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Finally Told DCM that I Needed to use Vehicle Transportation

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  • Finally Told DCM that I Needed to use Vehicle Transportation

    I mentioned before about how I would have to start driving my daughter to school but I had a client that didn't sign the vehicle transportation consent. So I finally let her know today that once school started (2 weeks from now) that I would need to take DD to school. She was not pleased. She didn't much say anything but I could see it in her face that she did not like it. She asked if she could think about and I told her that she could. I doubt she'll be ok with it however.

    Unfortunately I need the income and it's more cost effective for me to keep her and take my DD early to school (there are school grounds monitors) and be back before she drops off and have DD go to a DC provider friend of mine down the street from the school (paid) after school. My DH would pick her up after work at 4pm and bring her home. I'm planning on putting this on the table if she doesn't feel comfortable with vehicle transportation and start looking for someone to take their place that doesn't mind vehicle transportation.

    This is such a bummer because I had hoped that getting to know me and my family and seeing the type of care I give to the kids would get her to feel more comfortable and trusting towards me. It's just obnoxious that she doesn't trust me to drive DCB. I can't wait to hear from her letting me know either way. The suspense is killing me KWIM? I didn't think to tell her a date to let me know by but I figure if she doesn't give me an answer by Friday I'll ask about it. Grrr

  • #2
    I hope it works out. Can you add that it is just to school and back, not all over town? Or are you wanting to be able to go other places?


    • #3
      Do you really think she'll leave because of this? Has she said so?

      Were it me, I'd raise her rate to cover the cost of afternoon care for your daughter. If she balks at that, just tell her flat out it's one or the other - either she pays more or allows you to drive her child.

      I agree with making sure that she knows it's just to school and back.


      • #4
        Yes she knows that it would just be to school and back and it just plain stinks. She didn't say she'd leave but from the look on her face and the tone in her voice she did not look happy at all. She said "Well ... can I think about it?" with an emphasis on the "think".

        I really hope that I'm reading too much into it because I just looked on CL and I was looking at my competition. Looks like the DC down the street from me that is in a 2-story home (large home, large yard) has an opening and lists all of the same benefits that I do but includes Mother Goose curriculum and their FT rate is $125. Another ad for a non-name (probably a SAHM) is offering FT care for $100 a week. Mine is $160 a week . I just raised my rates dammit!!


        • #5
          For many years I had to transport my own children to and from school. It was a hassle to load all of the dcks into the car, but it was my only option.

          I never had any one actually complain about it, but I was pretty miffed when I found out one of my new dcd's had run my drivers license to see what kind of driver I was without telling me first. I had a perfect driving record and had nothing to hide, but it was just the fact that he was devious and didn't tell me what he was doing. (He had his own business and would run DMV checks on his employees, since they'd be driving company vehicles.) I guess it helped reassure him and we actually had a very good working relationship, in spite of the rocky start!

          Over the years, I'm sure there were parents that I interviewed with that felt the transportation was a deal breaker for them and never called me back, but it was never an issue keeping my spots filled.

          Wish you the best of luck!


          • #6
            I personally think she's being unreasonable and trying to control you. I sent a notice out in June that my daughter was start a new school in Sept so that for the entire month of Sept there would be no drop offs between 8:25 and 9am while we walk and get her used to the route. Noone complained. They KNOW I have kids and that their schedule needs to be worked around sometimes. It's on of the drawbacks of home care but it's a small one that doesn't outwiegh the benefits compared to center care IMO.


            • #7
              Originally posted by AfterSchoolMom View Post
              Do you really think she'll leave because of this? Has she said so?

              Were it me, I'd raise her rate to cover the cost of afternoon care for your daughter. If she balks at that, just tell her flat out it's one or the other - either she pays more or allows you to drive her child.I agree with making sure that she knows it's just to school and back.
              I would do this.

              I hated the days when I felt like I "had" to do what parents wanted in order to keep spots filled, so I sympathize with you on that . Life is so much simpler now that that's no longer the case.


              • #8
                you could advertise for a new kid and just start that one kid off at a lower rate to get them in the don't HAVE to charge everyone the same rate.


                • #9
                  The posts about transporting dck's always interests me because in my area, transporting daycare children is not a norm. As a matter of fact, only one provider does any type of transporting and it is only picking up school children. Her DH is retired and owns a tiny little bus and he goes around to all the elementary schools and collects the school kids.

                  Providers in my area do not drive anywhere with daycare kids. If any child care goes on a field trip, we use a local bus company and hire a small bus/van or we walk. In all honesty, as a parent I have to admit I would be one of those parents who would NOT be okay with my child being transported or riding along with the provider while she drops off her own children. When my own kids were young and needed to be at sporting events or other activities, I either had to have DH attend, hire a substitute, close or just not be able to attend.

                  I know that transporting seems to be quite common in some areas of the country, but I just wanted to say that as a parent, I would not ever be comfortable with my provider wanting to put my child in a car and drive them anywhere. ever.

                  I don't think she is trying to be difficult or to control you, just maybe hoping to avoid having her child transported. However, If this parent signed on knowing full well that you transport children and she was not okay with it then she should not have enrolled at all and that is unfair to you for her to not want to comply. I would simply not have choosen a provider who transported. That is where I think she messed up.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                    The posts about transporting dck's always interests me because in my area, transporting daycare children is not a norm. As a matter of fact, only one provider does any type of transporting and it is only picking up school children. Her DH is retired and owns a tiny little bus and he goes around to all the elementary schools and collects the school kids.

                    Providers in my area do not drive anywhere with daycare kids. If any child care goes on a field trip, we use a local bus company and hire a small bus/van or we walk. In all honesty, as a parent I have to admit I would be one of those parents who would NOT be okay with my child being transported or riding along with the provider while she drops off her own children. When my own kids were young and needed to be at sporting events or other activities, I either had to have DH attend, hire a substitute, close or just not be able to attend.

                    I know that transporting seems to be quite common in some areas of the country, but I just wanted to say that as a parent, I would not ever be comfortable with my provider wanting to put my child in a car and drive them anywhere. ever.

                    I don't think she is trying to be difficult or to control you, just maybe hoping to avoid having her child transported. However, If this parent signed on knowing full well that you transport children and she was not okay with it then she should not have enrolled at all and that is unfair to you for her to not want to comply. I would simply not have choosen a provider who transported. That is where I think she messed up.
                    There is nothing wrong with not wanting your child transported but she signed on knowing this may/would happen. That makes it controlling for me. She is trying to alter the provider's schedule and rules to suit her wants. My parents didn't approve of long trips on school buses when I was small since they didn't have seatbelts. So we either didn't go, my mom drove us or once the school made sure I was on one of three buses that had a seatbelt when we went on an overnight trip in grade 6. What they didn't do was insist the school take on additional costs to have buses with seatbelts because of their personal wants for us.

                    I'm very, very upfront about the fact that I do take the kids in the car occasionally without notice. We discuss it in our first interview and when we sit down to sign paperwork.

                    Today we drove to swimming lessons for example because it's crappy out and I happened to have enough kids on vacation that we actually fit in my car with the proper seats. 99% of the time we walk. I require a waiver both for transportation and carseat safety in my care. If a family doesn't want their child in my car they don't want me to provide care for them. No hard feelings on my part.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                      The posts about transporting dck's always interests me because in my area, transporting daycare children is not a norm. As a matter of fact, only one provider does any type of transporting and it is only picking up school children. Her DH is retired and owns a tiny little bus and he goes around to all the elementary schools and collects the school kids.

                      Providers in my area do not drive anywhere with daycare kids. If any child care goes on a field trip, we use a local bus company and hire a small bus/van or we walk. In all honesty, as a parent I have to admit I would be one of those parents who would NOT be okay with my child being transported or riding along with the provider while she drops off her own children. When my own kids were young and needed to be at sporting events or other activities, I either had to have DH attend, hire a substitute, close or just not be able to attend.

                      I know that transporting seems to be quite common in some areas of the country, but I just wanted to say that as a parent, I would not ever be comfortable with my provider wanting to put my child in a car and drive them anywhere. ever.

                      I don't think she is trying to be difficult or to control you, just maybe hoping to avoid having her child transported. However, If this parent signed on knowing full well that you transport children and she was not okay with it then she should not have enrolled at all and that is unfair to you for her to not want to comply. I would simply not have choosen a provider who transported. That is where I think she messed up.
                      I agreee with Blackcat. In my area it is not the norn either. As a parent, I also would not be okay with transporting.

                      I'm sure she does trust you, but when you take the kids in a car, you no longer can control the environment. Trust in you would have nothing to do with a car crashing in to you. IMO, there are too many uncontrolable factors when you are driving, that it really has nothing to do with trust.

                      Hope it works out!


                      • #12
                        I thought this was the mom that didn't sign consent for transportation. unless i'm getting confused without someone else, she didn't sign for her child to be transported. that's why there's an issue now.


                        • #13
                          I don't transport at all. In fact, I sold my van and bought a vehicle that wouldn't fit kids in it.

                          I'm keeping one carseat for the grandmas who forget theirs. But, I don't plan to use it for my car.

                          I live in a very crowded, busy area. Our schools have a bus, and those that don't are within walking distance, so I have no reason to drive my child anywhere. If they need to go to school, we'd walk them to the bus, or the school.

                          If I lived in a rural area where the schools were far away, or had no bus stops, I guess I would have made different arrangements. But, then I bet it wouldn't be so dangerous to drive them either. I don't feel safe driving kids around here.

                          I can understand a parent not feeling comfortable with her kids in a car every day. I think some parents are being overprotective... but, some are being completely reasonable.


                          • #14
                            I had a mom like that too! She did not want her child riding around with me.

                            Until one day my daughter was puking her guts out at school and I had to leave her child with my neighbour who also ran a dayhome.

                            So she would rather me leave her child with a total stranger than come with me to go get my child.

                            I told the mom that I need to be able to take these kids with me in an emergency, and needless to say she pulled out 2 weeks later.

                            Her choice, but my own babies will always come first before yours.


                            • #15
                              MarinaVanessa~ I must have missed your first post about this mom, but can I ask you, how long ago did this mom enroll? Did she enroll a while ago and just not ever bring the transportation slip back? If that is the case, she may have assumed you were planning on accommodating her and not going to transport.

                              I guess if it is a requirement of your program, like any other form, she should not have been allowed to attend without ALL the necessary forms being filled out and returned. I am thinking that maybe your silence (about missing form) was her assumption that transporting wouldn't happen.

                              I don't know, I am just throwing things out there.... If she just now enrolled then I would suggest just telling her that she knew you were going to do transporting and like Meyou said, she should not be expecting to control you. YOUR business=YOUR rules. If she doesn't want her child to be transported, she needs to find a childcare that matches her needs better.

