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Universal Childcare Rules and Regulations

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Catherder View Post
    I would so LOVE to be able to do that.

    Well, I will just sit back and hope... It is kind of like "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" to me.....
    When we begin our next round, I'll see if I can invite you to be a part of it.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Crystal View Post
      There is a momentum for what you are talking about to actually happen, it's just a matter of WHEN, not IF.
      There's never been a time in the 18 years I have done home child care where there hasn't been a national discussion about national standards.


      • #18
        universal reg. may look like a federal food program. reg. are universal but it is up to the state to enforce.


        • #19
          I just CA would eliminate some of the gray, open to personal interpretation, areas.

          I've read the 89 pages of regs, over and over, it really doesn't say a lot.


          • #20
            The differences in all the state regs makes one think about why were the regulations and rules put into place in the beginning. Was it because of an accidental death or injury to a child? Because of a family complaint? Who makes the regulations and who says why?

            Are there statistics that can show us which states, types of facilities or situations has had the most deaths or injuries. Is California strict because like warning labels, so many things have happened that the higher up people are forced to make a new rule to cover their butts or the providers butts?

            In what capacity do a majority of FCC deaths and injuries occur? Are they provider related (not enough education/skills/patience etc) or are they environmentally related?

            I would love to see a study done that shows that since California (or wherever) has decided not to allow exersaucers or bouncers and swings, has the number of deaths and/or injuries decreased? What sort of impact does all these rules have on FCC? Do providers burn out or get forced out due to all these crazy regulations and rules?

            Wow, I didn't think I had so many questions and I am all over the place with them but I guess statistics fascinate me. I LOVE information!


            • #21
              Originally posted by sharlan View Post
              I just CA would eliminate some of the gray, open to personal interpretation, areas.

              I've read the 89 pages of regs, over and over, it really doesn't say a lot.
              yes, a big part of the problem is the regs. in cal or not always very specific.

