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The Positive Thread - What Happened That was GOOD Today?

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  • Kudos!!!!!!

    Originally posted by silversabre25 View Post
    this morning one boy tried to come in with a credit-card sized card of some sort and i had him hand it right back to his mom so that "it won't get lost" and he did it with very little fuss.

    A girl came to the door (walking on her own! Usually she gets carried and she's 2) with a bag of apple slices and i told her to hand it right back to mommy "because no one else has apples and we don't want them to be sad" and she did it with no complaint, then proceeded to unzip her coat (mostly) on her own and take it off with little help!

    Answered an email from a potential client--they mentioned "my schedule varies, is that ok?" and instead of my standard "yes!" answer, i explained that it depends and asked for an idea of days and time, adding that i can only accommodate 7 am to 6 pm m-f and i would need to charge her for a full-time spot to keep the space open for varying hours.

    My kids are growing up, and so am i. Feels good.

    No, better--it feels great!!!


    • my son wanted to be like daddy so he colored his face a rainbow mustache and beard....then asked can i get shaving cream I need to shave............ this was the highlight of my day as the rest of it just stunk..... hes 3


      • It's a warm, cloudy, slightly humid day. The birds are singing. It's so quiet around here! Today it's only 8 mo dcg and 2.75 yo dcb. 2 yo dcg will be here for about two hours, and my 3.5 yo DD is at her grandparents' house until tomorrow (been there since yesterday).

        DCB...I didn't know he could talk this much! He's keeping up a running commentary about what he's playing, asking questions, answering questions, being so sweet and wonderful...when DD is here he doesn't talk this much and spends his day antagonizing her.

        Things are just so pleasant this morning!
        Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


        • As my little 6 year old dcb was leaving yesterday, he says "Thanks miss.... for the GREAT day!" That really made MY day great!


          • Good Parents

            Last night I was thinking how blessed I am to have such good parents. I have done daycare for 10+ years and have had such good parents through that time. Only a couple difficult ones. They love their children and are respectful towards me.


            • I like this thread. I like even more that I finally have something to post!

              This has been a really, really good week. We're used to DCG now, and she's also used to us. More important, she seems happier, which is important to me. I get a lot more smiles throughout the day now that I know how to better meet her needs.

              Things went really smoothly this week with naptimes and mealtimes and playtimes. I noticed less aggression and tantrums, better behavior overall, and it was even easier to get them to sleep! This was also our first week of minimal TV (only 10 minutes of very specific music segments so far). I suspect that has something to do with the better behavior. I was using it as a crutch before and wanted to use it just a little bit less, but once I turned it off I found out that the kids didn't seem to miss it and with the apparent behavior change for the better, I left it off. Poor DCG though, she misses her TV! She saw her favorite characters on the screen when I turned on music videos and gave them the biggest smile like she was thinking, "where have you been all my life?!" I swear, she almost swooned! And seeing that we needed to fill that old TV time with something, we've read a lot more. Apparently, my son loves to read. Who'd 'ave thunk it?

              I also had an awesome phone conversation with a prospective client who will be coming over to interview this weekend.

              Life is good!


              • I am feeling very positive today. I had an interview for daycare last night. This morning the mother called me and said that they decided to go with me for daycare because they loved my son. They said he was so hospitable, polite and sweet and if I did such a wonderful job raising him then I must also be a great provider!

                I just thought that was very nice of her to express!


                • I am going to start my first class this summer. I am so excited. I feel energized now.


                  • I only have 3 today AND all are my "twice a day" nappers!!!! Can you believe it??

                    That never happens... I don't have to do half the cleaning or prep work today. I feel free and it is almost too quiet....

                    Knock on wood. The "Q" word is dangerous, after-all ::::
                    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                    • chocolate covered potato chips. That is my positive of the day, . a hugely thick coating of gourmet dark chocolate, over a ruffle. Holy cow, fantabulous!!!


                      • Originally posted by laundrymom View Post
                        chocolate covered potato chips. That is my positive of the day, . a hugely thick coating of gourmet dark chocolate, over a ruffle. Holy cow, fantabulous!!!
               you made me hungry! I want some! Share, dang it!

                        Or at least eat half a dozen or so for me
                        Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                        • Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
                 you made me hungry! I want some! Share, dang it!

                          Or at least eat half a dozen or so for me
                          they are sinfull!!! I got them at a local chocolatier. OMG amazing!!!!!


                          • * is packing the kids up in a stroller......walking down the street to the store........buying potato chips...........walking home......melting chocolate in a pot.........dipping potato chips in chocolate........realizing this is far too much work................adding bag of reeses peanut butter chipets.................smashing the potato chips and pouring into the chocolate...........spooning it into mouth..........spooning into muffin cups........chilling in fridge............eating my homemade xmas chocolate balls...........*

                            DON'T TOUCH MY CHOCOLATE COVERED BALLS!

                            i make this at thanksgiving with left over easter chocolate, and at easter with left over xmas chocolate. you can substitute chips with rice crispies, peanuts or anything else.


                            • Now I just want chocolate of ANY form. You two are making me crave it, you pests. And I don't have a chance to go get any today ::sticks out tongue::
                              Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                              • I stuck to my policies today! I require being paid in advance or getting papers from the county before I start care for any new kids. This person wanted to start her kids on Monday and when we got to the part where it would be a lot of money for 3 kids to start on such short notice she hung up! I could tell even before I called her back that I wasn't going to like her much since she called 2 times after leaving me a message. She also had sent me an e-mail all in caps which is one of my biggest red flags.

                                Second positive today: I'm rearranging the daycare rooms! I started using Fireflies a few weeks ago and they suggest centers for the kids. I have my rooms set up a little like centers but I'm going to establish the centers more clearly and follow the suggestions for each one for April and see how it goes.
                                Celebrate! ::

