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Finally Told DCM that I Needed to use Vehicle Transportation

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  • #16
    Originally posted by AfterSchoolMom View Post
    - either she pays more or allows you to drive her child.
    Normally I would do this. Unfortunately she is one of 2 FT clients. The other 2 clients I have are PT and I enjoy having a small group. Let's not forget that there is that 3rd option which would be for her to find another DC. IF she decides that she doesn't want me to transport I would have my DD go to the other DC until I can find another FT client to replace her. I would rather be out $50 a week for after/school care than $160 a week. Two weeks of DC from her is my car payment.

    I'm also apprehensive because there's 2 other DC within a mile of me which both charge $125 per week and one (in a large home=more space ME condo=less space) provides the same services and benefits that I do. I do open 1 hour earlier and close 30 minutes later than her though.

    Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
    you could advertise for a new kid and just start that one kid off at a lower rate to get them in the don't HAVE to charge everyone the same rate.
    I know and I was thinking of doing this, but I just raised my rates from $155 to $160 a week a few months ago because that's what other DC providers that I know charge and offer the same as I do. Unfortunately the 2 that are in my immediate area I did not know and did not know their prices until I saw that they were both advertising on CL. Checked out their website links (my website is WAY better BTW : and saw their prices. My DH said that I'd have to match their rates and I told him to shut his pie-hole . I'd be willing to drop down to maybe $150 a week but not take $35 a week pay cut.

    Originally posted by momwith4 View Post
    when you take the kids in a car, you no longer can control the environment. Trust in you would have nothing to do with a car crashing in to you. IMO, there are too many uncontrolable factors when you are driving, that it really has nothing to do with trust.
    Yes and no. I agree that I would have no control over other drivers however what's the difference between her driving and I driving her son? She has as much chance of getting in accident as I do KWIM?

    Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
    how long ago did this mom enroll? Did she enroll a while ago and just not ever bring the transportation slip back? If that is the case, she may have assumed you were planning on accommodating her and not going to transport.
    DCM enrolled almost 2 months ago and did not sign the consent on purpose. I reminded her that the policy says that if you don't sign the consent and we use vehicle transportation then the child cannot attend that day. It hasn't been a problem because we only used transportation once every other week or so, sometimes once a week but very rare. I always let her know in advance and on those days she would schedule herself off at work (she's a manager) and still pays for the day regardless. Now however It'll be everyday.

    I already put up an ad and will put up my sign and some flyers again. I do have another client that will start again in 2 weeks but she's a "drop-in" client 3 sometimes 4 days a week. I don't want to count on her income however because one of my PTers is leaving to pre-school soon.


    • #17
      Originally posted by mrsp'slilpeeps View Post

      Until one day my daughter was puking her guts out at school and I had to leave her child with my neighbour who also ran a dayhome.
      I never thought about that. What does this mom expect during an emergency or something important?


      • #18
        Originally posted by MarinaVanessa View Post
        Normally I would do this. Unfortunately she is one of 2 FT clients. The other 2 clients I have are PT and I enjoy having a small group. Let's not forget that there is that 3rd option which would be for her to find another DC. IF she decides that she doesn't want me to transport I would have my DD go to the other DC until I can find another FT client to replace her. I would rather be out $50 a week for after/school care than $160 a week. Two weeks of DC from her is my car payment.

        I'm also apprehensive because there's 2 other DC within a mile of me which both charge $125 per week and one (in a large home=more space ME condo=less space) provides the same services and benefits that I do. I do open 1 hour earlier and close 30 minutes later than her though.

        I know and I was thinking of doing this, but I just raised my rates from $155 to $160 a week a few months ago because that's what other DC providers that I know charge and offer the same as I do. Unfortunately the 2 that are in my immediate area I did not know and did not know their prices until I saw that they were both advertising on CL. Checked out their website links (my website is WAY better BTW : and saw their prices. My DH said that I'd have to match their rates and I told him to shut his pie-hole . I'd be willing to drop down to maybe $150 a week but not take $35 a week pay cut.

        Yes and no. I agree that I would have no control over other drivers however what's the difference between her driving and I driving her son? She has as much chance of getting in accident as I do KWIM?

        That's true, but I would rather be the one who got in an accident(parent) with my child then someone else. Maybe your DCM is just thinking that if you do not transport her child, odds of getting in any accident at all are lower.Her or you.

        DCM enrolled almost 2 months ago and did not sign the consent on purpose. I reminded her that the policy says that if you don't sign the consent and we use vehicle transportation then the child cannot attend that day. It hasn't been a problem because we only used transportation once every other week or so, sometimes once a week but very rare. I always let her know in advance and on those days she would schedule herself off at work (she's a manager) and still pays for the day regardless. Now however It'll be everyday.

        I already put up an ad and will put up my sign and some flyers again. I do have another client that will start again in 2 weeks but she's a "drop-in" client 3 sometimes 4 days a week. I don't want to count on her income however because one of my PTers is leaving to pre-school soon.
        I do think that this mom should have kept looking though, since you told her you transport. Her mistake.


        • #19
          I agree. This mother made the mistake of assuming you would accommodate her. She should never have enrolled in the first place since she was fully aware of the fact you do transport. I don't think it should matter if it is one or 5 days per week. You drive with the daycare kids and sometimes that might mean her DD too. She should either go with it or simply just go.

          Either way, I hope it works out for you MarinaVanessa. It is hard trying to please everyone and sometimes it is just necessary to do what works for you and let everyone else own their own problems and worries.


          • #20
            Thank you ladies for your responses and point of views. It does let me think about the different situations etc. I for one had not really though about something hapening in an emergency. My policies encourage parents to review my emergency procedure which is in a binder in my kitchen. The emergency procedure says that in case of an emergency I would leave the remaining DC children with my aunt that lives across the way and if she is unavailable that the children would need to go with me to the hospital and picked up from there.

            I hope everything turns out fine too, I just can't seem to stop worrying about it KWIM? I really like this DCM. She's really nice, got her stuff together, appreciative etc. I would really hate to lose her as a client ... well eccept for the whole transportation thing . Drop-off what no different than any other morning. There was no wierd vibes, she was her usual smiley self, very nice and playful etc. Yesterday when I first told her her face and mood totally changed and then she got quiet which is not like her so I know she didn't like it. Oh well. Thanks agian ladies for the good wishes!

            PS: If she decides to stay but still not sign the consent form I will still be looking for a replacement. It's unfortunate but I know I have to do it.


            • #21
              Can you change the wording in your contract so that there isn't the option of chosing to sign a seperate transportation consent? I can't remember if you are licensed, I think you are, so not sure if it would be allowed for you. Here's what mine says right before the signature line:

              By signing below, you agree to the above provisions and give your consent for transportation to/from preschool and/or *** Elementary School. ***


              • #22
                Originally posted by kitkat View Post
                Can you change the wording in your contract so that there isn't the option of chosing to sign a seperate transportation consent? I can't remember if you are licensed, I think you are, so not sure if it would be allowed for you. Here's what mine says right before the signature line:

                By signing below, you agree to the above provisions and give your consent for transportation to/from preschool and/or *** Elementary School. ***
                I have already changed my policy, in fact I did it as soon as this whole thing started. All new clients will be required to sign the transportation consent form from now on. In fact I brought it up once I went through all of the paperwork with her and noticed she "forgot" one. She told me she didn't forget and purposely didn't sign it. That's when I told her that should we use transportation that DCB wouldn't be allowed to attend and she said it was fine as long as I tell her in advance (which is my habit anyway) and that she would schedule herself off for that day or days. BELIEVE me I have learned that lesson and now I make it a point to go through my "deal breakers" when I receive that first phone call.


                • #23
                  What about changing her hrs? Like later drop off early pick up? Maybe drop her rate for the change? I'd say $25 a wk? That way she doesn't have to worry about transportation. Explain that you want to do everything you can to make things work but you have to do what is best for your family. If this parent learns you are making plans around her things in the future will be hard. She will know you will continue because it is about money. I would either charge her more for your inconvenience or lesson the rate by making her work around you.

