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Would It Be Out Of Line?

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  • Would It Be Out Of Line?

    To quit watching a family because the cigarette smoke on their clothes and bags is making me miserable? I'm not being over dramatic. I honestly can't breathe. As soon as they come in I can feel my airway swell and it takes hours after they leave to feel better.

  • #2
    Have you spoken to them about the issue?


    • #3
      Nope. Your house, your rules. I have in my handbook that I will not allow strong smells, good (perfumes) or bad (smoke) due to allergy issues. I would mention it to the family first and then if it doesn't improve, terminate. Sometimes it is hard for smokers to actually smell the smoke, as they are so used to the smell.


      • #4
        No in fact studies have found 3rd hand smoke. ( the residue from clothes , drapes and furniture is actually worse than second hand smoke.)
        It:: will wait


        • #5
          Originally posted by jessrlee View Post
          To quit watching a family because the cigarette smoke on their clothes and bags is making me miserable? I'm not being over dramatic. I honestly can't breathe. As soon as they come in I can feel my airway swell and it takes hours after they leave to feel better.
          I know exactly how you feel. I've posted about this before but both my in-laws are chain smokers and everything that comes out of their house smells disgusting. I had to throw out all the toys that they bought my children because no amount of cleaning would help. Even birthday cards send through the mail were read and immediately tossed. When we went to their house you could actually taste the nicotine on your skin if you licked your lips and everyone and everything had to be immediately showered and washed upon returning home. When they would come over the house would smell for hours and we couldn't even sit in or near the furniture that they were in for sometimes a day or so. They promised over and over to do something about it and never did. They eventually turned it around on us as being the bad parents and now we no longer speak. (almost a year now)

          I didn't post this to complain about my situation but I wanted to give you an idea of what may happen with your family. I would tell your concerns to your family but be prepared for them to leave before you have a chance to term them. More than likely they will be the ones that are offended by your reaction to their lifestyle and pin you as the bad guy. I would also give them a very strict time limit for them to change and stick to it.

          Good luck to you.


          • #6
            As a years long on again off again (currently ON! ) smoker - even I would not put up with the stink you are describing. If it is causing you serious problems it's absolutely NOT out of line to stop the problem - perhaps discuss the issue first and if you don't notice immediate and consistant improvement then give notice.

            Cigarette smell is completely disgusting (even for smokers) so I can just imagine how intolerable it is to non-smokers. I don't smoke in my home, but I come from a home that was smoked in my whole life and I know how yucky it is and because of that I always try to be as respectful as possible to all non-smokers.


            • #7
              Thanks for all of the support! I'm trying to figure out how to talk to her today. I get that she probably has no idea. I really don't want to offend her!! My parents smoke like chimneys and I can't even stand to go over there . I end up having respitory problems for weeks after a 2 hour visit. ugh I just know I'm going to tick her off! I'm just a chicken. That's why I would rather just term so they can be ticked and I won't have to deal with it...


              • #8
                I usually discuss all (even sensitive) issues in person - but because your concerned about offending the mom, perhaps an email or letter would be better for you?

                Dear Jane,

                I am writing to inform you that I have found over time that I have developed a fairly serious sensitivity to the smell of cigarette smoke. I am finding that the scent that is on little Johnny's clothing and bag is causing me discomfort and breathing issues throughout the day, even into the evening after daycare hours.
                I am not sure if this is an issue that you are able to help correct, but I do need to see an improvement in the near future in order to be able to continue to provide care.
                Please know that this is not a personal attack in any way - it's simply become a health issue for me and I need to address it for my own best interest as well as the interest of my business... it's difficult to work when I am exhibiting labored breathing, etc.

                I appreciate your attention and understanding in this matter.


                ^ That would be my final warning in this situation - and if I didn't notice a change within 2 weeks max I would have to terminate.

                Good luck


                • #9
                  my mil was like this too. We always had to shower as soon as we came home.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by littlemissmuffet View Post
                    I usually discuss all (even sensitive) issues in person - but because your concerned about offending the mom, perhaps an email or letter would be better for you?

                    Dear Jane,

                    I am writing to inform you that I have found over time that I have developed a fairly serious sensitivity to the smell of cigarette smoke. I am finding that the scent that is on little Johnny's clothing and bag is causing me discomfort and breathing issues throughout the day, even into the evening after daycare hours.
                    I am not sure if this is an issue that you are able to help correct, but I do need to see an improvement in the near future in order to be able to continue to provide care.
                    Please know that this is not a personal attack in any way - it's simply become a health issue for me and I need to address it for my own best interest as well as the interest of my business... it's difficult to work when I am exhibiting labored breathing, etc.

                    I appreciate your attention and understanding in this matter.


                    ^ That would be my final warning in this situation - and if I didn't notice a change within 2 weeks max I would have to terminate.

                    Good luck
                    This is so perfect!! I really appreciate it!!


                    • #11
                      also I want to point out that if you keep the kids clothes in a closet along with the other daycare kids then their clothes are going to smell too.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by countrymom View Post
                        also I want to point out that if you keep the kids clothes in a closet along with the other daycare kids then their clothes are going to smell too.
                        Good point. Everyone's things are on hooks on the wall but they are close enough to touch


                        • #13
                          THat was a fabulous letter posted, exactly what I would do!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by itlw8 View Post
                            No in fact studies have found 3rd hand smoke. ( the residue from clothes , drapes and furniture is actually worse than second hand smoke.)

                            I have always said modern cigarettes are legalized meth!


                            • #15
                              Many people on here have a "no scent policy", and it often includes cigarette smoke on clothes. I have asthma so I know what you mean. I also have thick/coarse hair so sometimes if I walk by someone smoking or where there was recently smoke the smell sticks to my hair and will not come out until I wash it. I would also try to make sure they understand that there is no smoking allowed on daycare property during daycare hours (a general rule in most FCC/DCC). If the smell is too much I would let the parents know that if their child smells like cigarette smoke they will not be admitted for the day (unless they take them home, bathe, and put on new clothes).

                              And remember, if you can smell it and it can make you sick; imagine how strong it is for the other children.

