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Those of You with SA's - Room Set up/Pics?

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  • Those of You with SA's - Room Set up/Pics?

    I know that there are a couple of you here that, like me, do primarily SA care. I'm interested in seeing pics of your set up if you don't mind sharing!

  • #2
    So 80 people have looked at this, and no one but me does what I do? I feel so special.


    • #3
      You are special, but I dont have SA sorry, I would not be of any help to you... If I did S/A I would have a large sound proof box in the middle of the room.....and it would be for me, notthe kids....

      You are a brave woman... I used to coach youth sports, so I know what you are dealing with, however, mine went home after two hours.... OH and if they mis behaved they had to run the track....


      • #4
        daycare, I LOVE the soundproof box idea. I wonder how much something like that would cost?


        • #5
          PRICELESS!!!!! hahah


          • #6
            Can I ask what is it that you are trying to do??
            Are you trying to set up a special area?


            • #7
              Nothing in particular. I just don't have any infants or toddlers in my care - it's SA's and SA's only. I've seen countless pictures of daycare spaces for younger children but very very few spaces for older children.


              • #8
                I think you have a speciality here. You should be charging a million a minute.
                Lol. Hopefully someone will come and help you out.......


                • #9
                  I think you have a speciality here. You should be charging a million a minute.
                  I wish the parents in my area agreed with you!!


                  • #10
                    i have a mixed age i'm not really helpful with pics....but

                    i know my SA still play in all the areas....dramatic play, blocks, art, table stuff like puzzles, etc. so i would set up my room to look just like the pics you are finding online, just gear the items included in each center towards SA.

                    i might add an area for homework, maybe a big kitchen table for ongoing projects (my SA constantly have projects out and come back to work on them later), a computer center, wood working area, cooking area, a table for board games....

                    i'd have a cozy area to for them too...a place for them to chill...with chapter books, etc.

                    maybe a music area with headphones


                    • #11
                      I've been peeking in this thread because I have thought about doing SA kids only once my youngest son is in school full days (Sept 2012). But I'm afraid in my area with things like the PAL aftercare that I just wouldn't make any money and well, I'm just not so sure I want a house full of the bigger kids. ::

                      I love Melskids ideas - that's kind of what I envisioned turning my space into someday (well, until I can actually turn it back into a living room).


                      • #12
                        Right now my space is set up as a small family room, and we do actually watch TV in there. There's a sofa and comfy chair, an old fashioned school desk, and a round table with two chairs next to a built in floor to ceiling bookshelf which holds bins with various kinds of blocks, art supplies, and books. I don't really have "centers" and the room is kind of small - about 13x15. The kids spread out for homework and snack at my dining table.

                        I've been wanting to make some changes or additions, because I've had the same set up for three years and I'd like a fresh new space for a fresh new group.


                        • #13
                          Sorry for the dumb question, but what is SA?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by littlemommy View Post
                            Sorry for the dumb question, but what is SA?
                            school-aged - meaning she just takes kids that are in school - no toddlers, preschoolers, etc.


                            • #15
                              school age

