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How Do You do Sign-In and Sign-Outs?

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  • How Do You do Sign-In and Sign-Outs?

    I know I could easily create a binder with already printed Sign In and Sign Out Sheets..........what do you include? Can anyone take a picture or attach a link on how they set up their document?

    The other option is to have it on the computer, which I would consider, but in the end I think just having it on a sheet of paper would be much better! I can just imagine having "troubles" with a computer and keeping it on all day and having it up and running before the first child arrives.

  • #2
    I don't have a sign-in sheet. I'm on the Food Program so each month I print the attendance from there and put it in my binder.


    • #3
      I have something very simple. I use manila file folders for each childs' sheet. I decorate the cover so it doesn't look plain, add child's name. On the inside, I have the sign-in / sign-out sheet, any receipts, daily reminders, ect....
      This way I know the parent sees anything I send home,also!


      • #4
        I have a clipboard hanging on a hook by the door. I print out weekly forms, with the kids' names vertically and the days of the week horizontally. Under each day, there is a box for the time for drop-off, pick-up, and then the parent's initials for that day. I've never had an issue with parents not wanting other parents to see their hours, but if you did want to keep it confidential, you could do one sheet per child (on legal size, perhaps), and then fold each sheet in half to hide the details. Write each child's name on the outside of their sheet, and clip them all on your clipboard. Parents would just unfold theirs to sign in/out, and then fold it back up. I've never tried it, and it does sound a bit cumbersome, but that's what my licensing lady suggested when I was talking with the county about getting licensed (since all paperwork for them has to be confidential).


        • #5
          In the first column I have the kid's names, the second column is the name of the person who normally does pickup, a space for time in and a signature is the third and fourth coumn and then the last two columns are for time out and signature. I have all of the children on one sheet and use one sheet a day and I keep these on a clipboard hanging by the cubbies. The bottom of the paper is blank so if someone else is doing pickup or if there is a change in pickup time I have parents write a note there and initail it. That way it is recorded on the day it will happen and I don't have millions of little notes floating around everywhere. I find this to be easiest for my situation.


          • #6
            Originally posted by alyssyn View Post
            I have something very simple. I use manila file folders for each childs' sheet. I decorate the cover so it doesn't look plain, add child's name. On the inside, I have the sign-in / sign-out sheet, any receipts, daily reminders, ect....
            This way I know the parent sees anything I send home,also!
            I think I would be more organized if I had all the children on one sheet. Do you ever have an issue with knowing how many children you had each day, do you have to go back and open every child's folder for any reason? I like that your way is confidential and other postings have given the same "one child per folder" example, but for record keeping I wonder if all the children can be on the same page for record-keeping. Payments would not be listed, but the child's first and last name would be listed so I don't see a problem. What do you think?

            Also, do you only have ONE signature from the parent at pickup only?


            • #7
              This is PERFECT!

              I know I can only have 7 children, so I made enough lines for 7 children. ONE WEEK can fit on a page and EVERY CHILD will also be on that page. It will keep things simple!

              I don't need a blank for who usually picks up because I'm the only one who will be working at the daycare. Give me ideas!

              When I enroll children, I will type their names and keep it alphabetical so the same line will end up being the same in general throughout the sheets. Just change the date every week and you're good to go.

              ***Here is a picture, this is my best idea yet.
              Attached Files
              Last edited by Abigail; 08-28-2010, 08:53 PM.


              • #8
                I've always done a sign in signature, sign out signature and times just to cover my own butt and once my sign in/out sheets were took to court to help get a custody issue solved. The sign in/out sheets with signatures paired with a child's daily sheet were proof enough for the judge that custody needed to be shifted to the other parent. Because of this I recommend everyone use signatures for signing in and out.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by caitlin View Post
                  I've always done a sign in signature, sign out signature and times just to cover my own butt and once my sign in/out sheets were took to court to help get a custody issue solved. The sign in/out sheets with signatures paired with a child's daily sheet were proof enough for the judge that custody needed to be shifted to the other parent. Because of this I recommend everyone use signatures for signing in and out.
                  So, should I change my sign-in initials and sign-out initials both to signatures to get the parent's name? I have room to type it, .


                  • #10
                    I use a calendar page for each child, each month, that the parent initials each day. The parent signs at the bottom at the end of the month. On each day I circle the 'meal' the child has been fed and I have a column that I use to handle billing and payments.
                    Can't figure out how to attach the pic, sorry
                    I see little people.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Childminder View Post
                      I use a calendar page for each child, each month, that the parent initials each day. The parent signs at the bottom at the end of the month. On each day I circle the 'meal' the child has been fed and I have a column that I use to handle billing and payments.
                      Can't figure out how to attach the pic, sorry
                      Attachments: Click to post a message, then....
                      1. Click on the paperclip image (Attachments)
                      2. Click "Browse" to find the image and click "Upload" to the right
                      3. Before clicking "Close this Window" make sure your image name is shown under "Current Attachments" which only appears after you've uploaded


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Abigail View Post
                        So, should I change my sign-in initials and sign-out initials both to signatures to get the parent's name? I have room to type it, .
                        That's up to you, sometimes I'll have parents in a hurry who just scribble or initial their name and I think that would still count.


                        • #13
                          I have tried both ways (one sheet per child per month/ one sheet for all over one month) and I have found that one sheet per child per month worked best for me. In a binder with alpha-tabs, the paper is laid out 'landscaped' and has a calendar on it with two spots next to the date. One to sign in, one to sign out for each date. I black out weekends and holidays, I can use WordArt to enter messages in certain dates as a shadowy font (Picture Day or minimum day, etc...)
                          The reason I use one page per child is, like another poster, I had to go to court with 1 year and 7 months of records. at one sheet per kid per month all I had to bring in was 19 pieces of paper and no other irrelevant information was on there. It was funny to look at since all 19 pages had the dad's signature all over it, and not once did the mom sign it. Guess who won that case.
                          Anyhow, I've tried to upload an attachment but it won't let me attach a word doc. If you want to see /steal it, pm me.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Abigail View Post
                            Attachments: Click to post a message, then....
                            1. Click on the paperclip image (Attachments)
                            2. Click "Browse" to find the image and click "Upload" to the right
                            3. Before clicking "Close this Window" make sure your image name is shown under "Current Attachments" which only appears after you've uploaded
                            Yeah, won't except it cause it's not a jpg or gif. Sorry.
                            I see little people.


                            • #15
                              I have a file stapeled together for each child. On the front it's the payment record sheet, stapled to each is attendance pages, has the date, arrivial time and out time and a space for comments ect. I write in on each childs in and outs, it's easier for me.

