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Venting Thread

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  • had many issues with family over payments. Finally dad agrees to pay me two weeks at a time and for the past two payments has done fine. He shows up today, a day late and hands me a check for one week.
    I am so over this I want to quit.

    I'm sick about it. I'm done with the disrespect, the poverty wages, the MESS, the stress, the 14 hours days.


    I called a daycare center about a possible job and they do have positions. They give half off employee childcare.

    Problem is with the low rate of pay that would be half my paycheck.

    the other problem is that I'd be on foot, which is fine for me but wouldn't work for two kids in a stroller.

    I feel so stuck and so miserable right now.

    I've been in the red for I don't know how long.

    My kids' father is a drunk and has done nothing for their support financially. I obviously can't count on him for any child care either.

    I'm on the brink today.

    I haven't had the energy or motivation or money to improve my program and even if I did the market is crap here. complete crap.

    Hopefully a good night's sleep will change perspective.


    • hope things get better!

      Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time. Can you make parents pay each week? Thats what I do. They have to bring the check for the week before by Tuesday or Wednesday for the previous week. I had to stop letting ballances go into arrears cause when it comes to parents paying bills
      Daycare is on the bottom of their priority list. I got tired of the sob story's! I don't take the child if they don't pay. That way it doesn't keep building up. I hold their spot for the rest of the week at no charge and if they can't pay then I terminate care without notice. What are we supposed to survive on? We have to get paid!


      • Venting and way off daycare topic....

        ...anyone know of a forum where we can "chat" about our in-law issues? Pretty please? happyface


        • Originally posted by MARSTELAC View Post
          ...anyone know of a forum where we can "chat" about our in-law issues? Pretty please? happyface
          The member's only off topic forum!!
          Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


          • Last night I went to a child care association meeting and as I came out at the end I realized that someone had hit the bumper of my new van . I am so PISSED!! They hit it so hard that it dented my bumper towards my trunk and I couldn't get it open. I got home and was so mad that I had a hard time telling DH, I was SO ANGRY I was on the verge of tears! My DH had to kick the bumper to get it so that I could at least get my trunk opened Grrr. It's the holiday season, why not just leave me a note?


            • Sucky morning so far...trying to pick it up and have something great to post in the 31 Days of Happy thread later today!
              Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


              • @&#%!!!! Dcm "forgot" her check book.She offered to mail it!! It's Friday, what a way to end the week with no payment.


                • "Precious Snowflake" strikes again!

                  We were out to dinner tonight with some friends and their kids. The almost 4 year old (not mine) began waving her knife around wildly in the air, and Mom took it from her. She began throwing a fit, so Mom gave it back and told her that she could swing it as long as she didn't do so over her head. :confused:

                  Wow. Just wow.

                  I never know what to do/say in these situations. It's not my business to interfere with how they parent their children, but come ON!!!!!


                  • Originally posted by AfterSchoolMom View Post
                    "Precious Snowflake" strikes again!

                    We were out to dinner tonight with some friends and their kids. The almost 4 year old (not mine) began waving her knife around wildly in the air, and Mom took it from her. She began throwing a fit, so Mom gave it back and told her that she could swing it as long as she didn't do so over her head. :confused:

                    Wow. Just wow.

                    I never know what to do/say in these situations. It's not my business to interfere with how they parent their children, but come ON!!!!!

                    I think I would have opened my big, fat mouth for that one! I also have trouble deciding whether to say something to friends kids when we're all together. Sometimes it's easy because the kids will gravitate towards me and I can step in easily but in a situation at a table..... I might just have to throw Mom down and smack some sense into her. ::


                    • UGH!!!!! my helper is so incompetent. She's been here for 4 months and still gives the wrong pacis to the babies. They each have their own type so there should be no confusion!!!! ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And one tends to get sick all the time and giving him the wrong paci only adds to it -


                      • I just want to stay home and live cheap...

                        U know, we buy everything thrift store.... don't have cable tv, don't spend a lot of money except for housing, food, etc... shoot, we don't even have a car payment right now.... however, with old cars, we have to start thinking about potential repairs....

                        I just want to be able to be an old-fashioned stay home mom... I home school and I want to be able to have enough gas money to run to the park once or twice a week. That's it!

                        My gripe is how the economy doesn't support old-fashioned ways of living now a days. It just shouldn't be REQUIRED that we have two income houses. We are great providers and all, but really, look at the state of the country and our kids these days....

                        Maybe we are missing being home with a GOOD mom and being raised in a family with old-fashioned values. Maybe the whole Dad gets home from work at five or six and the family eats dinner together thing is so vital that taking those roles away has been the biggest cause of the decline of our country....

                        Just a thought....

                        now, since I AM trying to stay home... some one tell me how to get my trash bill paid this week... while still having enough left over for Christmas dinner..... any suggestions????



                        • Krissy,
                          I know exactly how you feel. I can't wait to be just a stay at home, homeschooling mom again. An interesting read is The Two-Income Myth. It discusses how our society came to require two incomes to survive. Keep up the good work!


                          • Not exactly daycare related...

                            Had a good day, unexpected early day. Was supposed to have kids here 'til 9:30, but they're dad got sick. My last kids left today at 5p. That doesn't happen often.

                            Well, my odd (16) and her bf got into an argument via text. She made a joke, he, apparently doesn't share her sense of humor, and well, we all know sarcasm isn't read well (without proper annotation). He told her he was done texting her tonight, and told her not to call. She got all crabby, bringing down the mood in the house.

                            My DH drives truck and is gone right now. He called me about an hour ago, upset because he lost his key ring. He thinks they fell into the trash, and it got emptied earlier today. He has the ignition key, but lost his other keys. It had the trailer padlock on there. Long story, he had a meat load, some damaged boxes were rejected, but the meat was ok. He threw it in the trailer (temp controlled trailer) with the load he is hauling now and bought a new fridge for his truck today for the meat. Fridge ok to run now, he went to take the meat out of the trailer and put it in his fridge (company was going to throw it, nothing was wrong with it, just damaged box). Anyway, he can't find his keys and can't get into the trailer. He's upset because he feels it's 500 wasted. Because he could have just thrown the meat in the first place, saved the $500 on the fridge, and likely not lost his keys. We're talking maybe $100 worth of high-end deli (not yet sliced) type meat. Now he has to either pay to have the lock cut. It's a high end lock and a regular bolt cutter won't do the trick. OR Shut the temp control off on the trailer (it's not supposed to be on) and let the meat spoil, or deliver a cold load that's supposed to be not refrigerated... Not sure what he's hauling. Anyway, we spent 37 minutes on the phone with him crabby the whole time, and not really talking, just there and very irritable.

                            In both situations there is nothing I can do, and now I'm feeling kind of grumpy.
                            Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.


                            • Jeans with zipper, shoes with laces, button up shirt...

                              on an infant? Seriously? This is a daycare not fashion week. Does she seriously not realize how much more time and effort it takes to change a diaper or get ready to go outside with such ridiculous clothing? Ugh!


                              • rude

                                Interviewed for a newborn on Friday, they were all set to go for today. No call no show. Nice. I've been up and down all night anxious for new client and up since 530 waiting for them to arrive.

                                Of course I've been struggling with backbone and this new client that I thought was willing to pay a bit more and comply with policies was a very encouraging incentive and morale booster.

                                Darn it, darn it, darn it.

