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Parent Aware ????

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  • Parent Aware ????

    Anyone have this in their state? I am in MN and it is being pushed hard here.

    Anyone know much about it?

    I read through some of the info and my feelings are mixed. I agree with the idea that we need to make daycare a better environment for the kids but I am not sure the standards they have set are really meaningful or apply.

    Am I missing something huge here? I feel a little guilty I wasn't overly excited about this becoming a mandate. I also see that this year if you want to apply for a grant you have to be on some registry. ?!?!? Anyone know about this and where our info goes once we are on the "registry". I am anti big govt and think the more they mandate us to do this and this and be on this list and enter this and this the less I want to even do this anymore. What if I don't want everyone on earth to have my name, address, phone number, email, and every training I have attended the last year?

  • #2
    I'm in MN and I've never heard of it.

    That said based on what you've said about it I doubt I'd care for it either.


    • #3
      I am in MN and am excited about the whole Parent Aware system! I think it is a great idea and can't wait to do it. In my county it is only a pilot program right now and providers can start the process if they choose but aren't required to as of yet.

      The whole system is based off of Wisconsin's Youngstar Program.

      The MN Provider Registry ( is simply a way for you to track your career progress and record/report the trainings and education you have taken.

      I think ALL states will have implemented a star rating system over the next few years as child care is moving away from simple care and supervision to more early education and improved standards of care/education.

      Here is a link to the Parent Aware program if you haven't heard anything about it yet


      • #4
        OK, see now I thought it was going to be another deal similar to the push to unionize, or more state mandated blah blah blah....

        I'd have to take a closer look at whether I thought the standards were even relevant to me or not but my main concern would be if there was required participation by all licensed providers.

        I am more than happy to share my trainings and experience level honestly with my parents and county licensing worker, and I'm quite proud of where I'm at, but I don't think that's something the government needs to stick their nose in and judge on a wide scale. Especially if there are providers who don't care to participate.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Willow View Post
          OK, see now I thought it was going to be another deal similar to the push to unionize, or more state mandated blah blah blah....

          I'd have to take a closer look at whether I thought the standards were even relevant to me or not but my main concern would be if there was required participation by all licensed providers.

          I am more than happy to share my trainings and experience level honestly with my parents and county licensing worker, and I'm quite proud of where I'm at, but I don't think that's something the government needs to stick their nose in and judge on a wide scale. Especially if there are providers who don't care to participate.
          Participation is only optional for now. It WILL be mandatory soon.

          I think the people who are trying to unionize child care are using Parent Aware as a tool to get providers to sign up to be unionized. Basically, union reps are telling providers a bunch of negative stuff about the Parent Aware and how it is not ideal, especially for providers who don't have a CDA or a degree and that if they are against it, then they should sign on to be unionized as they are "promising" that they will speak up against the star rating system and be a voice for providers.

          Basically the Parent Aware system will give stars to providers based ont heir education, exerience and how they run their programs and then parents will be able to search for the kind of care they want...kwim?

          I think giving stars for education and stuff is a bit mis-leading though as it gives the impression that providers withonly one star arent as good as providers with more stars...but I don't think tha tis the case...I think it is just a way to let parents know that this provider does curriculum and assessments etc and this one doesnt. I don't think it actually tells parents that 4 stars is better than 1 but I guess that is all in how parents read and see the program too.

          I don't know for sure but from what I have read, I do think it is a good program and have competed my registry and filled out most the forms for enrollment. Now it is just a waiting game to see if I have all my ducks in a row and once my program is assessed, I will receive my star(s).


          • #6
            Do they come out and assess your program?

            My gut tells me that parents who are ill informed are just going to look for those who are 4 star rated no matter what they actually do with their program.

            I looked at the rating scales and it doesn't seem hard to get a good rating. I have my bachelors so my education level is already really high on the list. Is there more to it? Seems like there should be.

            I guess I am not comfortable with all my training info being public or on some data base. I feel like that is something the parents who are interested can learn about me but not something a bunch of lobbyists or other govt folks need to know so they can puch this agenda or that. And lets be real, the more they know the more they can control.

            Did anyone on here apply for a grant? I have my paper work finished I just have the mn provider registry thing to complete. I don't know anything about it but since it is a REQUIREMENT of the grant ( surprise big govt) then I have to do it. I want it done before I submit so that it looks like I am really ready.


            • #7
              Originally posted by jojosmommy View Post
              Do they come out and assess your program?
              Not yet...they haven't gotten that far yet with us. Right now they are just ensuring that the providers who want to participate have the info and that we do our registry and all.

              Originally posted by jojosmommy View Post
              My gut tells me that parents who are ill informed are just going to look for those who are 4 star rated no matter what they actually do with their program.
              I do agree with you here.

              I think parents are going to see 1 or 2 stars and automatically assume that the provider is not a good one and vice versa but I also think that part cannot be helped and the research and education of what a provider really is and how their program is run again falls on the shoulders of the parent.

              I don't think there is much we can do as providers about that part of it.

              Originally posted by jojosmommy View Post
              I looked at the rating scales and it doesn't seem hard to get a good rating. I have my bachelors so my education level is already really high on the list. Is there more to it? Seems like there should be.
              I think that you will automatically be at 4 stars and the only other requirement would be to have a plan in place for assessment and implementation of curriculum.

              I do think it is as easy as that but only for providers who have a CDA, degree or equivilent training. I think it will be a hard road or atleast a bit tough for those providers who have little or no training or only have the basic licensing requirements.

              Originally posted by jojosmommy View Post
              I guess I am not comfortable with all my training info being public or on some data base. I feel like that is something the parents who are interested can learn about me but not something a bunch of lobbyists or other govt folks need to know so they can puch this agenda or that. And lets be real, the more they know the more they can control.
              I am not 100% positive but I think the info about your trainings is only for the assessors and that specific info is not posted for parents to see. The registry takes the trianings you have and uses that to figure out what level you are on for the career ladder and that tells them how many stars you should get.

              Originally posted by jojosmommy View Post
              Did anyone on here apply for a grant? I have my paper work finished I just have the mn provider registry thing to complete. I don't know anything about it but since it is a REQUIREMENT of the grant ( surprise big govt) then I have to do it. I want it done before I submit so that it looks like I am really ready.
              I haven't applied for a grant at all so I don't know anything about the new process they have going, but I should warn you, when you do the registry and submit all your training and coursework info, the registry has to verify it all and your registration is not complete until ALL the info is verified. I think my registration verification process took almost 3 weeks so.... I don't know if it can be or if it is faster or slower as that is just my personal experience with it all.

              Hope that helps.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                I think it will be a hard road or atleast a bit tough for those providers who have little or no training or only have the basic licensing requirements.

                I have a huge problem with that.

                A lot of my mentors have been providing licensed childcare for decades. They know far more and have far more experience than someone fresh out of college with just a degree.

                The fact that they'd be deemed sub-par in comparison just on that alone is disgusting to me. Add to that they'd have no way to opt out of such comparisons?....just ugh.


                • #9
                  So where do we find out what they assess when they come? I looked through the site and don't see that info available. I feel like I already stress and anxiety enough from just my lic visits, I don't want another whole thing to add stress to my life.

                  And where do you submit all your credientials on the mn registry site? I logged on (and had issues as it said my email was already in use by a member :confused:,) so I used my other email address. Then it said it would verify my lic # and info and they will send me something. So...... now I can't log in at all, cant see anything where I can get more info, seems not user friendly. Do I have to wait for my info to be processed before I can enter the site. ? :confused:?

                  And I 100% agree with the idea that just because you have your licensure in an early ed area that doesn't mean you are 4 star material. The opposite is true for lots of providers too, the daycare lady I went to when I was a kid is still doing care. If we lived near her I would send my kids there in a second, no matter the cost etc. But she has no "degree" and because of age probably wouldnt rate well as she doesn't go to the extensive amount of trainings necessary to get a 4 star rating. I think its misleading to compare apples to oranges.


                  • #10
                    We have what is called The Quality Rating System in Iowa, it seems like it is similar to Parent Aware. In Iowa there are 5 stars and certain requirements to get each star. The first and second star are certain things like being Childnet Certified (another program we do here) and some other basic things. Once you get to the third star you get points for "extra" things you do. You do not have to meet each requirement but have to meet enough points to earn the next star. Example: Having a nurse consultant from CCRR and go through all of your files and tell you shots your DK need is so many points, correcting all of the things need to be corrected is so many points, having a person from CCRR come over and go through all of your toys to determine if any have been recalled, if surfacing is needed under them and/or if they are age appropriate is worth so many points and fixing anything they find is worth more points. There are also certain sections based on education or experience. These are all things over and beyond licensing requirements. To be a 5 star provider here you would have to have a minimum amount of points in each category of Professional Development/Community Partnerships/Environment and Health and Safety so if you have a doctorate it will give you points but not enough to get past 2 stars unless you complete other requirements. KWIM?
                    We get a grant every 2 years when we renew and the amount is more depending on how many stars we have. We are told to start out with 1 or 2 stars because you get that grant and in the next year can go to the next star and get another grant instead of having to wait 2 years to renew your current star rating (you can gup a star every year if you meet requirements and you will get a grant but if you start at level 5 you don't get another grant for 2 years when you renew}.
                    It's a good program for providers but truthfully parents couldn't care less (at least in Iowa). Iowa has been doing this for years and I've seen them advertise it but when I mention my star rating at an interview I'm always met with a blank stare.
                    Maybe Parent Aware will be like Iowa's QRS...


                    • #11
                      Will former DC families be able to post comments about the providers program? If so, I'd get lots of negative reviews...I've had my share of crazy families!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Willow View Post
                        I have a huge problem with that.

                        A lot of my mentors have been providing licensed childcare for decades. They know far more and have far more experience than someone fresh out of college with just a degree.

                        The fact that they'd be deemed sub-par in comparison just on that alone is disgusting to me. Add to that they'd have no way to opt out of such comparisons?....just ugh.
                        I hear you there but on that same note, that is kind of the point. They are trying to take family care and make it somewhat obsolete as they are wanting child care to be EARLY EDUCATION for all children now and being a stay at home mom who simply watches kids IS sub-par when it comes to government funding and such related to early education.

                        I don't think there is a way to really get around all this and I agree that book knowledge is NOTHING compared to actual hands on experience.

                        I saw this coming a few years ago and jumped at the opportunity to further my education so I wouldn't be stuck when this finally came in to play.

                        Originally posted by jojosmommy View Post
                        So where do we find out what they assess when they come? I looked through the site and don't see that info available. I feel like I already stress and anxiety enough from just my lic visits, I don't want another whole thing to add stress to my life. .
                        Here is the link for what things you need
                        and here is more info

                        Originally posted by jojosmommy View Post
                        And where do you submit all your credientials on the mn registry site? I logged on (and had issues as it said my email was already in use by a member :confused:,) so I used my other email address. Then it said it would verify my lic # and info and they will send me something. So...... now I can't log in at all, cant see anything where I can get more info, seems not user friendly. Do I have to wait for my info to be processed before I can enter the site. ? :confused:? .
                        Yes, now you have to wait for everything to be apporved and they will send you an e-mail when you can log back into the registry site. (I know, kinda sucky how they are doing this part :confused

                        Originally posted by jojosmommy View Post
                        And I 100% agree with the idea that just because you have your licensure in an early ed area that doesn't mean you are 4 star material. The opposite is true for lots of providers too, the daycare lady I went to when I was a kid is still doing care. If we lived near her I would send my kids there in a second, no matter the cost etc. But she has no "degree" and because of age probably wouldnt rate well as she doesn't go to the extensive amount of trainings necessary to get a 4 star rating. I think its misleading to compare apples to oranges.
                        I know I think it is going to great for some providers and really hard for others and the kicker is there is going to be a lot of really good providers who are going to fall through the cracks because of the way they are doing this whole thing. I think BOTH education and experience should be counted and not just the piece of paper that says you graduated.

                        I went back to school to get the degree and had a tough time because some of what they taught was so stupid and could not actually be applied in a real life situation but looked good on paper. Just like most government things....the people who plan it and come up with the rules and regs have never ever actually implemented any of it.

                        Originally posted by littlemommy View Post
                        Will former DC families be able to post comments about the providers program? If so, I'd get lots of negative reviews...I've had my share of crazy families!
                        I am not sure about how parent feedback works yet as we haven't got that far in the trianings. My local CCR&R is doing several webinars in late September/early October about the whole program....if anyone is interested, I will send you the link to sign up for it.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Willow View Post
                          I have a huge problem with that.

                          A lot of my mentors have been providing licensed childcare for decades. They know far more and have far more experience than someone fresh out of college with just a degree.

                          The fact that they'd be deemed sub-par in comparison just on that alone is disgusting to me. Add to that they'd have no way to opt out of such comparisons?....just ugh.
                          So with you on this one's very unfair.

                          I have been a provider for 27 years. I do not have a college degree. I don't want to, nor do I have the time to be away from my family to go back to school.

                          I may be tooting my own horn, but I run a top-notch daycare. Most importantly....I have HAPPY, CONTENT, WELL-ADJUSTED kids.

                          Yet if every state uses these standards, someone who is 20-something, no experience with child care other than some classes and fresh out of school will automatically get a better rating than I do.

                          What about those of us who just want to provide a safe, loving home-away-from-home for some little ones, without all the bells and whistles?

                          It infuriates me that the so-called "experts" think that kids need these "programs" by age 6 months or they're going to be left behind. Poor kids. Let the poor things play!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Meeko View Post
                            So with you on this one's very unfair.

                            I have been a provider for 27 years. I do not have a college degree. I don't want to, nor do I have the time to be away from my family to go back to school.

                            I may be tooting my own horn, but I run a top-notch daycare. Most importantly....I have HAPPY, CONTENT, WELL-ADJUSTED kids.

                            Yet if every state uses these standards, someone who is 20-something, no experience with child care other than some classes and fresh out of school will automatically get a better rating than I do.

                            What about those of us who just want to provide a safe, loving home-away-from-home for some little ones, without all the bells and whistles?

                            It infuriates me that the so-called "experts" think that kids need these "programs" by age 6 months or they're going to be left behind. Poor kids. Let the poor things play!
                            Yes, but even play has standards now. Age appropirate, developmentally correct and blah blah blah.....

                            I think it has come to this because just like parents wanting us (daycare providers) to do all the hard work....(nap schedules, good eating habits, self help skills, academics) education has to start earlier and earlier and in order for that to happen, we have to start at an earlier age and gosh forbid we have regular people without a degree teach these little ones.

                            The schools are having to do so much more now that kids entering Kindy are now required to know what I was taught in first/second grade.

                            I also think that programs like star rating systems are going to create a HUGE divide among child cares that we are going to see education centers and care centers. The education centers are going to be the providers with a degree and education behind them teaching the little ones and the care places are going to be your providers with no degree simply caring for the children but not necessarily doing a preschool curriculum within their day.

                            Parents still have the right and the obligation to seek out whatever care environment they wish for their child but in this ever growing competitive society that we have, you know what that means.

                            I think sooner or later ALL child care providers will be basically "employed" by the government and that family child care providers who don't meet the upper end of the star rating systems will be shoved into that babysitting category, no matter what they actually do with the kids.

                            I was somewhat excited about the Parent Aware thing happening, because in some ways I DO want to be recognized for my hard work and effort in going back to school and I want to be recognized for how my program works compared to the lady down the street who believes in many of the old school ways of raising a child (forced PT'ing and the "Clean Plate Club" etc) and still teaches her kids how to count by rote and repeated methods used in the old days that are no longer deemed developmentally appropriate.....kwim?

                            I don't know as the more I read the more I am losing faith in the whole thing. I resisted the whole union thing and was adamantly against it but I really do think that this is all related and they will one way or another be the controlling hand in how we run our businesses and what we do.

                            I would love to see some standardized regulations as far as daycare across the country but I don't want to relinquish ALL the control of a business I built and hand it over to someone else to rate and not have a say in any of it.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                              I hear you there but on that same note, that is kind of the point. They are trying to take family care and make it somewhat obsolete as they are wanting child care to be EARLY EDUCATION for all children now and being a stay at home mom who simply watches kids IS sub-par when it comes to government funding and such related to early education.

                              I saw this coming a few years ago and jumped at the opportunity to further my education so I wouldn't be stuck when this finally came in to play.

                              This is what I don't agree with!
                              IMHO the best place for a baby/young toddler is with mom. Actually I would go a lot further (in age) with that as I home schooled my kids
                              I myself have a curriculum, a separate space dedicated to child care and a degree in early childhood education but I don't think those things should be a requirement for doing child care.
                              Some people want their child with a 'grandma" type person. Some want a sahm with their child as kind of of an extended family. Some want more structure but still want the family home feel. Some want a formal center with actual "homework".
                              I think what type of care parents want should be left up to the parents. The state is trying to turn each daycare home into a mini-center or else they are just trying to push home dcp's our of business.. Every year new rules come out that are hard to do in a home without some major disruptions or annoyances.
                              My state wants me to do home visit conferences with parents to earn a star. My parents don't want that and I certainly don't want to spend my evenings having conferences in dcp homes!
                              There are a lot of providers on here that don't do an organized curriculum, don't have degrees etc., yet I would love my child to be a part of their daycares. Soon, the way things are going that won't be possible.

