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Parent Aware ????

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  • #31
    Our state is exploring the kindergarten readiness and the star rating system at the same time! What a headache that is going to be.

    BC what do you think of this. Our private schools here (might be everywhere) are allowed and most do, hire teachers that have no degree. Its actually legal! So would these type of establishments not get starred very high? I wonder if they will change this if it does?
    Each day is a fresh start
    Never look back on regrets
    Live life to the fullest
    We only get one shot at this!!


    • #32
      is that also for in home? I cant find where it states that in-home will also be included in it....I would love for it to be in home....


      • #33
        never mind, I just saw where it said home daycares...well I have something else to look forward too!!!!!


        • #34
          Here is the link from the U.S Department of Health and Human Services/Adminstration of Families and Children

          The overview of QRS (Quality Rating Systems) is :
          to create resources for States regarding the evaluation of child care quality rating systems (QRSs), systems that have been put in place to measure, monitor, and promote high-quality child care.

          This is the first step towards government controlled early education as well as eliminating home based family child care (IMHO).

          @Country, I am not sure yet how this is going to effect private and/or charter schools or even homeschooled kids but I will bet that eventually they will find a way to work those elements into it soon too!


          • #35
            We have a few centers here that start at infants and go up through elementary or middle school.

            My sil was a teacher at one of these for kindergarten and she had no license. So it seems that would come down on them for having someone teaching with no degree.
            Each day is a fresh start
            Never look back on regrets
            Live life to the fullest
            We only get one shot at this!!


            • #36
              Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
              Here is the link from the U.S Department of Health and Human Services/Adminstration of Families and Children

              The overview of QRS (Quality Rating Systems) is :
              to create resources for States regarding the evaluation of child care quality rating systems (QRSs), systems that have been put in place to measure, monitor, and promote high-quality child care.

              This is the first step towards government controlled early education as well as eliminating home based family child care (IMHO).

              @Country, I am not sure yet how this is going to effect private and/or charter schools or even homeschooled kids but I will bet that eventually they will find a way to work those elements into it soon too!
              goes to show you how well the state keeps us informed of anything going on. You are in a different state and you know more than I do....uggh...

              so when you say you feel that they will try to phase out home daycares, are you saying ones that don't meet the new criteria???


              • #37
                Originally posted by daycare View Post
                goes to show you how well the state keeps us informed of anything going on. You are in a different state and you know more than I do....uggh...

                so when you say you feel that they will try to phase out home daycares, are you saying ones that don't meet the new criteria???

                I would say 90-95% of the childcares in my state have no idea about this. I only learned about it because I joined a childcare type organization that has people from centers, headstart, the college and then me. There are only about 15 of us but I wouldn't have know if I didn't join this.
                Each day is a fresh start
                Never look back on regrets
                Live life to the fullest
                We only get one shot at this!!


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
                  I would say 90-95% of the childcares in my state have no idea about this. I only learned about it because I joined a childcare type organization that has people from centers, headstart, the college and then me. There are only about 15 of us but I wouldn't have know if I didn't join this.
                  im reading about it now, but am having a hard time understanding what it all means.....


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by daycare View Post
                    goes to show you how well the state keeps us informed of anything going on. You are in a different state and you know more than I do....uggh...

                    so when you say you feel that they will try to phase out home daycares, are you saying ones that don't meet the new criteria???
                    Yes, I think that family child cares with providers who don't have the degree and/or training requirements will eventually be phased out.

                    I think there will always be family child cares operated out of homes but the provider will be required to have a degree relating to ECE and they will be required to have an approved curriculum as well as some way to report back to the parents what goes on at the child care as well as providers being required to assess children so that early intervention can be implemented as quickly as possible when a developmentally delay is noticed.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                      Yes, I think that family child cares with providers who don't have the degree and/or training requirements will eventually be phased out.

                      I think there will always be family child cares operated out of homes but the provider will be required to have a degree relating to ECE and they will be required to have an approved curriculum as well as some way to report back to the parents what goes on at the child care as well as providers being required to assess children so that early intervention can be implemented as quickly as possible when a developmentally delay is noticed.
                      got it....well I guess I am not too worried...I only have about 6 months left of finishing my AA in early education.....NOt too sure if my degree in literature will account for anything...
                      Plus I have zero experience in my field of my degree


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                        Are Michigan child care providers unionized?
                        I believe there still is. It only affects providers that accept state pay kids. I was a part of it when I had some state pay a few years ago. I paid the dues and never heard of anything they did on my behalf. There was a lawsuit that they lost that allowed providers to opt out of the union-prior to that anyone that took state pay kids automatically got their union dues taken out of their pay. Child care workers wer under the UAW.


                        • #42
                          The UK has a MAJOR problem right now with childcare. (We have been considering moving back to the UK (I am a Brit). However, we are going to wait and see what happens in the next few months as the whole system is being looked at.

                          The government decided in the past, that home daycare should be judged like a school and providers have to show lesson plans, progress reports, parent conferences...etc.etc.etc. They must attend more classes and so on.

                          The results?

                          Total chaos.

                          Parents are spending a FORTUNE on daycare...MUCH more than in the USA. I almost died when my brother told me how he pays for childcare. It's FOUR times what I charge!!!!!

                          Providers are charging higher and higher rates to cover the cost of their ongoing education levels, and because they are spending HOURS of their spare time filling in forms, working on lesson plans etc and are sick of doing it on their own time with no compensation.

                          Either that, or they are quitting in high numbers because it's no longer worth it financially and no longer their "own" business.

                          It has become a crisis. Parents either can't find affordable care...or can't find care at all. My own brother and his wife were lucky my parents could tend their boys two days a week, because full-time daycare was impossible to find or afford if it did become available. They paid a huge amount for just three days of care.

                          More and more parents are actually trying to contact local authorities too and letting them know that many of them just want a place for their kids to go while they work. A safe, loving home. That's all. Not school. They don't want school for their one year old. They want someone who is relaxed and happy in their job and spending time with their child instead of being frazzled about 4 hour long drop-in visits from authorities and filling in dozens of forms.

                          De-regulation is now in place because somebody in the government is now red-faced and admitting it's not working.

                          In the next few weeks/months...we hope to know what's happening there so we can make a decision on whether or not we want to move. I miss my family and I miss England, but I have to make a living without having a stress related heart attack!

                          The same will happen here. Providers will charge more and more... as more and more is expected of them (rightly so)...but it will cause a crisis when parents simply can't afford it.

                          Big Brother needs to butt out.

                          PARENTS should be the ones deciding what's best for their children. If they want school...there are great ones out there. If they want "Grannie's Place"...they should be able to have that too. And "Grannie" shouldn't have to be raked across the coals because she wants a few little ones to love on for a few bucks a week.

                          Licensing should be kept to the minimum (health and safety regs). The government has no place telling parents what they MUST have. Before long, all choices will be gone. Every day care will be the same. UGH.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Meeko View Post
                            The UK has a MAJOR problem right now with childcare. (We have been considering moving back to the UK (I am a Brit). However, we are going to wait and see what happens in the next few months as the whole system is being looked at.

                            The government decided in the past, that home daycare should be judged like a school and providers have to show lesson plans, progress reports, parent conferences...etc.etc.etc. They must attend more classes and so on.

                            The results?

                            Total chaos.

                            Parents are spending a FORTUNE on daycare...MUCH more than in the USA. I almost died when my brother told me how he pays for childcare. It's FOUR times what I charge!!!!!

                            Providers are charging higher and higher rates to cover the cost of their ongoing education levels, and because they are spending HOURS of their spare time filling in forms, working on lesson plans etc and are sick of doing it on their own time with no compensation.

                            Either that, or they are quitting in high numbers because it's no longer worth it financially and no longer their "own" business.

                            It has become a crisis. Parents either can't find affordable care...or can't find care at all. My own brother and his wife were lucky my parents could tend their boys two days a week, because full-time daycare was impossible to find or afford if it did become available. They paid a huge amount for just three days of care.

                            More and more parents are actually trying to contact local authorities too and letting them know that many of them just want a place for their kids to go while they work. A safe, loving home. That's all. Not school. They don't want school for their one year old. They want someone who is relaxed and happy in their job and spending time with their child instead of being frazzled about 4 hour long drop-in visits from authorities and filling in dozens of forms.

                            De-regulation is now in place because somebody in the government is now red-faced and admitting it's not working.

                            In the next few weeks/months...we hope to know what's happening there so we can make a decision on whether or not we want to move. I miss my family and I miss England, but I have to make a living without having a stress related heart attack!

                            The same will happen here. Providers will charge more and more... as more and more is expected of them (rightly so)...but it will cause a crisis when parents simply can't afford it.

                            Big Brother needs to butt out.

                            PARENTS should be the ones deciding what's best for their children. If they want school...there are great ones out there. If they want "Grannie's Place"...they should be able to have that too. And "Grannie" shouldn't have to be raked across the coals because she wants a few little ones to love on for a few bucks a week.

                            Licensing should be kept to the minimum (health and safety regs). The government has no place telling parents what they MUST have. Before long, all choices will be gone. Every day care will be the same. UGH.
                            I think this is what will happen here too...but for right now they are marketing all of this as so positive and needed and they are literally saying that the rating systems gives parents the tools to choose what is right for their child and how this will help providers too as there will be a support system for us to learn new things and have people who "have our backs" when it comes to running our businesses.

                            I think they are wrapping it all up in a nice pretty packeage and selling it to both providers and parents as a great movement toward helping our children have future academic success.......but I am afraid (as I read more deeply into this whole hting) that when the time comes to implement and live with this program that it will be Pandora's Box that was actually wrapped up and sold to us....not at all what we (providers or parents) thought it was. :confused:


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                              I think this is what will happen here too...but for right now they are marketing all of this as so positive and needed and they are literally saying that the rating systems gives parents the tools to choose what is right for their child and how this will help providers too as there will be a support system for us to learn new things and have people who "have our backs" when it comes to running our businesses.

                              I think they are wrapping it all up in a nice pretty packeage and selling it to both providers and parents as a great movement toward helping our children have future academic success.......but I am afraid (as I read more deeply into this whole hting) that when the time comes to implement and live with this program that it will be Pandora's Box that was actually wrapped up and sold to us....not at all what we (providers or parents) thought it was. :confused:
                              all of this scares me.................and just when I started sleeping well......


                              • #45
                                So after reading all the post my thoughts are:

                                1. Who is paying for/pushing this agenda? Nobody does anything "just because" anymore so who is getting paid/rich to make people believe this is a necessity? Who is running this parent aware and where are their funds coming from? I have seen far too many head start dollars wasted so my opinion is jaded...

                                2. I do think the thing Meeko mentioned will happen. I mean I am not going to work for free and if there are less moms at home who just happen to do daycare and charge cheap rates then I can justify raising my rates. Which means less people will accept state pay (unless they raise their compensation rates) and people will have a hard time finding providers who have openings or people they can afford. DUH!

                                This is what happened with MA dental care here in MN. They made the restrictions so ridic and the compensation rates so low that there are only like 3 providers who take MA dental care. The closest one here is over an hour away and the wait list is forever long. Who suffers from this? The people who actually need MA dental but really who can blame the dentisits for not bothering to serve them anymore when the govt makes it impossible to do so. (My mom is in the dental field so I hear her complaints all the time )

                                3. Where does my information go now that I am registered? Who can access me and my training info? Why do you need to know that publically anyway?

                                4. Can parents really write what they want about my program like a review? Thats going to get ridiculous. We all know parents we have made unhappy because they either couldnt follow rules or didnt pay. So now those parents get to slander us at will?

