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Is A Non-Working Parent A Red Flag??

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  • #31
    I have one who comes one day a week. Its been very beneficial for him. He stopped waking and crying for mom at night, hanging on her all the time, and he is exploring the world more. She has a cleaner house, healthy home cooked meals, and she is taking care of herself that day a week.

    I have parents and in laws who watch my kids overnight every other weekend. It is heaven. My husband and I are so recharged and relaxed when they come home. Plus my kids learned early to mind other adults and formed close bonds with their grandparents. I wouldn't change it in any way. My husband and I even took off Monday to go to an amusement park alone!!! Don't tell the judgy parent police.
    Last edited by JenNJ; 07-18-2013, 08:33 PM. Reason: my phone likes to make up words


    • #32
      again, while I can't comprehend a mom of just one child under 2 needing THAT much "me time" a week, that really ISN'T my issue here.... my concern is for my business - I don't want to be stuck looking for a new kid at a really slow time of year (next month or so is the only time I get calls) because 3-4 months from now they need that money for a new car or replacing a furnace or whatever. I know anything can happen with any family, it just seems so much more likely that "unnecessary" child care will be the first thing cut when they need the cash for some other expense. Kind of like a cleaning lady, its a nice thing to have, but if money gets tight you cut that out and just clean your own house.

      I am glad to hear stories where it has worked out well with a SAHM.


      • #33
        I have a SAHM and a WAHD, both part time. Both are great and I want to change my hours for fall and feel that these two families will be the most able to accommodate.
        The plus is that these families keep their kids home when they are sick and always pick up on time.
        Can't think of anything bad to say. Both have been around for a long time.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Crazy8 View Post
          again, while I can't comprehend a mom of just one child under 2 needing THAT much "me time" a week, that really ISN'T my issue here.... my concern is for my business - I don't want to be stuck looking for a new kid at a really slow time of year (next month or so is the only time I get calls) because 3-4 months from now they need that money for a new car or replacing a furnace or whatever. I know anything can happen with any family, it just seems so much more likely that "unnecessary" child care will be the first thing cut when they need the cash for some other expense. Kind of like a cleaning lady, its a nice thing to have, but if money gets tight you cut that out and just clean your own house.

          I am glad to hear stories where it has worked out well with a SAHM.
          I guess my question is from a business standpoint, You have the opening right? Do you get lots of calls? Would you be realistically turning away other clients?

          If you're not in a high-demand area, I'd do it. Have them give you a deposit, and make the trial period one month. By then, you'll get a good idea of how they roll. If you get calls in the meantime, say you have a POSSIBLE opening, and interview them. If you don't get calls, you haven't lost anything.

