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How Do You do Sign-In and Sign-Outs?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by MARSTELAC View Post
    have you ever had a parent refuse to sign in/out? My state is not mandatory but I tried to do the sign/in/out sheets and a few parents refused telling me it was nonsense. :-(
    Seriously? I would be like, "I don't care what you think is nonsense, it is a rule at my childcare." How rude! It does say in the CCAP handbook that providers are required to maintain and make available on request daily attendance records for all children receiving childcare assistance. My view on that is why should I have to fill that out...they should have to since they are on the program. I print out a daily attendance sheet (one from the food program) and put it by door. ALL families on CCAP are required to sign times in and out and initial. All the other parents do it too (they aren't required to, but they don't know that...I just have everyone do it) I do tell my CCAP parents though that they are required to do it. You could always tell your parents you will sign i and out if they don't and then bill according to those times...just make sure you fill in the earliest drop off and latest pick up times possible and I'm sure most of the parents who think it is nonsense will change their tune....unless you bill by the day cuz then that won't work...


    • #32
      Originally posted by MARSTELAC View Post
      have you ever had a parent refuse to sign in/out? My state is not mandatory but I tried to do the sign/in/out sheets and a few parents refused telling me it was nonsense. :-(

      My state doesn't require it either but I use a sign in sheet. Even though your state doesn't require it, there are plenty of reasons why you might have to prove attendace (i.e., an audit, food program, insurance, subsidy payments, if you charge hourly, etc.) I would draft a letter telling them that effective immediately, everyone will be required to sign in/sign out daily and have them sign the notice. Period.

      Parents have some say in how you care for their child but don't let them dictate how you handle the business side of things. It's not going to be a pretty day when a parent tells me they flat out refuse to do something that I requested. I am surprised that more than one parent had this attitude toward it.


      • #33
        I have a clipboard by the front door and 1 client per sheet, because I dont feel its any other parents business knowing who is here when or at what times, so I like to keep it private. I just have the date, signin/out time, and parent signature of who is dropping off and picking up. I like to keep it in my records in case of an audit and for legal purposes as I have 1 family who is divorced, so if ever there is any issue, I can show who dropped off or picked up.


        • #34
          legomom922 - if it is on the clip board don't all the parents still see all the information? or do they all have their own clip board? I'm trying to figure out a privacy solution as well.


          • #35
            I put the next parents sheet up who is to arrive next after the first parent leaves, so everytime a parent comes in, they only see their sheet on the clipboard.


            • #36
              Originally posted by DancingQueen View Post
              legomom922 - if it is on the clip board don't all the parents still see all the information? or do they all have their own clip board? I'm trying to figure out a privacy solution as well.

              I keep a separate sign-in sheet for each client for the same reason. I keep mine in a small 1" binder and each family has their own tab. After a parent signs and leaves I immediately flip to the page of the next family that I anticipate will be arriving. This way nobody has a reason to "thumb through" the pages. They just pick up the pen and sign. I once had a nosey mom question another family's hours and that's what prompted me to switch to using individual pages.


              • #37
                a daycare i worked for and one my kids went to had a binder with all the kid's names so parents could see - but honestly, it's just like a chore/habit that you don't really look or care about anyone else - just try to hurry and sign so you can go on.

                but if you're worried about privacy, wouldn't it be easier to put each child's sign in sheet in their cubby so you don't have to flip pages or anything? they could just sign when putting away/putting on coats, etc.


                • #38
                  I don't have cubbies or daily bags. Or a spot to put a binder.
                  I'm not entirely worried about privacy - but I'm worried my other parents might be... so I'm trying to think of a solution proactively.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by QualiTcare View Post
                    a daycare i worked for and one my kids went to had a binder with all the kid's names so parents could see - but honestly, it's just like a chore/habit that you don't really look or care about anyone else - just try to hurry and sign so you can go on.

                    but if you're worried about privacy, wouldn't it be easier to put each child's sign in sheet in their cubby so you don't have to flip pages or anything? they could just sign when putting away/putting on coats, etc.

                    Over the course of the day, the little ones often reach in and pull everything out of the cubbies so it's likely the sheets would get lost or damaged. Plus, if it wasn't always in view the parents would forget to sign and I would probably forget to remind them! I keep the binder right on top of the cubbies. So far that has been working for me.


                    • #40
                      sign in/out

                      Originally posted by MARSTELAC View Post
                      have you ever had a parent refuse to sign in/out? My state is not mandatory but I tried to do the sign/in/out sheets and a few parents refused telling me it was nonsense. :-(

                      I didn't use one this first year. I simply wrote on a calendar, who was here on what days. However, after talking to my CPA, she suggested next year, that it would be a good idea. I would be back up if I was ever audited.

                      You might tell your parents, that your CPA is now requiring it for the new year and start in 2011.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by misol View Post
                        Over the course of the day, the little ones often reach in and pull everything out of the cubbies so it's likely the sheets would get lost or damaged. Plus, if it wasn't always in view the parents would forget to sign and I would probably forget to remind them! I keep the binder right on top of the cubbies. So far that has been working for me.
                        I had that problem also and everything I wanted to send home with the parents was crumpled, lost, pushed aside etc so I went out and bought a few of those clear plastic folder size envelopes that have a slider top for a closure. Now parents can 'see' if there are any notes or info being sent home and the kids can't get anything wet from snowy mittens and hats tossed in the cubby and the plastic file keeps everything from getting crumpled up. I also wrote each child's name really big on the folder/file so it is obvious who's is who's.

