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What’s Your Parent Pet Peeve? Or Things You Love?

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  • What’s Your Parent Pet Peeve? Or Things You Love?

    Obviously the big stuff like non-pays are beyond a pet peeve but what little things do you hate? Just a spot to vent and have a laugh most likely. Secondly, what do you LOVE that a parent has done for you?

    *I HATE when parents blame EVERYTHING on teething! Oh man, I had a parent once that responded this way to everything their child did. Had a blowout diaper, must be teething, smacked some other kid, must be teething, ran out into the street, must be teething

    *I LOVE it when the parents pick up a little early on Fridays. Even 10 or 15 minutes is just so awesome. I have a few parents that do that on a regular basis and what a treat to start my weekend early. Even just showing up on time on a Friday is a treat!

  • #2
    *I hate when parents try to pick apart or push the limits on every single policy you have. "whats wrong with my kid wearing sandals?" "can he finish his chicken nuggets - he'll cry if I take them" "why can't i bring her at 12:30? you still get paid regardless, right??"

    *I love when parents tell me how I'm all their kid talks about at home


    • #3
      ** I dislike when parents stay 30+ minitues at drop offs or pick ups.

      ** I like it when parents tell me thank you and that they don't know what they would do with out me.


      • #4
        *My pet peeve is when they drop off early and I'm not quite ready for the day. It's not unusually early, but just enough that I get annoyed by it.

        *I love it when they are so flexible with you and respect you enough to follow your policy with NO reminders. Makes it so easy!


        • #5
          *(Aside from non-payers) My pet peeve is when I get a parent who is ungrateful and overbearing and their child is perfectly happy with me. I offer my services...they are more than welcome to move on.

          *I love five things:
          • I love when the kids do a project and the parents show the appropriate amount of awe and make a huge deal about it
          • When they tell me that their child says "I love Miss T" or that their child loves it and is soooooo happy here
          • I love when they have an unexpected day off and are more than happy to spend it with their child (and have no problem with me still getting paid for the day)
          • I love when they pick up early and I'm done way before I expected
          • I love when they run after me with their checkbooks all flustered trying to make sure I get paid early or on time

          Aside from one Pet Peever who is leaving the country next month, I have all great parents...thank God for them!!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by TBird View Post
            *(Aside from non-payers) My pet peeve is when I get a parent who is ungrateful and overbearing and their child is perfectly happy with me. I offer my services...they are more than welcome to move on.

            *I love five things:
            • I love when the kids do a project and the parents show the appropriate amount of awe and make a huge deal about it
            • When they tell me that their child says "I love Miss T" or that their child loves it and is soooooo happy here
            • I love when they have an unexpected day off and are more than happy to spend it with their child (and have no problem with me still getting paid for the day)
            • I love when they pick up early and I'm done way before I expected
            • I love when they run after me with their checkbooks all flustered trying to make sure I get paid early or on time

            Aside from one Pet Peever who is leaving the country next month, I have all great parents...thank God for them!!!
            So how exactly do you get an annoying parent kicked out of the country? share your secret please


            • #7
              * I hate when they use allergies as an excuse for every illness!
              * I hate when they are unapreciative and have the entitled attitude!

              * I love when the kids want to stay with me more than go home (makes me feel better after being unapreciated by DCP
              * I love hugs!


              • #8
                I hate when parents allow their angels to disrespect my neighbors' property.
                I hate when parents show that they really don't want to be involved in their children's lives.

                (Our jobs would be so much easier without many of the parents.)

                I love seeing my kids in the store and having them run up to hug and kiss me.
                I love seeing the smiles on my sleeping kids faces, knowing they feel secure.
                I love the parents who drop off a "treat" to say they care.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
                  So how exactly do you get an annoying parent kicked out of the country? share your secret please

                  Actually, the DCB and his mom are here on a 6 month Visa. And it's not just me....the family they are staying with are ready for them to leave TOO!!! The uncle just recently asked me to keep the little boy until 8PM because the house full of ADULTS can't handle him and his overprotective mother. I told him "Um no...if that were the case then he might as well move in with me!" can't make this stuff up!!!


                  • #10
                    I HATE it when parents lie. I always know. It could be anything from why they are late to having no idea that little Johnny wasn't feeling well... when he's pale, red-eyed, feverish and on the verge of puking at drop-off...
                    Honesty is a REQUIREMENT here.

                    I don't like it when parents say things like "Have a nice day off" or something similar when their child will not be in attendance when the daycare will still be open and I obviously have several other children to tend to!

                    I also don't like it when parents blame every little thing on teething or allergies!

                    With that being said, I have a really great group of parents right now... and I really have no complaints about any of them!

                    ALL of my parents say "thank you" every single drop-off and pick-up - which is the perfect beginning and end to all of my days!

                    ALL of my parents ask how I am each morning and seem to genuinely care. This is also very pleasant and welcome.

                    ALL of my parents pay on time... or even early.

                    ALL of my parents tell me they love me - and they love the quality care I provide. This is super motivating and makes me feel great!

                    I like that my parents recommend me to all their family and friends (we have a huge waiting list because of this) even when they know I am full!

                    I have one mom/dad who buy my husband and I "thank you" cards and periodically give us gift cards for "dates" (dinners, movies, etc). These are infanitly appreciated!

                    I have one mom who buys me make-up and other little treats every once in awhile, 'just because' - which is endlessly appreciated.

                    ALL of my parents have invited my husband and I to their homes for BBQs, trips to the cabin, etc... we always decline, however, because I don't believe in mixing business with pleasure like that - but the offers are always appreciated.

                    Like I said, I can't complain!


                    • #11
                      I hate the teething excuse too.

                      I hate when they toddlers go through that "if you open the pantry, you surely must want to get another snack out for me" so, they sit at the table and yell "YAY!" <--OK, that's not actually a parent thing.

                      I love that the parents all appreciate me.

                      I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE when they tag me on facebook in a picture of their kids doing something on the weekend, just because they know I like it.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
                        Obviously the big stuff like non-pays are beyond a pet peeve but what little things do you hate? Just a spot to vent and have a laugh most likely. Secondly, what do you LOVE that a parent has done for you?

                        *I HATE when parents blame EVERYTHING on teething! Oh man, I had a parent once that responded this way to everything their child did. Had a blowout diaper, must be teething, smacked some other kid, must be teething, ran out into the street, must be teething

                        *I LOVE it when the parents pick up a little early on Fridays. Even 10 or 15 minutes is just so awesome. I have a few parents that do that on a regular basis and what a treat to start my weekend early. Even just showing up on time on a Friday is a treat!
                        I HATE when parents disregard my PH and allow their children to bring food, toys, sippy cups. I also hate when they don't pay on time.

                        I LOVE when I am thanked. It rarely happens, but it warms my heart when someone appreciates how hard myself and my staff work.


                        • #13
                          What a cool thread.

                          My rates and schedule are disclosed before interviews can be set up. This is to avoid situations where someone is wasting my time or I am wasting theirs.

                          I also have a questionairre that I have potential clients fill out for each person who might be picking up their child. There is a reason for this. Several good reasons actually. This is my home.

                          So before I conduct any interviews, I know several things about a family. What they do. Where they live. What their work schedule is like.

                          It really roasts me when someone comes to an interview after I have submitted my very simple rate schedule, and after I have seen that they live in a half million dollar home, and then tries the old "I can only afford $50 a day and I need full time care for all 4 kids". OR "I have to work 2 weekends a month and daycare dad can't watch them. He's writing his thesis!"

                          This after pulling up in a new SUV, drinking a $5 coffee, with $100 sunglasses on, wearing $130 shoes. I'm not knocking parents who do any of those things, but really? Your idea of a good area to cut costs is the care of your kids? Because I'd skip a coffee a day and chip in a little more on the quality of my child's 12 hour environment.

                          I LOVE it when parents tip. I work my ass off, and this is a job. Every once in a while, nothing says "Thanks" and "I get it" like $50 cash. Bonuses are nice, and it does make me think better of my families.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by PolarCare View Post

                            This after pulling up in a new SUV, drinking a $5 coffee, with $100 sunglasses on, wearing $130 shoes. I'm not knocking parents who do any of those things, but really? Your idea of a good area to cut costs is the care of your kids? Because I'd skip a coffee a day and chip in a little more on the quality of my child's 12 hour environment.
                            The only thing worse than this is when it's a family on welfare that is getting free daycare already and complains about paying $2.00 a day! AND they still have every luxury even more than I do!


                            • #15
                              I LOVE it when parents tip. I work my ass off, and this is a job. Every once in a while, nothing says "Thanks" and "I get it" like $50 cash. Bonuses are nice, and it does make me think better of my families.
                              Wow, I've never had that happen once.

                              Late payment is my biggest issue, and so is my biggest pet peeve. However, next is when the "extras" aren't appreciated - like when I go out of my way to give gifts at Christmas time to both parents and kids, or to make a really fun holiday party or an outing, and don't get even so much as a thank you in return.

                              I love when parents follow the rules.
                              I love when they respect me.
                              I love when they pick up on time.
                              I love when the kids don't want to go home.
                              I love when they're all getting along and we get into a good "rythym".
                              I LOVE it when someone recommends me to another family!

