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  • #31
    To clarify, the word "assault" is not exclusive to criminal behavior or even physical action.
    *BATTERY* is a physical action, and is criminal behavior.
    But those two words are most definitely not one in the same.

    I can assault a chocolate cake. I can assault my daycare kids senses by burning the meatloaf. Neither means I'm going to jail.

    (I am a semantics nut, always have been, can you tell....)

    I gave the definition of corporal punishment because that's what was being discussed and that's what spanking is. To repeat:

    Corporal punishment is a form of physical punishment that involves the deliberate infliction of pain as retribution for an offense, or for the purpose of disciplining or reforming a wrongdoer, or to deter attitudes or behavior deemed unacceptable. The term usually refers to methodically striking the offender with the open hand or with an implement, whether in judicial, domestic, or educational settings.

    Striking someone is assaulting them. There is intent to inflict pain, and resulting apprehension. Just because it makes people feel better to call it a "potch" "small swat" or claim that it's done with purpose doesn't mean it isn't laying your hands on someone elses body with the intent being to inflict damage/pain.

    I don't say that to offend. Nor do I say it with judgement.I say it because it's fact.

    My parents were often whooped (not for religious or geographical reasons).
    I was often whooped, or slapped, or swatted with wooden spoons (not for religious or geographical reasons).
    I can also count on one hand how many times I've raised a hand to my own children (surprise surprise, yes I have too, and not for religious or geographical reasons)

    None of us (as in my generations) did it in a moment of calm, and none of us did it because it made shred any sense. We did it because we were rip roaring ticked at something that drove us to a moment of insanity and we had no where else to take our frustration. That's assault. I openly admit I could have and should have handled those situations better. Although I've never left any physical marks on my kids I believe there were better ways I could have handled my anger and frustration, as well as the issue at hand.

    Because it wasn't my experience nor have I ever seen anyone do such a thing, it's hard for me to picture anyone spanking "nicely." Using explanation and reason, you know?

    In a calm and rational frame of mind I would never sit on the end of my daughters bed to tell what she did wrong, why it was wrong, and then ask her to bend over while I nicely patted her behind. There is just nowhere in my brain that that makes any sense and I'm sorry if it offends, but I actually laughed out loud typing that out. How insanely ridiculous that that could or should be expected to have any sort of impact in her head. It's exactly why children often times DO crack up when their parents crack them in the butt. Because even they realize how hilariously crazy the exchange is. When I mouthed off to my dad there was no discussion, I was getting popped in the mouth and that spoke for itself. The toddler in the grocery store who runs off in the parking lot is usually snagged by one arm and popped on the butt out of moms sheer terror. A kid plays ball in the house and busts a window, dad isn't going to be like awww, lets sit down and talk about this, he's going to knock some sense into the kid and then maybe three days later when he calms down he'll threaten him that if he does it again he'll get much worse.

    There is a reason why spanking is synonymous with all kinds of hilarious words and phrases. For the vast majority of people it is NOT as some of you seem to imply it is here.

    If my kid didn't clean her room I'd take her things away. If she was rude or mean to her brother or another child I'd have her make up for that. If she was disrespectful or disobeyed me I'd have her make amends. Hitting her in any way, nice, harshly or a combination of the two wouldn't teach the lessons a punishment ACTUALLY fitting the crime would. As a parent I know spanking taught me to fear my parents (they hit HARD and it always came fast, they certainly never sat at the end of my bed and then tried to tie my "spanking" into a reasonable consequence for not having my room cleaned for days on end - it was - you screwed up and it pissed me off so reap what you sow. I didn't need a discussion about it, the action spoke for itself). It merely taught me to adapt and lie (yes my bedroom is clean, at least as far as you can see.....btw don't look under my bed or in my dresser drawers because that's where all my crap really is). It didn't damage me by any means , but it sure as HECK didn't teach me anything productive either.

    Don't get me wrong. I adore my parents and I feel phenomenally blessed to have been raised by them. I don't harbor any resentment and we laugh about that stuff now. But they also fully acknowledge it didn't work and are glad what I'm doing now with my own works far better. We've all evolved in that sense and I'm glad we're on the same page now.

    I do think generations have done a great job sugar coating the heck out of the word "spanking" which is why when you break it down people end up in a tizzy. I would NEVER hurt my child!!!!!

    Well yeah, you would. Spanking is supposed to hurt. That's the point.

    If someone lets their child sit in front of the tv all day long people will tsk tsk them, but label it what it actually is -neglect- and holy buckets will heads roll.

    One is an intentional act, the other passive, but most parents would never admit they hurt or neglect their kids....even if they actually do.

    That's where I'm coming from with that.

    Yes language is powerful, but people can also weaken the true meaning of words. People don't want to feel like they're hurting their kids so they definitely weakened the word "spanking" over time.

    Does it really alter the meaning of what I originally said if I substitute other words, or is it really all the exact same ball of wax?

    It doesn't matter a bit to me whether it's allowed or not....imho, if you feel you have to spank a daycare aged child to effectively run your program you need to find a new profession.

    It doesn't matter a bit to me whether it's allowed or not....imho, if you feel you have to hit a daycare aged child to effectively run your program you need to find a new profession.

    It doesn't matter a bit to me whether it's allowed or not....imho, if you feel you have to slap a daycare aged child to effectively run your program you need to find a new profession.


    • #32
      Originally posted by blandino View Post
      I just want to clarify, that originally I was purely curious whether any state allowed DCP to use physical punishment.

      I am not looking to pack up and move that that state so that I can spank my DCK

      I didn't think that's where you were going with this, that's why I made sure to add the (general you) bit at the bottom


      • #33
        your experience is yours and it helped you develop ur opinion..thats cool..
        im not gonna argue your experience vs others, how and why i spank or potential flaws in your reasoning (i.e. all ppl spank out of anger/frustration), again NOT the conversation i wished to enter..
        This was about choice of words which you still feel yours was fine so not much else to say..


        • #34

          Originally posted by allsmiles View Post
          your experience is yours and it helped you develop ur opinion..thats cool..
          im not gonna argue your experience vs others, how and why i spank or potential flaws in your reasoning (i.e. all ppl spank out of anger/frustration), again NOT the conversation i wished to enter..
          This was about choice of words which you still feel yours was fine so not much else to say..
          Thanks for your comment... I agree 100% ... It's okay for people who don't believe in spankings to say that people that spank only do it because we are angry as heck and do it because we enjoy hurting our children... But it wouldn't be okay for those of use who do use spanking to say that those that don't spank are lazy and tiptoe around their kids and instead of doing what's worked for thousands of years choose to listen to "professionals" who have never spent more than five minutes with a child yet they are experts say spanking is wrong.

          Personally I think it's like any other discipline, it should be tailored to each child and done correctly. And you never ever ever discipline a child in any way, shape, or form when you are ANGRY. Time out, when done in anger is no better... I have never ever used any form of discipline while angry. As a matter of fact only once in my life have I ever gotten even a little upset at a child. At that point I sent my daughter to her room, enforced a time out on myself, and then I punished her.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
            "19 states*— mostly in the south and mountain west regions*— teachers are perfectly entitled by law to spank.

            According to the Center for Effective Discipline, the 19 states where spanking remains a legal form of punishment are Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Wyoming. Some districts within these states have opted out of spanking, and others send home a "permission sheet" with the student for his parent. But other districts, many of which are in rural locations, are wholeheartedly in favor of spanking.

            In 2011, democratic state representative Ari Porth sponsored a bill to ban school corporal punishment statewide in Florida, but voters said "Nay."

            My state is one that can spank.

            But, daycares (both centers and in-home) CANNOT use any forms of physical punishment. I do find that odd to have such a difference.


            • #36
              Originally posted by AnneCordelia View Post
              In Ontario, Canada it is illegal for a dcprovider to spank a dck even if parents give permission.

              It is illegal for.a parent to spank a child younger than 2 or older than 12. It is illegal to spank with an object or on the face or in a humiliating way (on bare bum), or to leave a mark.
              I wish I would have lived there growing up! I was spanked bare bottomed with a wooden spoon (usually to the point of them breaking) until I was 16 years old! It was never for anything truly worthy of a spanking, either. My parents did a poor job of parenting a child with Asperger's.


              • #37
                Originally posted by EntropyControlSpecialist View Post
                I wish I would have lived there growing up! I was spanked bare bottomed with a wooden spoon (usually to the point of them breaking) until I was 16 years old! It was never for anything truly worthy of a spanking, either. My parents did a poor job of parenting a child with Asperger's.
                Entropy I'm so sorry that spanking was used in this way against you... That's not the way it's supposed to happen.... That wasn't spanning though... That was beating... Again I'm still sorry....:hug:

