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Chuckling At Neighbor

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  • Chuckling At Neighbor

    I was looking out the window when the neighbor across the street's daycare family showed up this morning. After the dad took the baby in, he pops the trunk and pulls out an exersaucer and takes it in the house.

    Uh, sorry, folks, no exersaucers allowed in CA.

    No, I am not going to call licensing and report them.

  • #2
    Why aren't you allowed exersaucers?

    I get that babies shouldn't be in them for long periods of time, but why the total ban?


    • #3
      We're not allowed the ones with wheels. The the saucer ones are OK. (Utah)


      • #4
        In CA we can't have baby swings, walkers, bounce seats, exersaucers and children can not be placed in a crib or pack-n-plack if awake...

        LIC. rules....I don't have any babies but I think those rules STINK


        • #5
          What?! Are you kidding? Where are the babies supposed to go if you're not holding them? I have anywhere from 2-9 kids a day, with only one baby (my own 4 month old) and I don't know how I'd get anything done if I couldn't put her in her bouncer or swing. We can't let them sleep in anything but their crib or pack n play, but my daughter falls asleep in her swing all the time. I can't wait until she's old enough to use a exersaucer. She just started using a Bumpo this week!


          • #6
            IIRC they have had deaths and severe bodily injuries on infants caused by non supervision in them, use too young, use too old, long periods of time use, etc.


            • #7
              Originally posted by daycare View Post
              In CA we can't have baby swings, walkers, bounce seats, exersaucers and children can not be placed in a crib or pack-n-plack if awake...

              LIC. rules....I don't have any babies but I think those rules STINK
              What does the state want you to do with them all day?! Hold them?! What about car seats? Can you have infants in them? Or what about Jumparoos for kids old enough? What kind of equipment CAN you use?!


              • #8
                That's very sad. Poor babies.

                It is also a shame that misuse by some would lead to an outright ban. Safety first though.


                • #9
                  We can only use swings for short periods of time. The baby has to be removed if they fall asleep.

                  IMHO, part of the regs are SIDS related as a baby slouched in a carseat or bouncy seat can compress their lungs. As nannyde said, some people use the exersaucers incorrectly - too youg or too old.

                  But even crayons when not properly supervised can cause choking should a child eat them.

                  The neighbor probably thinks that it's ok if the parents bring it, but it's not. We cannot even have them in the house for our own children's use.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by daycare View Post
                    In CA we can't have baby swings, walkers, bounce seats, exersaucers and children can not be placed in a crib or pack-n-plack if awake...
                    I'm in California and I was told you can use swings, thats about it. That's about the only thing you can use. And I've never heard that you can't put them in a pnp or crib when awake. If that's true.. that's something I wasn't informed of.:confused:


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by JaydensMommy View Post
                      I'm in California and I was told you can use swings, thats about it. That's about the only thing you can use. And I've never heard that you can't put them in a pnp or crib when awake. If that's true.. that's something I wasn't informed of.:confused:
                      Are you supposed to hold the babies until they fall asleep & then place them in the crib? That would be my main issue, I truly believe in kids learning to fall asleep on their own & that sort of rule would make it difficult for little ones to learn that on their own.


                      • #12
                        Exersaucers weren't around when I had my first - they had the walkers on wheels - WHEEE! ::

                        #2 son had an Exersaucer. He would rock it back and forth and move across the living room easy as pie. They are NOT stationery things at all.

                        I can't imagine having to take care of a bunch of children and not being able to put the baby in anything at any time of day. That's nuts!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by sharlan View Post
                          The neighbor probably thinks that it's ok if the parents bring it, but it's not. We cannot even have them in the house for our own children's use.
                          The only way to regulate them really is to say they can't be there. That's an easy check. They are either there or not. Providers wouldn't have the time to hide them when the inspector comes knocking at the door.

                          My guess on how it is really done day to day is that the cribs and high chairs are used at a WAY higher rate than in states that allow the swings, bouncy seats, jumparoos etc.

                          I went to a child care class that promoted NO high chairs either. Hold the baby in one hand and feed with the other. Of course there weren't any other kids in the video while they shot it. The caregiver was just with ONE kid.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by JaydensMommy View Post
                            I'm in California and I was told you can use swings, thats about it. That's about the only thing you can use. And I've never heard that you can't put them in a pnp or crib when awake. If that's true.. that's something I wasn't informed of.:confused:
                            Can you guys use swings?

                            Maybe I'm getting you confused with Georgia.

                            I think in California there is a time limit to being awake in a crib.

                            Crystal will know.


                            • #15
                              Please Someone correct me if I'm wrong. It's been a long time since my orientation days and I don't do infant care,
                              But I was told that you can place the baby in crib or pack n play for the purpose of napping only. You can't put them in there as a place to play toys or any other activity.
                              You can lay them awake to sleep, but only for that purpose.
                              Also about the swing I would call and check with LIC. I recall no swings for the reasons that nannyde stated.

