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Help- Advice Please! (LONG msg)

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  • #16
    you should be ashamed

    Originally posted by sharlan View Post
    Rather that argue over semantics, the most import thing is the child is being removed from this facility.

    I've seen parents file bogus complaints (which this one is not) and then wonder why the provider is terming them. I would not want a child here under those conditions and as hard as I might try, I would possibly treat the child differently - less praise, fewer hugs, etc. You know, "sins of the father" type thing.

    That's retaliation! For you to even say that much less put it in writing, you should be ashamed of yourself. Your comment really gives providers a bad rep, really indicating that you do things below board. Too bad for you, really - I wish your parents knew how you talk on this forum. If you feel so strongly about it, you should tell your parents what you posted on this forum. It's a shame really and I feel sorry for the children in your care. How cruel. Time and again, it's a failure to realize that the child(ren) in your care is/are ours - not yours - and we're within our legal rights to question things and go to the state if we need to clarify things. Customers choose daycares to provide a service for them - not the other way around. First and foremost, parents need to be sure their children are safe. Good providers wear their big girl panties to work each day - bad providers retaliate against the children. If you can't handle parents getting second opinions on questionable circumstances, then you're a bad provider. Yet another reason I'd never hire a home based daycare provider. You'd actually intentionally give children in your care unequal treatment, unbelievable!

