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  • Calmness

    Do any of you have those days where one or two children aren't in care and your whole day runs totally different. There is actually a calmness over everyone? Everyone gets along, there is no crying, screaming, everyone shares, etc. The other big thing for me is no one seems to fall down or get hurt except these few and when they aren't here no matter what we are doing outside everyone is totally fine.

    I have noticed my stress level even goes down when I'm down by a few children. My family even notices the change in me. Do any of you do that also or am I just strange in that?
    Each day is a fresh start
    Never look back on regrets
    Live life to the fullest
    We only get one shot at this!!

  • #2
    Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
    Do any of you have those days where one or two children aren't in care and your whole day runs totally different. There is actually a calmness over everyone? Everyone gets along, there is no crying, screaming, everyone shares, etc. The other big thing for me is no one seems to fall down or get hurt except these few and when they aren't here no matter what we are doing outside everyone is totally fine.

    I have noticed my stress level even goes down when I'm down by a few children. My family even notices the change in me. Do any of you do that also or am I just strange in that?
    Everyone gets along, there is no crying, screaming, everyone shares, etc.

    That is my day care


    • #3
      Oh, that is mine also when the mix is totally right! This is the first year in at least 5 years where I'm having the problems I listed. When I do have problems it is the only children ones that have the problems and I have a few this year!
      Each day is a fresh start
      Never look back on regrets
      Live life to the fullest
      We only get one shot at this!!


      • #4
        i think you just need to know your limit and not go over that. right now I have 7 when everyone is here (its rare) but my personal preference is 5.


        • #5
          I personally don't think it has anything to do with knowing your personal limit. I think it has to do with the dynamics/drama mode/individual personality of each child of the group. I would much rather have a group of 6 well behaved kids than a group of 3 not well behaved kids.


          • #6
            Originally posted by mac60 View Post
            I personally don't think it has anything to do with knowing your personal limit. I think it has to do with the dynamics/drama mode/individual personality of each child of the group. I would much rather have a group of 6 well behaved kids than a group of 3 not well behaved kids.
            Absolutely! One child can change the whole dynamic of the group!!


            • #7
              Originally posted by mac60 View Post
              I personally don't think it has anything to do with knowing your personal limit. I think it has to do with the dynamics/drama mode/individual personality of each child of the group. I would much rather have a group of 6 well behaved kids than a group of 3 not well behaved kids.
              Completely agree!! I have gotten really good at knowing who shouldn't sit/stand/nap/be next to who.

              It is definitely the dynamics of the group and NOT number of kids in the group.


              • #8
                Originally posted by blessedmess8 View Post
                Absolutely! One child can change the whole dynamic of the group!!
                I have found this to be so very true indeed!

                And to the OP, I don't think you are strange at all! The dynamics in a group is HUGE and they will feed off of each others behaviors...good or bad!

                I also have seen that even if this group usually gets along great, all it takes is one child not getting enough sleep the night before to disrupt the calmness and change the atmosphere and tone of the day.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                  Everyone gets along, there is no crying, screaming, everyone shares, etc.

                  That is my day care
                  With a group of infants to 5 yo.... huh???? :confused:::confused:Everyone gets along, there is no crying, screaming, everyone shares, etc. Sounds like the "Stepford Daycare"....after 25 years in this business, this is simply NOT credible!


                  • #10
                    Oh my...

                    I had this last week and it was so nice!!! My siblings were gone for two days and it was so peaceful.


                    • #11
                      I agree mom2many. I only know my experience. I have only be doing this for a going on 5 years but I do know quite a few daycare providers and I really do think that what the OP is saying is something 99% of us can relate to. We also have to remember that everyone has a different tolerance level for certain behaviors and not all of us have the luxury of turning away kids that really are not the right fit. I have two criers right now that can be quite disruptive but we make it work. the amount of daycares in my area is unbelievable and while I am fairly strict on my policies, I can't afford to do numerous interviews or terminations and such that I think helps keep some of the disruptions at bay. I really like a lot of what nanny has to say and think she has a lot to share with other providers (I know she has helped me out on several occasions!) but I personally do not believe that a group of kids has no fighting or crying at all times. So don't worry OP, most of us here do understand what you are going thru!


                      • #12
                        I do, but I am not sure that it is the child that causes the issues per se. At least here.

                        When I'm down one kid I feel like I'm getting an easier day, so I'm in a better mood. The loudness is down considerably because I'm missing one child. One child can make it or break it!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by mom2many View Post
                          With a group of infants to 5 yo.... huh???? :confused:::confused:Everyone gets along, there is no crying, screaming, everyone shares, etc. Sounds like the "Stepford Daycare"....after 25 years in this business, this is simply NOT credible!
                          Stepford Daycare
                          Robot Daycare


                          I'm going to talk about behavior crying NOT getting physically hurt crying:

                          I have a three year old here that I haven't heard cry once since he was 18 months old. I have a 4.5 year old who my staff assistant has cared for for 2.5 years and has NEVER heard her cry. I have a 3.75 year old who I don't even remember the last time he cried. He was either a baby or a young toddler.

                          My kids don't cry after the age of about 2 to 2.25. It pretty much stops by then. The time between 18 months to 2.25 we will have very little crying but now and then someone will. The easy going ones will stop around 18 months. The froggier ones around 2-2.25

                          Right now I only have one under 2.25. He cries right before nap at noon. That's about it.

                          No crying at nap. Everyone goes to bed wide awake and puts themselves to sleep.

                          No crying at drop off or pick up.

                          My kids do NOT fight with each other. Not a single one of them here has ever hit or been hit. They love each other and are very sweet to each other. The older kids care for the younger ones. We don't have competition or selfishness.

                          I know how to raise kids and have the crying they do do actually BE over something wrong. If they fall down they may cry. If they hit their head they may cry. They do not do "behavior" crying here once they get a bit past two.

                          If one of the older kids (over 2) cry it actually startles us. It makes my heart race and my adrenalin pump. I get to them really quickly because I KNOW something is wrong. I'm also very sensitive to their mood. If they get even a little despair or frustration... I try to intercede at that level so it doesn't escalate. If they even start to squoooze out a little tear... it hurts my heart. I don't want them to be upset. I trust their feelings so I know if it gets to the point where they could start crying that something is NOT right.

                          I'm just doing it right for these kids in my environment. It works for US. That's all there is too it.

                          I feel proud that I've been able to do a system that is CALM and doesn't have crying kids. It's a HUGE selling point of my child care.
                          Last edited by nannyde; 09-09-2011, 06:39 AM.


                          • #14
                            So Nan, how do you get that environment? I'm seriously curious!


                            • #15
                              Nan, Are these kids you have had since infants?

