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Whats Your Weather Today?

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  • #16
    Sunny and 84 with a nice coating of pollen over everything because it hasn't rained I almost 2 weeks.


    • #17
      It's 8 here but sunny! We've had two weeks of storms so I'm happy to see the sun.


      • #18
        Too hot

        Sunny and in the mid 80's which is not what I'm thinking March in WI should be!! I wasn't ready to turn the air on yet but had to. Although its great for getting the kiddos outside!! A few weeks ago we had a giant snowman in our we have chalk drawings in the driveway!!


        • #19
          it is amazingly gorgeous!!! high 70's very mild breeze and sunny.....perfect weather today...


          • #20
            It was sunny and near 80 today. I actually put the air on today and yesterday because the upstairs got pretty hot.


            • #21
              Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
              High of 84 degrees and sunny

              That's a record-smashing 8 degrees higher than the previous record...and a jaw-dropping 30 degrees above average!
              Next week it's supposed be back in the 70s which I'm so happy about! I told dh if this is how it's going to be starting now then it's going to be a loooooong summer and I'm not ready. Not being native of Ohio but living here 8yrs and I'm still confused what season it is.

              I sent out a letter home to parents to remind them to send updated spring clothing but was confused if I should ask for swim gear too . Yesterday it was 84 out and if my hose didn't break this past Sunday I would've had out the sprinkler.

              I don't remember it being this hot this early and technically when it was 80 on Monday it was still winter! I'm from upstate NY where winter is 9mo and we may reach 80 in August. March is a little early, and we've lived in Louisiana for a bit and never seen it this warm this early.

              I've recently lost 25lbs And back to size 6/8 and I have NO summer things. It's been hot wearing rolled up yoga pants. Lol
              "Being a parent is wanting to hug and strangle your kid at the same time".


              • #22
                Yesterday we ended up having 2.25 inches of rain and they are calling for more today. Outdoor sports schedules are being cancelled because of wet fields and such. Schools around us are on flood bus routes, we have some in other areas of the state closed to a massive snow storm.

                Its just very, very wet outside.
                Each day is a fresh start
                Never look back on regrets
                Live life to the fullest
                We only get one shot at this!!


                • #23
                  Rain, Rain, Rain, and more Rain.

                  We had nearly two weeks of sunny 80's and were really spoiled with so much outside play time this early in the year!!

                  Hope that weather comes back soon


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
                    Yesterday we ended up having 2.25 inches of rain and they are calling for more today. Outdoor sports schedules are being cancelled because of wet fields and such. Schools around us are on flood bus routes, we have some in other areas of the state closed to a massive snow storm.

                    Its just very, very wet outside.
                    Aren't you near me? We had 2 inches of snow overnight. I'm in Clackamas county. Thinking you are Washington county??? Could be wrong.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Lucy View Post
                      Aren't you near me? We had 2 inches of snow overnight. I'm in Clackamas county. Thinking you are Washington county??? Could be wrong.
                      No, I'm more south. Can you believe how much snow that Lane County got!!! Seven inches was the grand total I believe. I so wish that could have been us.
                      Each day is a fresh start
                      Never look back on regrets
                      Live life to the fullest
                      We only get one shot at this!!


                      • #26
                        Gorgeous! Sunny, upper 70's, sea breeze, just awesome. I love you Florida. (I will not be singing this tune in August when it is 95 at sundown, 100% humidity and those sea breezes bring rain every single day at 3pm) .


                        • #27
                          Another lovely day in the neighborhood! Stormy weather forcasted with tons of rain, very high winds (60 miles an hour in places). Also, blizzard warnings in the mountains.

                          This is why we crave sunshine here so much and get very depressed when we get nice weather for only like 3-4 months-
                          Last edited by Country Kids; 03-29-2012, 09:29 AM. Reason: spelling edit
                          Each day is a fresh start
                          Never look back on regrets
                          Live life to the fullest
                          We only get one shot at this!!


                          • #28
                            It rained where I live, it's still rain but my mom said it snowed where she works for like a milli second... I dont mind the rain, I really like thunder storms... I just dont want it to snow again, It has been so nice i'd like to keep it that way...


                            • #29

                              .....last week, I was wearing sandals!


                              • #30
                                83 and suuuuuunnnnnyyyyyy

