercare program which is run by the YMCA right at the school. They are a different entity than my school obviously. We have to use this in order for him to be able to go to school due to the hours we both have to work to function. I run a daycare in my home and my husband is a banker. I don't have any other options other than to send him to this program and my worst nightmare has happened.

    Upon my husband picking my son up last Wednesday the head of their program at the school pulled him aside and told him that they caught a 5th grader trying to put my son's hands in his pants in a sexual way. This happened the day before his 6th birthday none the less. The woman who informed him of this was not sure if she was even supposed to tell us this but she did anyway because she is a parent and knew how she would feel. My husband told her that we were going to be making some calls (including the principal) and she said that she understood...which is a relief. She said that she did immediately discuss it with him briefly.

    I called him and he responds as if he has to recall what happened which was astonishing to me. And initially he started off as if it happened on their watch under their program so it was their program and they have their own protocol which was baffling to me because this child is still under the same roof as my son for 10 hours of the day. I just can't understand how he thinks something that happened under his roof is not his responsibility...whether it was under his supervision or not, it happened. He ended up calling me back after talking to the program lead again and she let him know our concerns and he apologized and looked a little closer at the daily schedules of both kids but said that the program is responsible for anything outside of that. I explained that I have concerns that this child could be doing this to other kids...whether it be at the school or in his own home or family, and that a 5th grader had to learn that from somewhere. He should not even have that in his mind at this point. He said that was something that we should not be "assuming".

    I'm SORRY BUT BS! That is a cop out.

    My husband and I have been trying for almost a week now to get a meeting set up and for one excuse after another we have not heard anything. The school said that we can meet with the program but they have taken the measures to ensure that my child will not interact with this child and my child will be supervised. (Hopefully that follows through all the way through JUNE.)

    I have made 5 phone calls. 2 to the lead and 3 to her manager and we have not had a response for a meeting set up but I was told today the lead should be getting one set up with us sometime tomorrow through Friday. I am convinced that they are watching out for my son a little closer. The lead does seem attentive to my son and three of the ladies there have all said that they would adopt him if they could because he is better than their own kids. But from what they have told us, they have only "suspended" this other kid from the program and it sounds like he is back already.

    They had my husband sign a new handbook today which they were distributing to everyone. He signed it without even reading it. Which I am upset with. Because of my job I feel like I'm pushed out of the loop because they are only talking with my husband and not returning my calls. He is pushing them for a sit down with both of us though so that we know what is going on.

    My primary concern is that they are reporting this. They keep telling us that they can't tell us anything but I'm wondering if we should report it just to ensure that it is reported. I honestly have a feeling like they are not. The lead had said to him when she first told him this that they have been watching him because he seems to have these odd attachments to the smaller kids and it was "creepy" which is how they caught him doing this to my son in the bathroom.

    I just want to cry. ... and I have... but I just don't know what else to do. I'm just so angry.

    I have been trying to wrap my head around this.

  • #2
    I'm very sorry this has happen to your son :hug:

    I really don't know their protocol but I would report it myself


    • #3
      Should I report this even if they will tell me that they have? I feel like I can't trust whether they will because we have had to reeeeally fight to get this meeting set up. I feel like they are trying to sweep it under the rug.

      The director (not the lead) wanted to fix it all in a 5 minute phone call by telling me "don't worry we have this handled. we are taking measures to ensure their safety" and that is basically it. She wouldnt' answer any of my questions for "security reasons".


      • #4
        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        Should I report this even if they will tell me that they have?
        that is for you to decide, are you going to be given any proof that they have and are you going to be satisfy with their ways?


        • #5
          You are calling and not getting calls back nor has a meeting been set up! Yes, if this were me I would be calling everyone I could think of until this was properly dealt with. I would call the corporate YMCA office as well, they have to deal with this and not just sweep it under the rug!


          • #6
            The lead was out for personal reasons Thursday afternoon through Monday. My husband was assuming based on the way she was dressed it was a court or divorce thing because she was dressed a lot nicer than she normally is and her boss said she had some personal things going on. Her boss treated me over the phone like I was being ridiculous.

            My husband seems to think that the lead understands but she is going through some things as well right now.... and the school obviously is just pointing fingers and trying to stay out of it other than the scheduling. Overall the feeling that I'm getting is that they all think having a meeting is a waste of their time because they "have this handled".


            • #7
              but they don't want to answer questions... and I'm supposed to be ok with that.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                Should I report this even if they will tell me that they have? I feel like I can't trust whether they will because we have had to reeeeally fight to get this meeting set up. I feel like they are trying to sweep it under the rug.

                The director (not the lead) wanted to fix it all in a 5 minute phone call by telling me "don't worry we have this handled. we are taking measures to ensure their safety" and that is basically it. She wouldnt' answer any of my questions for "security reasons".
                :hug: I'm sorry this is happening. I would report it whether they claimed to have already or not.

                As a daycare provider yourself, I'm sure you realize the level of confidentiality and how delicately this situation needs to be handled. I don't necessarily blame them for not giving you more details - they have to protect the other family involved too. What if the roles were reversed? How would you handle this in your daycare? What if your son was the other child involved? How would you feel as his parent?

                Are there any other options for your son after school? Taking the public transit to your daycare? Have a friend that could pick him up? Going home with another friend from school? I wouldn't want to leave my son there if I didn't feel comfortable with the way things are being handled.



                • #9
                  If this were me and my son, he would be pulled immediately and I would report it myself as soon as I could get my phone!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by CedarCreek View Post
                    If this were me and my son, he would be pulled immediately and I would report it myself as soon as I could get my phone!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post

                      Upon my husband picking my son up last Wednesday the head of their program at the school pulled him aside and told him that they caught a 5th grader trying to put my son's hands in his pants in a sexual way. This happened the day before his 6th birthday none the less. The woman who informed him of this was not sure if she was even supposed to tell us this but she did anyway because she is a parent and knew how she would feel. My husband told her that we were going to be making some calls (including the principal) and she said that she understood...which is a relief. She said that she did immediately discuss it with him briefly.
                      This is a serious problem. Would you even be informed if it happened again? It should be protocol to inform a parent of any moderate to serious injury to their child and this definitely qualifies.
                      Last edited by Michael; 10-15-2013, 01:53 PM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by CedarCreek View Post
                        If this were me and my son, he would be pulled immediately and I would report it myself as soon as I could get my phone!

                        1.) There is an obvious lack of supervision
                        2.) Lack of concern for what occurred
                        3.) Lack of a clear plan to ensure it would never happen again
                        4.) Lack of clarity as far as the procedures for reporting this go so you as a parent can determine if they're sufficient
                        5.) If my son was victimized somewhere there is no way I'd send him back to the place he was hurt if I didn't have to

                        I became a licensed daycare provider so I could be here for my kids before and after school as well as on days off and during half days in kindy. Not criticising but I'm having a really hard time understanding the necessity of him being in outside care if you're home......more an I wonder thing than anything


                        • #13
                          My day starts at 6:45 in the morning. I have families arriving when he has to be at school. I have no family that can help and no friends that attend that school or any others in the vicinity. I cannot take him out of school forever obviously. The other schools shuttle to this school's before and after care program so changing what we have to use is pointless.

                          He just turned 6 years old and we live next to a major highway. I live in the 2nd largest city in Indiana and there is no way I'm leaving a 6 year old on a street corner in a city where their are murders daily and kidnappings and molestings regularly. The closest bus drop off to his school is right in front of gas station and apartments where there were (a couple months ago) 6 child molesters living. His classes start at 8:15 when I have a full house and my husband has to be at work at 8:00.

                          His class gets out at 3:20 and my last child gets picked up at 5:30 and my husband gets off downtown at 5:00.

                          I cannot afford to hire an assistant. Especially right now because I'm losing one two months earlier than I had planned for to a preschool and I have a newborn coming at the end of November. One of my parents just had a baby this weekend. I can't quit them because I would be out two spots I would have to fill. They have been a good family.

                          I have no.other.options.

                          Secondly I don't need to know what the report says. i need to know that it was reported. At this point I don't really care about how the other family feels about that. Something is going on with that child for a reason that they are not dealing with.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Margarete View Post
                            This is a serious problem. Would you even be informed if it happened again? It should be protocol to inform a parent of any moderate to serious injury to their child and this definitely qualifies.

                            That is another thing that I worry about. Especially since we are having to push for this meeting.
                            Last edited by Michael; 10-15-2013, 01:56 PM.


                            • #15
                              A 5th grader doing this to your son who is not even 6 yrs old is terribly serious and needs to be handled because he may not be the first and he most likely won't be the last if this 5th grader doesn't get help. I would immediately report it to licensing and also the local police department. I think it is outrageous that they're not cooperating with you and avoiding you basically. If they don't want to talk to you, then I would have them talk to either licensing or the police. This is just sickening. I'm so sorry for you and your son. Keep us posted.

