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Male Prejudice?

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  • #16
    I would escort any person who told me they didn't trust my husband to the door and would have to try very hard not to shove them as they left.

    If they called...they would be told never to come back.

    I once had someone come for interview and when she met my husband and son, she sneered "I have to admit I find it really creepy that men would do daycare".

    I told her on the spot to get the **ll out of my house.

    Funny thing is, she called a few days later and said she hadn't seen a better daycare and wanted to bring her child to us.



    • #17
      The abuse part is awful. But the mom had GOT to make an effort to show her child that not ALL men are perverts. If not, she will end up with a completely paranoid child. That child WILL have to deal with male teachers/doctors/police officers etc. Teaching her that all men are to be feared is also a form of abuse in itself.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Nebula View Post
        Yeah it does weird me out a little bit. DCM Insists it isn't "personal" and that the child's dad (of course they are divorced) was sexually and physically abusive to her when she was a baby, so she is more comfortable with only females watching her. So I get it, but no it isn't worth the money I have to pay my assistant to come over. I am doing it for today because mom had no other care arranged-but it won't last I don't think, as my husband is perfectly capable. State approves of him, and he is my legal substitute as well.
        That's actually all the more reason for her to give your husband a chance! She needs the assurance that not all men are like that and the sooner the healing starts the better. Otherwise she will think that it's normal for men to treat her like that and will seek relatioships similar to that when she's older. She will eventually need a possitive male influence in her life to break the cycle of abuse.
        Last edited by Michael; 10-02-2013, 04:54 PM.


        • #19
          My husband and I used to run my day home together. I had one parent let me know that she wasn't comfortable with that. When I asked her why she mentioned that she wasn't okay with a man caring for her daughter as he may touch her inappropriately. I simply told her to get a divorce then and keep her hubby away from all little girls, as by her standard he must be a pedophile by default being a male....while ushering her to the door. We did not have anyone in our day home that would even question such a thing.


          • #20
            In a completely strange turn of events, the MANAGER - DCM's manager at work happens to be another (private) client of mine, DH and I keep her girls, together like family every week. She raved about DH being so trustworthy, great with kids etc. So DMC Calls me today, profusely apologizing and said she is OK with it- it just caught her off guard........ So DKG is now enrolled full time! win-win


            • #21
              Originally posted by Nebula View Post
              In a completely strange turn of events, the MANAGER - DCM's manager at work happens to be another (private) client of mine, DH and I keep her girls, together like family every week. She raved about DH being so trustworthy, great with kids etc. So DMC Calls me today, profusely apologizing and said she is OK with it- it just caught her off guard........ So DKG is now enrolled full time! win-win
              Earlier in a previous post, you said the DCM said it wasn't personal and that her feelings were based on her child's dad's past experiences. I get that but now suddenly a co-worker says nice things about you and your DH and suddenly it's ok?

              I would still be really leary about this situation.

              She may be ok with it now but the minute she has an issue, she will probably not be and that is when I would be worried about false accusations.

              It just seems rather odd that she felt so strongly in the beginning but now that her manager says nice things, it's all good??


              • #22
                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                Earlier in a previous post, you said the DCM said it wasn't personal and that her feelings were based on her child's dad's past experiences. I get that but now suddenly a co-worker says nice things about you and your DH and suddenly it's ok?

                I would still be really leary about this situation.

                She may be ok with it now but the minute she has an issue, she will probably not be and that is when I would be worried about false accusations.

                It just seems rather odd that she felt so strongly in the beginning but now that her manager says nice things, it's all good??
                I agree with this and she may have just changed her mind due to the pressure of not wanting to disagree with her manager, kwim?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Nebula View Post
                  In a completely strange turn of events, the MANAGER - DCM's manager at work happens to be another (private) client of mine, DH and I keep her girls, together like family every week. She raved about DH being so trustworthy, great with kids etc. So DMC Calls me today, profusely apologizing and said she is OK with it- it just caught her off guard........ So DKG is now enrolled full time! win-win
                  You are braver than I am. I would have told her the spots were full, even if they weren't. She's too much of a liability.


                  • #24
                    Crazy thing is, I think she is OK now. BUt regardless, we are on a week trial with her.


                    • #25
                      I deal with it all of the time. I had one woman on the phone tell me point blank since I was a guy she was sorry but she wasn't going to even bother meeting me in person. Seriously do not understand what gets into people that they feel they can make judgments without even meeting someone.
                      "God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.'"
                      Acts 13:22


                      • #26
                        I would not be comfortable leaving my daughter with a man, husband of provider or not. My own husband would not allow we another man to watch our daughters.unless a woman were present. That I add just how we are.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by se7en View Post
                          I would not be comfortable leaving my daughter with a man, husband of provider or not. My own husband would not allow we another man to watch our daughters.unless a woman were present. That I add just how we are.
                          Do you leave your husband alone with your daughter?


                          • #28
                            Of course I leave my husband with my daughters. We are married, I know everything about him. He lives with us, he is their father. I t r just him because I know him and have known him for many years. I trust my daughterswiththeirgrandfathers and other men I know well. I would not leave my child with any provider I didn't get to know well.


                            • #29
                              Kindle likes to make up words sometimes.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by se7en View Post
                                Of course I leave my husband with my daughters. We are married, I know everything about him. He lives with us, he is their father. I t r just him because I know him and have known him for many years. I trust my daughterswiththeirgrandfathers and other men I know well. I would not leave my child with any provider I didn't get to know well.
                                If you look at the craziest of the crazy abusers, it's women.

                                Martha Alice "Mattie" Hageman (Sybil's Mom)
                                Casey Anthony
                                Andrea Yates

                                From the website, Safe Horizon a HIGHER PERCENTAGE of women abuse children than men.

                                Some signs of child abuse are more obvious than others. Here are some common signs that a child may have experienced abuse.

                                Of the reports, 45.2% of the perpetrators were male and 53.6% were female.

                                I really don't like stereotypes. My husband, has passed the background & drug check... We are both solid, Church going Christians who live out our Faith in God, and live the Christian life, so if someone doesn't want my husband, fine they can find care elsewhere. What gets me is, being a man is bad. But people don't think twice about leaving their kids with an unknown female.

