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What’s Your Parent Pet Peeve? Or Things You Love?

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  • #16
    -I hate hate hate late pickups - even if it is just 2 minutes. Especially if they don't call until AFTER they were supposed to be here - that's IF they even call at all.

    -LOVE when my daycare kids see me out in public and they run up to me and hug me and tell me they can't wait to come back to my house.


    • #17
      * I dislike it when they continue talking on their cellphone the entire drop-off AND pick-up without greeting/saying goodbye to me OR their child. This happens WAY too often here. Hand signals are not appropriate communication in this setting.

      * I like it when parents are proactive and tell me of any issues they are having at home with their child. It gives me a headstart on how to manage it before it becomes an issue here, too. Every now and again, I may even be able to help end it all together.
      - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


      • #18
        I LOVE
        • When the kids leave and they tell me they love me and the parents smile
        • Putting out a new toy/material and walking away and watching the kids think about and explore the many uses
        • Being appreciated for the love that I give the children
        • When parents think about and respect my feelings, my workload and my family time
        • When parents donate clothing, toys, dress-up stuff etc. to the daycare because they "thought the daycare could enjoy them"

        My Peeves
        • When parents are dishonest about something. I am more likely to be understanding if you tell me the truth than if I catch you in a lie, even a little white one
        • When parents constantly test the boundaries. This is stressfull and the last thing I want to do is reiterate my policies over and over again.
        • When parents have no accountability. Not everything bad is learned here at daycare.
        • Being underappreciated. Don't think about what I won't do, think about all of the things that I have done for you.


        • #19
          Amen to that, I had a client that blamed everything on teething also . Esp if her boy was misbehaving! Another thing that bugs me is if I cant reach a parent if a child is sick or they take forever to get her. One time I had a sick child and it was 2 hours until the child was p/u. One thing I love is when they show/say how much they appreciate me. Just this morning one of my Dads said " your the best". Now Im not trying to pat my own back its just nice to here once in a while!


          • #20
            I absolutely love when parents are appreciative of the care that I give there little ones. They show it in the Thank You's, Little gifts they give me, How excited they are in seeing the art activities they bring home. Sometimes I get text messages with thanks you's from the other parent which wasn't at pick up expressing thanks...that is just sooo nice!!

            My biggest pet peeve I think is late pick ups...I am a person who likes to keep to a schedule and it drives me nutz when a parent is late specially if I hadn't gotten a call. Disrespect is def. a pet peeve also.


            • #21
              I HATE:
              • When the parent takes forever to leave at drop off & pick up times
              • When the parent blames the huge green snots for teething
              • When the parent gives the child tylenol to hide a fever & then I discover it a few hours later... only to send them home
              • When a parent comes late to pick up
              • When a parent doesnt say thank you when I give their child a birthday party or a gift
              • When a parent makes me feel unappreciated
              • When a parent lies to me & takes advantage of my kindness
              • When a DCM complains about her husband being gone for a couple days while my hubby is in Iraq for 7 months


              I LOVE:
              • When a parent is quick with drop off & pick ups
              • When a parent keeps their baby home when they are sick so they wont spread their sickies
              • When a parent keeps their little one home when they have a day off just to spend some extra time with them!
              • When a parent picks up early just for the heck of it... especially on a Friday!
              • When a parent gives me a gift, card, flowers or anything to show appreciation
              • When a parent tells me how much their little one loves me
              • I LOVE LOVE LOVE when the parent tells me how much they appreciate me and all that I do.


              • #22
                peeve: not calling to let me know of schedule changes

                perk: being able to communicate honestly and openly about problems/issues/etc and have the parent not only listen, but take to heart, what I have to say. I love parents being on board about issues and working on them at home, whether it's potty training or biting or whatever!
                Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                • #23
                  I love:
                  When a parent respects my advice and is willing to help out with the problems that their child may have here at care. Or when child makes me a picture at home.

                  I dislike:
                  When parents feel as though I am at their service for everything their child needs becuase they pay me. Like getting told that I have to wipe a 5 year old childs bottom becuase that is what they pay me to do!!!!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by daycare View Post
                    Like getting told that I have to wipe a 5 year old childs bottom becuase that is what they pay me to do!!!!
                    Say Whuh?!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by MarinaVanessa View Post
                      Say Whuh?!
                      yup you read that right.... I had a parent tell me this before.... hints the word HAD, as that family is no longer here.....


                      • #26
                        I hate when parents are rude, come in talking on their cells, wake up nappers and try to push limits on contract policies

                        I love when parents are responsible about bringing in diapers, wipies etc. and when the kiddos ask me if they can stay and live with me


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by daycare View Post
                          I dislike:
                          When parents feel as though I am at their service for everything their child needs becuase they pay me. Like getting told that I have to wipe a 5 year old childs bottom becuase that is what they pay me to do!!!!
                          I have an ap for that.

                          "Oh excellent. You want my butt wiping service too? That will be 20 dollars per wipe. How many times a day does he poop?" Cha Ching


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                            I have an ap for that.

                            "Oh excellent. You want my butt wiping service too? That will be 20 dollars per wipe. How many times a day does he poop?" Cha Ching
                            lmao .... ok Nan this might sound creepy, but I had a dream about you last night..

                            I was dreaming that I was looking to hire a person for my DC. And in walked you... yeah it was a drem cuz I know that would never happen!!!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by daycare View Post
                              lmao .... ok Nan this might sound creepy, but I had a dream about you last night..

                              I was dreaming that I was looking to hire a person for my DC. And in walked you... yeah it was a drem cuz I know that would never happen!!!
                              Well did I get the job? ::::::::::

                              I've had people tell me that before. It cracks me up.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                                Well did I get the job? ::::::::::

                                I've had people tell me that before. It cracks me up.
                                I don't know... I got woken up by a wrong phone number about 2 am..

                                I just remember in my dream that i was so excited that I had to call my husband to tell him that you were at my house for an interveiw.......then the phone rang and the dream was over.....

