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  • Ghost

    Ok...... So I started a new girl today. Her parents told me in the interview that she is scared to sleep in her room at home, because the man in there scares her. so she ends up sleeping in the living room on the couch by her self. Also at nap time she is fine in her room on her own and all that good stuff. Well I laid her down at 12 on her matt in the room. Now she is scraming about the "people" in there. How in the heck do I handle that. :confused:. Shes in there by her self there is no one in there. Im starting to think shes doing it for attention, but how do I calm her down.

  • #2
    Ok, I'm totally creeped out now....


    • #3
      Originally posted by butterfly View Post
      Ok, I'm totally creeped out now....
      Me too!


      • #4
        Originally posted by butterfly View Post
        Ok, I'm totally creeped out now....

        Umm ya. Shes in my room LOL. I totally don't want to sleep in there now!


        • #5
          Sell the house and/or burn it down.


          • #6
            Originally posted by cara041083 View Post
            Umm ya. Shes in my room LOL. I totally don't want to sleep in there now!



            • #7
              My daughter did not want to sleep in her room for about a month when she was about 6 / 7 years old .... she said that there was a person standing at the foot of her bed every night or near the door...

              I ended up telling her that it was ok that if there was something there that she saw it was not to scare her... all she needed to do was to tell that person (ghost) that she needed to sleep to go away so that she could get her sleep for school.... I also told her that it was just her grandparents and our old dog that was there looking out for her to make sure she was ok....

              that seemed to help her quite a bit... so every night we would say "grandpa, grandma, sky (dog) could you go and watch over the house and not me for, I know you are there watching over me but I need you to leave so I can sleep, good night love you all".... after about a month she was fine and has not seen them since......

              worth a try....


              • #8
                Why do I keep coming back to this post to read the comments?? It seriously is so creepy to me. I'm sitting in a dark quiet room with all my nappers. Every time someone coughs or turns on their cot, I jump...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by craftymissbeth View Post
                  Sell the house and/or burn it down.
                  I got a chuckle out of this one...definitely creepy tho! I'm glad I didn't read this before I went upstairs to put away laundry ::


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by butterfly View Post
                    Why do I keep coming back to this post to read the comments?? It seriously is so creepy to me.
                    Me too!

                    Right after I had my ds I watched one of those reality ghost hunter shows. Well after one of them, I was so freaked out that I started crying and even cried when I told my dh and sis of how scared I was. I used to get up in the middle of the night to nurse in my family room so dh could sleep because he has to get up super early and I was so freaked out. I wouldn't look around and would just stare at the tv.... I blame it on the hormones....
                    Last edited by Blackcat31; 02-25-2014, 02:04 PM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by mia View Post
                      My daughter did not want to sleep in her room for about a month when she was about 6 / 7 years old .... she said that there was a person standing at the foot of her bed every night or near the door...

                      I ended up telling her that it was ok that if there was something there that she saw it was not to scare her... all she needed to do was to tell that person (ghost) that she needed to sleep to go away so that she could get her sleep for school.... I also told her that it was just her grandparents and our old dog that was there looking out for her to make sure she was ok....

                      that seemed to help her quite a bit... so every night we would say "grandpa, grandma, sky (dog) could you go and watch over the house and not me for, I know you are there watching over me but I need you to leave so I can sleep, good night love you all".... after about a month she was fine and has not seen them since......

                      worth a try....

                      I will try that. I have lived here for 5 years and my mother in law always tells me there is someone here. She is one of those people that says she can sense it. but what ever it is won't hurt us. But I have never seen anything. So tonight I will have the tv on and we will see how it goes. My daughter did tell me she played with her grandma in her room one time (my mom passed away 7 years ago) I told her if she saw her again to tell her to come see me and since its in my room maybe its her


                      • #12
                        When ds was still itty bitty I was holding him and a trailer for The Messengers came on (this particular trailer focused on a small child seeing ghosts while those around him didn't, I guess).

                        I looked down at ds, he looked up at me, he looked past me at the ceiling, and I calmly put his scary little butt down and sat there staring at him while nervously biting my nails. It took me a few minutes before I could pick him up again ::


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by cara041083 View Post
                          I will try that. I have lived here for 5 years and my mother in law always tells me there is someone here. She is one of those people that says she can sense it. but what ever it is won't hurt us. But I have never seen anything. So tonight I will have the tv on and we will see how it goes. My daughter did tell me she played with her grandma in her room one time (my mom passed away 7 years ago) I told her if she saw her again to tell her to come see me and since its in my room maybe its her
                          I'm one of those people as well that believe that there is spirits out there.....I'd say that , thats all it is, is your mom... sorry to hear ....

                          good luck...


                          • #14
                            Sounds like it's time for some ghost/monster/boogie man spray.

                            Fill a spray bottle with water. Tell her it's magic spray. Every time she feels like there is someone in her room, she needs to use the spray.

                            It works awesome at keeping the room free from ghosts, spirits, monsters, boogie men and anything else that goes bump in the night away.

                            You can use lavender and/or other scents too.

                            We have a problem and its name is MONSTERS!  These dreadful beasts live in Scarlet's closet and they are such pesky creatures: even though daddy puts them in a jar and throws them outside every


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by cara041083 View Post
                              Shes in there by her self there is no one in there. Im starting to think shes doing it for attention, but how do I calm her down.
                              Would she maybe sleep better if she were napping in the same room with another child or if you were within sight? Out of curiosity, how old is she? Do you know if she's on any meds?

                              When my son was very young, he used to tell us about the "blue ghost" that slept at the end of his bed every night. He never seemed upset by it and was just very matter of fact when describing him. It seemed to follow us from home to home. We used to laugh (never in front of my son) and joke that maybe it was Uncle Tony - my sister's husband who had passed away when my son was a baby. Tony had been a policeman so we thought his blue uniform would make sense.

                              Eventually, he stopped talking about the blue ghost but as he grew older, he would tell us that he often saw a tall man in a long, black coat and hat walk down our hallway past his bedroom door in the house we currently live in.

                              He would ask me if I believed in ghosts or if I knew if they were real. I used to tell him that some people think they're real but that I had never seen one and I didn't know of anyone else who had seen one. Until I did, I would have to guess that they were not real. It got to a point where he would mention seeing this man in the hallway to his therapist. (He has Asperger's and was seeing a therapist on a regular basis.) His therapist thought he maybe had schizophrenia and was keeping note of these ghost stories. Long story short, I was afraid he was developing schizophrenia, too, but then I started experiencing some things I couldn't explain. I won't go into detail but I saw a figure one night, I've heard things and sensed things that I can't explain. I've never had this kind of experience until we moved into this house. My in-laws built it and lived here all of their married lives. My mil died in what is now our bedroom (mine and my husband's) but the hallway seems to be the area of the house that is most affected. I'll be honest and say sometimes I have to question my own sanity. :: I keep hoping there's a logical explanation for the things we've experienced but so far, I can't think of any that make sense. I guess my point in writing all of this is to say that I wouldn't just assume your dcg is just looking for attention. I know when my son would tell me the things he was seeing, we never made a big deal of it so if he were looking for attention, it was definitely not working for him. Whether she has an undiagnosed mental illness, is on meds, has a very active imagination or is really seeing's probably very real to her.

