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My 2 Year Old Needs Glasses!

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  • My 2 Year Old Needs Glasses!

    my son will be 3 next month.. i took him to an eye doctor in march through a referral by his pediatrician. his left eye is turned inward so we are going through the process now to correct it. at the eye appt the doctor said he needs glasses:1. to help straighten his eye 2. he is far sighted.

    a couple people told me that they've had and heard of other babies/toddlers that had a similar situation who did not get glasses and their eye corrected itself(the muscles in the eye were still in a developmental stage when they were younger, but as they grew it turned out ok)

    1. has any other parent had a similar situation, but did not get their child glasses and it fixed itself?

    2. do the daycares they went/go to cooperate with the glasses-wearing?

    3. did the other kids make fun of them for wearing glasses?

    *the MOST IMPORTANT thing for me is my sons health and well-being. i want this corrected and i want him to be %100 normal with nothing mentally or physically wrong with him.. i know things happen though... the thing i am most worried about is his emotional health rightnow-he is SOOO incredibely happy, it would kill me if that changed because of someone's negative comments. i know young kids can be cruel.. advice on how to avoid it or help him if it happens would be appreciated too!

  • #2
    Originally posted by kelliott View Post
    my son will be 3 next month.. i took him to an eye doctor in march through a referral by his pediatrician. his left eye is turned inward so we are going through the process now to correct it. at the eye appt the doctor said he needs glasses:1. to help straighten his eye 2. he is far sighted.

    a couple people told me that they've had and heard of other babies/toddlers that had a similar situation who did not get glasses and their eye corrected itself(the muscles in the eye were still in a developmental stage when they were younger, but as they grew it turned out ok)

    1. has any other parent had a similar situation, but did not get their child glasses and it fixed itself?

    2. do the daycares they went/go to cooperate with the glasses-wearing?

    3. did the other kids make fun of them for wearing glasses?

    *the MOST IMPORTANT thing for me is my sons health and well-being. i want this corrected and i want him to be %100 normal with nothing mentally or physically wrong with him.. i know things happen though... the thing i am most worried about is his emotional health rightnow-he is SOOO incredibely happy, it would kill me if that changed because of someone's negative comments. i know young kids can be cruel.. advice on how to avoid it or help him if it happens would be appreciated too!
    My son got glasses at the same age. He has a severe esotropia (eye turns in) and very farsighted. We got him into some eye therapy. It helped tremendously to correct the eye turn and get his eyes to work together.

    Our daycare at the time, cooroperated with his glasses wearing. It never was even a concern that they wouldn't I guess. My son kept his glasses on well, because he could actually see much better with them on.

    No one made fun of him at that age.

    If you are uncomfortable with the decision to have him wear glasses, get a second opinion from a qualified medical professional - either an optometrist or an opthomalogist.


    • #3
      Originally posted by kelliott View Post
      my son will be 3 next month.. i took him to an eye doctor in march through a referral by his pediatrician. his left eye is turned inward so we are going through the process now to correct it. at the eye appt the doctor said he needs glasses:1. to help straighten his eye 2. he is far sighted.

      a couple people told me that they've had and heard of other babies/toddlers that had a similar situation who did not get glasses and their eye corrected itself(the muscles in the eye were still in a developmental stage when they were younger, but as they grew it turned out ok)

      1. has any other parent had a similar situation, but did not get their child glasses and it fixed itself?

      2. do the daycares they went/go to cooperate with the glasses-wearing?

      3. did the other kids make fun of them for wearing glasses?

      *the MOST IMPORTANT thing for me is my sons health and well-being. i want this corrected and i want him to be %100 normal with nothing mentally or physically wrong with him.. i know things happen though... the thing i am most worried about is his emotional health rightnow-he is SOOO incredibely happy, it would kill me if that changed because of someone's negative comments. i know young kids can be cruel.. advice on how to avoid it or help him if it happens would be appreciated too!
      Our son had a crossed eye at 6 months. Brought him to UCLA and he had glasses by 8 months. Had an eye operation to move the muscles at 12 months and 5 years to correct the crossed eye problem. He still wears glasses but has limited depth perception because his brain learned to look out of one eye or the other. The doctors say he may be a candidate for laser eye surgery but he prefers wearing his glasses.

      The sooner you get he needs taken care of the better IMO.


      • #4
        i'm definitely worried about his eye and will get the glasses reguardless.. i just don't want his happy personality to go away :/.. and as far as daycare goes, idk how he'll do with keeping them on LOL.. there was a suggestion that came up by his doctor about wearing a patch over the strong eye to make the weak one stronger..? didn't try that one but i think it would be easier for him cuz he loves pirates!

        hopefully it gets corrected either way and he won't have to wear the glasses 24/7 forever.. i think a second opinion with make me feel %100 about the glasses though


        • #5
          Originally posted by kelliott View Post
          i'm definitely worried about his eye and will get the glasses reguardless.. i just don't want his happy personality to go away :/.. and as far as daycare goes, idk how he'll do with keeping them on LOL.. there was a suggestion that came up by his doctor about wearing a patch over the strong eye to make the weak one stronger..? didn't try that one but i think it would be easier for him cuz he loves pirates!

          hopefully it gets corrected either way and he won't have to wear the glasses 24/7 forever.. i think a second opinion with make me feel %100 about the glasses though
          We did the patching also. Make sure you go to the best opthomalogist in your area.


          • #6
            I have a dcb who is 18 months and we are doing the eye patch. I can't imagine kids that age not thinking it is cool or fun to have glasses! All my dck want an eye patch too . Really in most cases (that I have seen) up through elem school glasses are wanted- my son faked poor eye site in first grade
            Have fun picking out glasses and wearing them! I think if your excited and happy he will be too.
            And on a side note: I LOVE little ones in glasses


            • #7
              I have a young 2 year old in the daycare that wears glasses all day and an eye patch until after lunch. Not an issue in the daycare in the slightest. The glasses are kept on until nap without ayt troubles, and are requested as soon as nap is over.


              • #8
                I had/have lazy eye and was/am farsighted as did my mother and now two of my grandbabies. At a young age I wore glasses and ridicule never entered into it as far as I remember. I also wore a patch for awhile, used a prism and a red transparent lense to watch black and white television. By the time I entered middle school I was no longer wearing glasses and didn't need them till my late 30's. If I get tired or read too much my eyes wander some and my opthamologist put prisms in my glasses that help my eyes to "bounce" and focus straight.

                My grandbabies are wearing glasses and have been told that they should both outgrow the problems. One was six when she was diagnosed the other is three and neither one has expressed any problems associated with teasing. At their age I think the other kids are pretty indifferent to any kind of stigma with their friends wearing glasses. I'm sure the teasing would be worse if you allowed the problem to get worse by not doing something.

                As Michael advised just make certain the doctor is a good opthamologist.
                Btw, both girls want to wear their glasses because they can see better.
                I see little people.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by kelliott View Post
                  my son will be 3 next month.. i took him to an eye doctor in march through a referral by his pediatrician. his left eye is turned inward so we are going through the process now to correct it. at the eye appt the doctor said he needs glasses:1. to help straighten his eye 2. he is far sighted.

                  a couple people told me that they've had and heard of other babies/toddlers that had a similar situation who did not get glasses and their eye corrected itself(the muscles in the eye were still in a developmental stage when they were younger, but as they grew it turned out ok)

                  1. has any other parent had a similar situation, but did not get their child glasses and it fixed itself?

                  2. do the daycares they went/go to cooperate with the glasses-wearing?

                  3. did the other kids make fun of them for wearing glasses?

                  *the MOST IMPORTANT thing for me is my sons health and well-being. i want this corrected and i want him to be %100 normal with nothing mentally or physically wrong with him.. i know things happen though... the thing i am most worried about is his emotional health rightnow-he is SOOO incredibely happy, it would kill me if that changed because of someone's negative comments. i know young kids can be cruel.. advice on how to avoid it or help him if it happens would be appreciated too!
                  My son had to get glasses right after he turned 2. He had an eye exam at his daycare and failed. They said he had a muscle imbalance and he was extremely far sighted so they wanted him to wear glasses mostly to stregthen one of his eyes so it did not turn. I have never had a problem with any kids making fun of him but keeping them on at first was a HUGE issue at daycare. I wanted to get him a strap to keep them on and this is what I used to help him keep them on and it worked wonders. But I can't seem to find a place to order them now. This was 4 years ago so I hope they did not go out of business because these things were a lifesaver. I hope you can find some or something similar


                  • #10
                    Wanted to add
                    All the other kids have always thought his glasseswere cool and he does have to patch everyday as well and at first he was a little embarrassed (age 5 when he had to start that) but his friend's think it's so cool that he gets to be a pirate ::


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by kelliott View Post
                      my son will be 3 next month.. i took him to an eye doctor in march through a referral by his pediatrician. his left eye is turned inward so we are going through the process now to correct it. at the eye appt the doctor said he needs glasses:1. to help straighten his eye 2. he is far sighted.

                      a couple people told me that they've had and heard of other babies/toddlers that had a similar situation who did not get glasses and their eye corrected itself(the muscles in the eye were still in a developmental stage when they were younger, but as they grew it turned out ok)

                      1. has any other parent had a similar situation, but did not get their child glasses and it fixed itself?

                      2. do the daycares they went/go to cooperate with the glasses-wearing?

                      3. did the other kids make fun of them for wearing glasses?

                      *the MOST IMPORTANT thing for me is my sons health and well-being. i want this corrected and i want him to be %100 normal with nothing mentally or physically wrong with him.. i know things happen though... the thing i am most worried about is his emotional health rightnow-he is SOOO incredibely happy, it would kill me if that changed because of someone's negative comments. i know young kids can be cruel.. advice on how to avoid it or help him if it happens would be appreciated too!

                      My son was two when he got his. I took him to the dr for allergies and the next thing I knew I had an appointment for the eye dr that night. When he got them I cried more cause I never knew he was THAT bad. But in the never effect him wearing glasses. He went to preschool and did things like soccer, etc. It became just a part of him.

                      1 I would not recommend not doing it. The only way to fix a lazy eye is surgery if left alone. Glasses are the easier route. We did the patching and everything. My son no longer has issues. He tech only needs them for reading but because of his lazy eye, must wear them all the time to prevent turning.

                      2 I had no issues with the schools. The only thing I had problems with was him running into people and busting his glasses. I think at one point I was replacing them like every 3 months! But the schools never gave any problems.

                      3 The children did not tease. My son started out so young that it was just a part of him like an arm. LOL! Kids take things in stride and most are accepting. When you start this young it becomes comfortable to everyone.


                      • #12
                        Thank you all!

                        i guess times have changed LOL when i was 7 i had to wear glasses and EVERYONE made fun of me for it!.. i would intentionally "misplace" them and after a while my parents finally got tired of buying me new ones :P.. i just don't want that to happen to him, that's why i was looking into the patch..but seems like it won't really be helping him like he needs. i'm HOPING that after wearing the glasses for a bit his eye will turn foward and he will only need them for reading *nervous mommy!*


                        • #13
                          I think nowadays more and more children have to wear glasses, I don't know if it's because they test earlier or have better tests?
                          Anyways, my daughter was 5 when I found out she needed glasses. She was so embarrassed to wear them to kindy, but no one made fun of her and she was fine after the first week or so. My niece loved her glasses and actually had my sis buy her a fake pair so she could have them too!

                          There was a child at a dc that I worked at who was 2 1/2 and had glasses. None of the other kids made fun of him. He had these thicker plastic ones that he couldn't break that had a big loop for the ears so that they wouldn't fall off. I can't see a dc having a problem with a child wearing glasses and if they did, I wouldn't send my child there!


                          • #14
                            i think it's the technology nowadays that messes with our kids' eyes! when we were young all of our toys were...TOYS! LOL now all they stare at is an ipad or the tv or something..i know at my office we switched to electronic files and charts so now all of us have problems with our eyes from staring at a computer all day! i think out of all of us employees theres only 2 that don't wear glasses(not that they don't need them, i'm sure).

                            and i don't think a daycare would say "no" to him wearing the glasses there.. i just wonder about their cooperation.. would they tell him to keep them on if he took them off?.. would they help keep an eye on the glasses(as i'm sure my almost 3 year old would lose them :P) just little things paranoy me... in the end i'm sure all will be fine... when he's a popular surgeon at 30 years old with a beautiful family i'm sure nobody would think twice about his glasses! hehe


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Patches View Post
                              My son had to get glasses right after he turned 2. He had an eye exam at his daycare and failed. They said he had a muscle imbalance and he was extremely far sighted so they wanted him to wear glasses mostly to stregthen one of his eyes so it did not turn. I have never had a problem with any kids making fun of him but keeping them on at first was a HUGE issue at daycare. I wanted to get him a strap to keep them on and this is what I used to help him keep them on and it worked wonders. But I can't seem to find a place to order them now. This was 4 years ago so I hope they did not go out of business because these things were a lifesaver. I hope you can find some or something similar
                              So I was a little bored and decided to do a little research on that product you linked to. They are now being sold as InvisiRoos if anyone is interested.

