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  • #16
    Originally posted by e.j. View Post
    Would she maybe sleep better if she were napping in the same room with another child or if you were within sight? Out of curiosity, how old is she? Do you know if she's on any meds?

    When my son was very young, he used to tell us about the "blue ghost" that slept at the end of his bed every night. He never seemed upset by it and was just very matter of fact when describing him. It seemed to follow us from home to home. We used to laugh (never in front of my son) and joke that maybe it was Uncle Tony - my sister's husband who had passed away when my son was a baby. Tony had been a policeman so we thought his blue uniform would make sense.

    Eventually, he stopped talking about the blue ghost but as he grew older, he would tell us that he often saw a tall man in a long, black coat and hat walk down our hallway past his bedroom door in the house we currently live in.

    He would ask me if I believed in ghosts or if I knew if they were real. I used to tell him that some people think they're real but that I had never seen one and I didn't know of anyone else who had seen one. Until I did, I would have to guess that they were not real. It got to a point where he would mention seeing this man in the hallway to his therapist. (He has Asperger's and was seeing a therapist on a regular basis.) His therapist thought he maybe had schizophrenia and was keeping note of these ghost stories. Long story short, I was afraid he was developing schizophrenia, too, but then I started experiencing some things I couldn't explain. I won't go into detail but I saw a figure one night, I've heard things and sensed things that I can't explain. I've never had this kind of experience until we moved into this house. My in-laws built it and lived here all of their married lives. My mil died in what is now our bedroom (mine and my husband's) but the hallway seems to be the area of the house that is most affected. I'll be honest and say sometimes I have to question my own sanity. :: I keep hoping there's a logical explanation for the things we've experienced but so far, I can't think of any that make sense. I guess my point in writing all of this is to say that I wouldn't just assume your dcg is just looking for attention. I know when my son would tell me the things he was seeing, we never made a big deal of it so if he were looking for attention, it was definitely not working for him. Whether she has an undiagnosed mental illness, is on meds, has a very active imagination or is really seeing's probably very real to her.
    Napping in a room with others isn't an option . I have her (shes 3.5) and then all of my others are 2, and then I have 3 babies, one 9 month, 11weeks, and 6 weeks. They aren't on the same nap schedule as everyone else. I talked to mom about it today and she is going to ask her more when she gets home. Her mom is the one that thinks shes doing it to get attention. I very much believe in this stuff from past experience. as for meds, shes not on any. She is very bright girl. The only time she sees anything is at nap time or bed time


    • #17
      Originally posted by cara041083 View Post
      Napping in a room with others isn't an option . I have her (shes 3.5) and then all of my others are 2, and then I have 3 babies, one 9 month, 11weeks, and 6 weeks. They aren't on the same nap schedule as everyone else. I talked to mom about it today and she is going to ask her more when she gets home. Her mom is the one that thinks shes doing it to get attention. I very much believe in this stuff from past experience. as for meds, shes not on any. She is very bright girl. The only time she sees anything is at nap time or bed time
      For what it's worth, my son seemed to see things mostly at night when he was in bed, too. After one particularly frightening experience he had one night last year, we started leaving the hall light on at night. We're all adults - my son is 23 - but it has helped all of us sleep a little better.

      Don't you wish you could see what she's seeing just so you could know how to approach the problem with her?.....Hmmm....on second thought, maybe not! ::
      Last edited by e.j.; 02-25-2014, 06:20 PM. Reason: Added a comment


      • #18
        I would pray for her.


        • #19
          Oh, goodness, I forgot about this thread... now I'm going to be seeing shadows and oogie boogies everywhere ::


          • #20
            Originally posted by cara041083 View Post
            Ok...... So I started a new girl today. Her parents told me in the interview that she is scared to sleep in her room at home, because the man in there scares her. so she ends up sleeping in the living room on the couch by her self. Also at nap time she is fine in her room on her own and all that good stuff. Well I laid her down at 12 on her matt in the room. Now she is scraming about the "people" in there. How in the heck do I handle that. :confused:. Shes in there by her self there is no one in there. Im starting to think shes doing it for attention, but how do I calm her down.
            I don't know if she fakes it, or if she really sees someone, so just in case she does have a legitimate fear, I would reassure her that is a privilege to be able to see our spirit guardians
            ..the last thing I would do, is to tell the kids that it's all their imagination, cause if they really do see a presence (I do believe in spirits), those kids would never feel safe with you again


            • #21
              In my experience, children see things that we can't. And I think it is very innocent and pure. As we grow older, we're taught that these things don't exist, are somehow evil, etc. So the very young children, who aren't conditioned yet to believe those things, can see them for what they are. Just spirits. I don't find it scary at all. I think it's a beautiful thing and I wish I could have experiences like that.
              I would not appear creeped out in front of her. Your reaction will influence hers. If you say something like, oh its your guardian angel watching over you! How lucky you are to have seen him! Or that's just so and so. He's a spirit that protects us and our home. If you don't make a big deal of it (even if you're totally creeped out!) then she probably won't either. And if it's an attention seeking thing, she'll see that it's not going to work for her because you're totally Ok with it (or you appear to be, at least).


              • #22
                Originally posted by Wednesday View Post
                In my experience, children see things that we can't. And I think it is very innocent and pure. As we grow older, we're taught that these things don't exist, are somehow evil, etc. So the very young children, who aren't conditioned yet to believe those things, can see them for what they are. Just spirits. I don't find it scary at all. I think it's a beautiful thing and I wish I could have experiences like that.
                I would not appear creeped out in front of her. Your reaction will influence hers. If you say something like, oh its your guardian angel watching over you! How lucky you are to have seen him! Or that's just so and so. He's a spirit that protects us and our home. If you don't make a big deal of it (even if you're totally creeped out!) then she probably won't either. And if it's an attention seeking thing, she'll see that it's not going to work for her because you're totally Ok with it (or you appear to be, at least).
                I'm with you on this one. There have been too many cases like this for it not to be true. Kids waving at cemeteries from the car. Kids even remembering past lives in some casses.
                Guess I'm a little biased to the topic though. I sinced a lot I "heavyness" in the house after my daughter was born. I can't see spirit, but my dad can. He said that when we were sitting down watching tv at night that he could look down the hallway and see people (some he recognized, some he didn't) enter her room to visit. She is now two. A few months ago when my grandfather was dying, I sinced spirits around again. That same week my daughter started saying night night to "Jessie" after I'd tucked her in. The only Jessie I know of is my great grandmother who died before I was born. I'm a little jealous I haven't seen anything yet!
                Stuff happens. This girl might be just asking for attention. But she could really be seeing things. Tred lightly. If you say the wrong things it could lead to big self confidence issues in the future.

